Maybe it’s because I miss our other stray cats who have gone missing or maybe I feel bad because one half of his body is missing fur and his tail is crooked, but I fed him and we (kind of) ate lunch together.
More cat news:
Last night Legal Eagle and Barbar were two of a kind. Barbar had crazy eyes and was acting like LE on Airheads.
^ Tried to find a pic of a cat chasing a person, but couldn’t. Instead, these eyes are what Barbar’s looked like.
Needless to say, I then found out LE had had a double cappuccino that night during her class and never in my life have I met someone who is so obviously affected by sugar and caffeine. It is ridiculous and mostly entertaining.
But they were like two wild cats chasing each other. I got run over a few times by Barbar, but I think he enjoyed having a play buddy since sometimes Schatzi can be a little too calm for him.
I think the game LE said they were playing was “Make the cats run.” Sounds about right.
And of course this did not tire little Barbar out as he chewed through a plastic bag to get to LE’s bird feathers (from her mom’s bird back home) and carry them around and play with them on my bed.
I then had to take them and hide them under my pillow. And while he nosed around, I fake threw them, which he fell for and eventually left me alone.
I will never ever have a son. This cat is my only one. Daughters would never act like this!
Tonight should be just as interesting…
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