My cat Barbar has been getting sick. Well not all the time, but he gets hairballs (at least we think it’s him because we don’t have evidence to the contrary), but I got home to him having been sick which is not a pleasant thing to come home to at all. So zen was gone and now I know why Holly and Val never had a pet. The reality is soooo not glamorous. Although I wouldn’t trade my little monster for the world.
But alas, my apartment, clothes and everything would probably all be in a lot better shape. Wonder if this is how people feel after they have children? Probably.
Also came home to a bill from our apartment for when our toilet overflowed because we have to have the worst plumbing ever. So, my Holly and Val-ness is put on hold because now I have to deal with these sucky little things. Did their toilet ever overflow? I know Val once got her hand stuck in it, but she had Vic to help her out. I guess this is better than having my hand stuck in a toilet.
Made a trip to the grocery store, my least favorite place in the world, but felt like it could be therapeutic if I really tried, but then they didn’t have my face wash, so I stood in the aisle trying to find a new one for about 15 minutes. I’m sure most women can sympathize.
So I’ve decided that today will be my day to crash and get off course a little as I have a million and one things that I should be doing right now. Plus a while ago I had completely organized and filed my emails, which have now gotten out of control and I’m struggling to find anything. I’ll get back on track with my plans tomorrow, after I enjoy some What I Like About You episodes later today.
Oh! But I did have a very glamorous moment in the mail when I got a major gift card to a hipster bowling alley that I covered an event at for one of my freelancing gigs! So roomie and I will definitely be making a trip to go bowling.
And on a weird note, The Doc called me last night to see if I wanted to hang out this week. What’s his deal? I texted him to let me know when he’s free and so far have gotten nothing back. I’m about ready to write him off completely, so very over this back and forth game.
Everyone should be crossing their fingers tomorrow because I will be making a major step in my goals, hopefully! I’ll explain more (although most know what’s going on) if everything goes well!
And one thing I definitely need to do is get the second Shopaholic book, I am soooo addicted thanks to my mom. I feel like I’m in withdrawal!
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