^ Google’s image of chivalry. Whatever, I expected to see a guy doing the dishes.
OK, back to why I am even talking about this.
Weekend recap:
Friday night - the cast of characters.
LE: You all know her.
LEC: LE’s Coworker.
LECB: LE’s Coworker’s Boyfriend.
B/B: LE’s Coworker’s Boyfriend’s Friend (not to be confused with BB, his nickname is just very similar).
NTM: New Tool McToolson (I occasionally refer to The Doc as Tool McToolson, but then I referred to this new guy as Tool McToolson, so the “New” part had to be added as I confused LE).
Setting - Long Beach Fundraiser Party.
LE and I meet LEC and LECB and B/B and LEC’s sister. So LECB has been trying to set LE up with B/B. He is nice, a bit gooberish and not really LE’s type.
But, alas, they try and LE is nice and B/B seems a little too passive, but not sucky enough for LE to just blow off.
So we all get there, get some drinks (shout-out to LE for being my DD) and meet some more of LEC and LECB’s friends.
Then….we all go sit down in some VIP area or something, whatever. And of course I sit in between LE and B/B. Not a big deal. Then I find out that NTM is there and LECB wants to set me up with him. Whatever, he’s taller than me, good start.
So the sitting continues and during this NTM buys B/B a shot (important info for later).
Then NTM comes over to me and pulls me over the where he is sitting. This is so that B/B can “make his move and get to know LE.”
So I go sit between NTM and LECB while B/B sits next to LE and everyone thinks things are going great. (I am later asked if LE is into B/B and I say, “Oh I don’t know.” Yeah, because I don’t work and live with her and talk to her about everything so how could I possibly know?)
But life goes on and NTM tries to chat me up. We exchange what we do for work. I explain freelancing to him and he says he’s going to “Google” me to see what I’ve written. Good luck, there is some swimmer with the same name who has won a ton of things and some lame TV hostess. And are you really supposed to tell someone you will “Google” them?
He works for Edison. Snore! Although he tried a lame joke that he did something else, can’t remember, but it was not funny.
Night continues and before I know it I am stuck sitting with NTM alone. And while he seemed so-so up until now, he became a total Tool.
The next conversation went something like this:
NTM: Kiss me.
Me: Excuse me?! (combo of raised eyebrows, eye rolling and laughing)
We get back onto normal convo and I wonder if I can find LE. NTM asks me if I want to dance and I realize LE is probably out dancing as she had said “I might be in the mood for dancing tonight.”
So we head towards the dance floor and NTM pauses and I realize he’s chickened-out. He doesn’t want to dance and is waiting for me to make a move out the the floor. Then! LE appears behind me and I rejoice! All three of us head back to our seats.
LE and us quickly chit chat about how she had headed out with B/B to make everyone think they were hitting it off…ha! But NTM can’t handle that LE is there apparently or can’t handle not having attention or whatever.
Then this conversation goes on:
Me: We’re just having girl talk. (said not in a bitchy way).
NTM: Well have fun with that. (and walks away)
We have ourselves a pouter!
Night goes on and I recap LE on everything. Then we meet up with NTM again and the next convo goes like this.
NTM: So we’re closing out here and heading to Seal Beach. You coming? (maybe not exact words, but similar).
Me: Don’t know. I’ll have to see what we want to do.
NTM: Well, do whatever you want.
Oh, thank you! I can do whatever I want? How awesome!
LE and I did end up going to Seal Beach with everyone else, but to a different place than NTM I think. Haha!
So then LE and I of course had to recap our nights and wonder…is chivalry dead?
Not once did NTM ask to buy me a drink (and he bought his friend a shot, so he isn’t that poor) nor did he tell me I looked nice or give me any sort of compliment (LE was overcomplimented by B/B, which we decided is better than no compliment).
Also, what was he possibly expecting? I know LEC and LECB wouldn’t say anything bad about me, so this boy was seriously confused.
Hope this wasn’t too hard to follow.
On a more “chivalrous” note: The Doc texted me Happy Valentine’s Day on Saturday. Said he’d like to take me out when he gets back from traveling this month (I think he has this whole month off from work if I’m not mistaken). The plot thickens…
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