However, while I can’t live in this show, I’ve decided that I am going to take everything I love about it and apply it to my life. In other words, it’s time for me to “What I Like About You”-ify my life.
I’ve decided to start with a list of everything I love about the show:
1. Apartment - Holly and Val have the most wonderful apartment ever. They have a giant loft decorated in bright colors and fun, modern furniture and decor.
Now this may take a little time because I am not going to spend the time and money into working on my current place as I hope to not be here much longer. But while I can afford the kind of loft they have, I can decorate very carefully and creatively. I’m looking forward to this one when my lease is up in the next few months.
2. Hair and makeup - I love their hair and makeup. And since it’s TV, it always looks good.
This could just be an excuse for me to finally get my hair cut, which is desperately needed. But before I do this, I am going to spend much time and energy on finding the cut that I really want. I am often quick to jump into a haircut and feel like it wasn’t just right. So this time, I will spend a lot of time with my magazines finding pictures of every style I like.
3. Clothes - They have the cutest clothes and actually dress their ages. And they always seem to be a little dressed up, which I love, even in jeans.
Having recently graduated college, I feel like my wardrobe is ready to grow up a little. I need more stuff with a little flair. So, to my pure joy, this will include the cleaning out of my closet and donating of clothes I no longer wear or want. I’ll work on accumulating new, fun pieces slowly and carefully. I must attempt to avoid impulse buys and buy quality pieces instead.
4. Job - Val, eventually, owns a bakery that she then turns into a coffe shop/jazz club of sorts, but she so loves it and it seems so fun. Holly works in the music industry doing something or other, but also loves it, although she isn’t there very often, but this isn’t the point.
While it would be so easy to give up on what I want to do, write/journalism, I have to make myself struggle through. I guess I’m too young to give up on what I really want to do, so I’ll keep freelancing and working to turn this into something a little more stable. Although it would be great to own a little cupcake bakery like Val, so we’ll call this Plan B.
5. Money - They never talk about money. Never freak out about it or are obsessed with it.
I hate talking about money and need to get to a place where it is not the first and last thought of every day. Obviously this will take time and go hand-in-hand with the job thing, so I’m ready to be patient and work at it.
6. Organization - OK, so Holly isn’t organized in the least. But Val is obsessively organized. I’m sure she never forgets when any bills are due or any work needs to be done.
I would love to get really organized to a point where I have files for everything and everything has it’s place. I especially need to get everything I’ve written and published organized. I’d love to dedicate a day to this and just lose myself in it. I might need some sort of file cabinet or filing system for things like bills and whatnot. Just thinking about how freaking organized I could get is exciting. This one I think I will be able to manage.
7. Zany situations - The best thing, possibly, is the crazy fun situations that they get themselves into. Plus they never get worried that they will get into trouble.
I’ve decided I will do more of anything that I want, so long as it isn’t too illegal and that way I won’t have to worry about getting in trouble.
8. Boys - They always have a nice selection of guys to choose from on the show. And they aren’t all the same type.
Must accumulate a nice selection as well. And I want many different types of guys, like a smart one, a surfer one, a funny one, a stupidly hot one, etc. As my roommate pointed out to me just recently, when one starts annoying me, I’ll be able to recycle them and move on to another. This seems like a great plan for me to take on at this time.
9. A “hang-out” place - Holly and Val have some bar they go to, but they also had the diner in the past. Eventually they just hang out at Val’s bakery/coffee shop.
While my roommate and I have had a place where we have hung-out, it hasn’t exactly been the kind of establishment I want to continue associating myself with. I need a new home away from home.
I was going to come up with 10, but can’t really think of another one. Plus I love the number 9, so this seems pretty perfect. And I already have a great roommate who can be a little like Holly and a little like Val sometimes. And I have great sisters, so there is no need to alter them. So I guess I’ll stick with these as my main goals and just add little bits as I go along. I was going to put that I should enjoy my guilty pleasures, like reality TV, more and not feel bad about it, but honestly, this has never been a problem for me.
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