So, I’m going to quickly review the progress.
OK, there was some stuff about hair and makeup on there. I have not gotten my hair cut yet because I can’t decide on what I’m going to do. I really kind of want bangs again, but then I always think about how I won’t be able to just pull them back. I will further process this and make a decision post-birthday.
Clothing change has started. I did take some things out of my closet to get rid of. I might need to do a second cleaning out to really see what I never wear and never will wear.
Hmmm…fabulous job….let’s not talk about this one.
Unfortunately LE and I still live at our apartment, but we are determined. At least it’s cleaner than it usually is and I cleared the drains in the bathroom somewhat.
Oh, my plethora of boys, definitely need to refocus on that one. Feeling slightly disorganized.
One that is going quite well is the zany situations. From pretending to be a couple with LE to the upcoming fun with my sisters, I’m sure this will only get better and better. I must say I’ve been quite successful with this one.
Now, how organized have I gotten? Not that much. I did go through some of my clips and print stuff off, but I haven’t really gotten things together. As soon as my sisters leave, I will dedicate a day to organizing all this. I swear!
Oh and then there is the pesky not wanting to think about money issue. Well, we won’t talk about this one right now either.
I guess technically, I’m still in Season One, where Val’s hair is highlighted all wrong and over-curled and Holly’s clothes are a little boring and they are both just coming into their own.
^ From Season One.
It’ll be just a matter of time before I’m at Season Four.
^ Season Four, where they look so much better.
Although I truly believe that Season Three was the best for both of them. But I couldn’t yet find a picture with both of them. I will soon and post it so everyone else can see the HUGE difference!
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