As I have been job hunting today (I’m so boring, this is all I do and all I write about), but I have passed countless openings in work that I would never want to do. Some of them are even along the lines of writing, etc. but it would be for business and technology magazines. The thought of working on that sort of stuff is enough to make me punch myself in the head (ala Joey from The Real World).
But if only I could be OK with working some boring job, then I could have things all sorted out. Too bad I’m not more like a robot and able to reprogram myself to like business. (Although I have no qualifications for writing about business).
Then all this got me thinking about other things I would reprogram. Like my clothing standards. I feel like I have talked to my sisters about this, but how much easier would it be if I liked to wear Tweety Bird shirts and tapered jeans. I would save loads of money!
I could reprogram the kind of guys I like and then just date everyone because I wouldn’t care. Everyone would be so much more fascinating!
Maybe I could even reprogram the things that people do that annoy me. Like I would no longer find winking to be insanely creepy and maybe I would even reprogram myself to like grocery shopping and talking on the phone…well, let’s not go crazy here.
But there are definitely some things I would not reprogram:
- My love for reality TV
- The fact that alcohol can solve my problems
- My ability to always get lost
- My insane people-watching skills
- The fact that at “almost” 24 years old, I can still be entertained by any shows on ABC Family or the Disney channel
- My ability to always be entertained by WILAY
Speaking of which, the other day I saw an episode I had never ever seen (I swear!). And I know my oldest sister is thinking I’m a liar and how is that possible. But it is! It was when Holly and Vince first start to like each other, well she does at least. And he stays over because they were putting together a grill. And I had never seen that one!
^ see, there’s the grill.
But it was super good and I feel like now I have accomplished a goal of seeing every episode. Unless there is some mystery episode I haven’t seen, which would be amazing. Cross my fingers!
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