Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 215 cont. - Playing With Fire?

I got picked up at the grocery store today. Seriously! So weird.

Sure, I get yelled at from guys driving and drunkenly hit on by guys at bars, but a nice, clean pick up at somewhere like a grocery store has never happened to me. Who does it happen to? Again, so weird.

Want details? He was nice, young, a bit taller than me, in shape, Indian (?), but like modern Indian. Does that make sense? Probably not. I'd say he was cute-ish. It's hard to soak it in because I was way caught off guard.

How it happened? He came up while I was in the canned tomato aisle (haha, this sounds so cheesy!) and was like, "Hey, I just wanted to say that's a nice dress and looks great on you." (Note: I was wearing a yellow dress.) He then said something about where I got it because he has a sister visiting and she like stuff like that. Now, I'm not so sure this is true, but I went along with it.

We talked about a few things. And then he asked for my number to get coffee or something sometime. And I gave it. My actual number. Not a fake.

Sooo...where does this leave me? I think if he did call or text or whatever, that I would grab a drink with him. He was nice and Neighbor has not locked me down as a girlfriend. I'm free to date (in fact, we've had this convo about dating and dating others).

But, how does one even date two people? Oh god, I've never done this. Plus they both live in the area. New guy lives down the hill. Bad idea to date everyone in your tiny neighborhood? Plus new guy hangs out in the area and so does Neighbor. Yikes!

Well, easy to say I'll have to be smart and careful about this. And honest. I mean, if any guy asks about another guy, I guess I should be honest.

Here I am already worrying and this guy hasn't even asked me out.

I'll give new guy a name if and when he asks me out, not before.

Hmmm...I wonder when I'll see Neighbor again. I really do have so much fun with him. In fact, maybe I will blog some more convo snippets. Because our convos are sooooo fascinating. Vom.

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