The trip has been fun and we have definitely had some mini adventures. Well, for starters I forgot my toothbrush, which I don’t think I’ve ever done. So I grabbed one at the gas station when we stopped. But the best part was when the checkout guy yelled all loudly that he didn’t even know they sold toothbrushes with everyone behind me waiting to pay for gas. I felt great buying a toothbrush from a gas station, if not a little skeeved out. Oh and it is so awesome '80s style and bright yellow like the one below:
PS. Do you know how many image results come up for yellow toothbrush on Google? And most of them aren’t even toothbrushes. But my search did make me realize I definitely need some yellow shoes!
Oh, but here is during the trip when I began to feel a little like Holly. Well, roomie and I had set out a thing for breakfast since she had to get up early and make it to her test by 7:15. But our breakfast ended up coming late, so while we waited until about 6:50, I decided to call since she was busy pacing and tell them that we needed it now. And the guy was like well the chef says 7 more minutes. And I said no, just bring us some toast and fruit and coffee and OJ now. So they did, although they forgot the OJ which we will complain about later, but I was so happy that I could take care of things and my roomie managed to stop pacing.
Then I walked her over to her test and she had asked me to wait until she was in and everything was OK, just in case it wasn’t so I was like OK. But what neither of us knew was that we had to go through a huge convention center and wait in line for about 20 minutes. Now this isn’t a problem at all. However, everyone was nicely dressed since there was some sort of conference also going on and I was in pajamas. Now this isn’t a problem either except my pajamas were little blue shorts and a belly shirt, since it’s super hot here, oh and I hadn’t bothered to brush my teeth. But I took it all in stride and I think it was very beneficial for my roomie cause she laughed away at it and seemed much less nervous. I’ll admit, I got a few stares, don’t know if they were good or bad, but I’ll take them.
Now if I could really channel Holly, I probably would have gone to the conference since they were serving free breakfast. But I’ve just started my What I Like About You-ifying.
Oh and on a side note, we went to the hotel lounge last night and when we came back a can of shaving cream was on our dresser (obviously probably from the maids), but my roomie made me check for killers since this is how horror movies start. I even had to check the mini fridge for any chilled midget killers. It was empty.
Tonight we celebrate her finishing her test! So I’m busy sending my good vibes to her all day. Oh and I played a game while we waited about which people I would like as a lawyer and there aren’t many. Just my roomie and this guy with a super skinny, long goatee type beard. I think he would win every case because people would just be wondering about his beard.
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