The absolute craziest thing we did was take a surfing lesson!
^ Me (Gigdet/Gadget) and my mom (Moon Doggie/Kitty)…I’ll have to get the before picture because it is way cute!
The nicknames are a long story, but I think these are the names we settled on.
Surfing was insane and exhausting and I only stood on my board like a few times, but my mom was a master at it. She even got a minor surfing injury, which I was a little jealous of.
My parents also fell in love with Wahoo’s fish tacos and I couldn’t drag them away from Huntington Beach.
Plus mine and LE’s cats were somewhat nice to my parents and hung out a little with them. So overall, everyone had a lovely time.
I would write more, but I am hungry for lunch and have to get my apartment back in order. Until tomorrow…
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