Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 257 - Stop Trying To Win Me Over Mark Wahlberg!

I have a dislike for Mark Wahlberg.

It first started when I was editing an interview and he refused to acknowledge his past as Marky Mark in it. He also went on to say that those who don't have religion in their life are lost.

It then continued after I interviewed him in person and he was a bit of a bore.

Now, he's trying to change things.

I've been typing up tidbits about him for my new job and now he's saying that he would return to music for Justin Bieber.

First, I thought "Aww" because he said he'd do it for his daughter, then I thought "Awesome" because I've got major Bieber fever. And then I thought "Finally!" as he is admitting he was once in music.

Then, he was doing another interview where he said he got Bieber's number through agents and called and left a message so his daughter could talk to him. But as Bieber hasn't responded, Wahlberg said that he would handle it and just mess up his hair next time he sees him.

It may not sound funny, but picture it in your head.

So now I'm mad at Mark Wahlberg for trying to soften me. Plus he has that whole I Heart Huckabees film that I still love.


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