Busy Weekend!
First, Legal Eagle and I went to Long Beach to protest the same-sex marriage ban. It was super fun and cool and made me feel really good, which is always nice.

^ Me protesting.

^ LE protesting. Is this LE’s first appearance on here? So much for anonymity…

^ The Protest
Now, Sunday was also a busy day. I had a writer’s meeting for LA2DAY. It went super well and I’m looking forward to doing more with them. Also, beforehand I had lunch with The Doc. He’s baaaaack…..
Cutting to the chase, he’s living in a house with a roommate and I met him there. Little did I know, his dad was there helping his gardener decide something about sprinklers. Yes, his dad. The convo went something like this.
Me: Hi.
Doc: Hey, how are you?
Me: Good, you?
Doc: Good, I actually just got back from work a bit ago. (He was in scrubs). I just need to change and take care of somethings and then we can grab lunch. My dad is in the back with my gardener, so I just need to talk to him really quickly.
Me: (in head) Scrubs? Interesting look. Wait…did he just say dad? Dad? Dad…his dad? Maybe he said Dan. His Dan? That can’t be right. Dad? Should I run away? Am I going to have to meet him? I should’ve ironed my shirt. At least I have my cute sailor jeans on. Dad? What does one say to a dad? How is he going to introduce me? How do I want to be introduced? Dad…seriously? How can you tell if you are going to pass out? Ok, a dad…I can handle this. Wait, he’s still talking, I should be listening.
So, I met the dad. And was introduced, again, as “friend.” Which is cool, I mean, haven’t seen him in a while, so I’ll have to figure all that out.
But lunch was good. His place is nice and he has a tangerine tree and some other stuff, but for some reason the minute I heard tangerine tree I got completely stuck on it and don’t remember what he said the other stuff was.
Now I’m in the mood for a list! A pro-con, good-bad sort of thing, now that I’m discovering more about The (reappearing) Doc.
Pro - Has a garden and gardener. Seems like it should be a “pro.”
Pro - Tangerines are one fruit I like.
Con - Has a gardener. I would like it better if he did all the work. Just seems better.
Pro - Has really good, modern-style artwork.
Con - None of it is up. Also, has a football helmet lamp. (Feel free to barf).
Pro - Dresses nicely. Has organized closet (yes, I snooped like a madwoman).
Con -(I have not confirmed if these belong to him or his roommate, although 99% sure it’s him) Crocs!There were crocs in the entryway. Crocs are my most hated shoes ever, worse than Uggs. They can’t be that comfortable and even if they are, they are heinous! It’s not like they also give you money, then I would consider wearing them.
Pro - Asked me how LE was. It’s a nice thing.
Con - Also asked me what I see myself doing in a year. A year? Whoa…hopefully not homeless?
Pro - Has copy of Men’s Vogue. Good I think, although are they shutting down? But, not a bad choice of magazine.
Con - Couldn’t remember that it was In Style that I freelance for. Asked if it was People (as if) and also couldn’t remember that I grew up in Chicago, not Iowa. Either he has a bad memory or he isn’t paying attention to what I say. It felt a little inconsiderate.
Pro - Made me laugh.
Con - Told me about a girl he dated in high school who now has a column for Vogue. My reply : Oh, that’s nice. (probably rolled eyes). And no, I did not get her name because I know better and knew that I would have come home and Googled her and read every stupid column she’s written.
Pro - Disliked the movie W. as well.
Con - I think he still expects me to be into watching sports (ie. Cubs, Bears, etc.) Um…well I don’t expect you to be into watching Top Model and going to fashion shows and reading Glamour.
Pro - Paid for lunch. Always nice.
Con - Weird money convo:
Doc: So how does freelancing work? Do they just call you and ask you to write certain things?
Me: Some of it works that way, but most of it is pitching ideas and then getting them accepted.
Doc: Oh, so you don’t really know if they’ll be getting picked?
Me: That’s the fun of it.
Doc: That’s rough, but you’re like okay money-wise or what?
Me: (long pause) Yeah, I’m okay.
Pro - Only called me Sweetie once when I was leaving. Although, then of course my thought is, “What? I lost my Sweetie status?”
Pro - Told me I looked cute.
Con - Told me specifically, “God, you look so cute, dude.” Yes, dude. And not like on Kath & Kim when Kim’s husband calls her dude all the time.
Con - Was using his phone a lot, like texting maybe? Don’t think he ever has been on it this much or at all, but he was this time and that’s just rude.
Pro - Doesn’t have anything scary in his medicine cabinet (yeah, I really snooped).
Con - Oh! I forgot! Monogrammed towels. Yes, there were monogrammed towels, hopefully a gift from his mom. I was going to ask about them (probably make fun of them), but since we haven’t seen each other for a bit, I decided to go easy. But what makes them really special is that they are his initials and then a I (like “the first” LE and I decided). So does this mean I know what he will be naming his son???
Pro - Kind of showed me that doesn't have it all together.
Con - Appears to have it all together and his life all planned out - remember monogrammed towels?
Pro - Close with his family and has a whole lot of pictures up, making snooping much easier.
Con - Has a whole lot of pictures up making the place feel old, he said he did it because it feels homier.
That was fun. I’m sure there is more to come. Now I really must get some work done.