Well, it was about our pretty, pretty bridesmaid dresses. She was calling to see if I wanted extra length. Yes, I did, we’ve had this conversation. But no, I don’t want to pay $30 dollars for it.
We’ve also found out that she bought dresses that are too big. She’s intended for them to be too big. Mine is too big by 2 sizes and LE’s is too big by 4 sizes. Yes, 4 sizes.
^ This is what I suspect we will look like. Fab!
We’re both pretty insulted and pissed about this whole thing. I mean, had she bought my size, I might not need to spend money on alterations. That would be nice.
Oh and I now know what a heart attack feels like as I had one when she told me the total price of the ugly dress, with shipping, tax and extra length of course.
And then I was reminded that this dress has a corset back! There is a ton going on in front and we get a corset back! Ew.
But now I will try to find some good in this wedding. Here it is:
- There is a mini-bride. I know, right?! Greatest thing ever.
- Bride Brain’s brother will probably sing. Awkward. Also, this reminds me of at our pre-grad dinner when all the families got together and we all introduced ourselves and the brother said he sang or something and my dad says, “Sing us something,” (probably tipsy), but the brother didn’t because he was shy or something (isn’t very good perhaps?). But it was the greatest moment ever and in my head I was laughing so hard.
- It will be a religious ceremony. Why is this great? Well, put LE and me in a religious setting and we can’t hold it together.
- Flasks. We will take our flasks all classy style.
- Being the black sheep. I think this will be fun. I will just have to be careful about rolling my eyes at the other bridesmaids.
This is really hard to come up with stuff, so I’m going to stop it now. But maybe I can muster together a long enough list to keep me entertained at this wedding. LE and I already have some games planned, like who can go longer without talking. I’m pretty sure I’ll win because LE feels compelled to fill in awkward silences.
I don’t.
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