On to other things. So there has been a boy; we’ll call him The Doc, since that is his job. Although my roommate has a different nickname, but it references his real last name, which is god awful, so I will refrain from using it.
So The Doc and I have been out on what I will call one and a half dates. I can call it two depending on what you consider a date. So the first date was a half of a date, and then there was this whole long process in setting up the next one, since he was traveling for a month or so.
But eventually the next date came to be. So I met The Doc up where he lives, there is a bit of distance between our places. The date went well for the most part, but had a few minor issues, which I chose to get past kind of - but this should be kept in mind for later in this post.
First, we went to this bar/restaurant for drinks and food. We ordered chips and dip and about 20 minutes into the date he did try to feed me a chip. I cannot explain how awkward this is. Of course, I responded by laughing and saying something like, “No no no, sorry, I don’t get fed.” I’m sure this knocked his ego a little, but I think he recovered.
He also has a habit that some might not be bothered by, but I am. He called me “Sweetie.” I’ve never really been one for pet names of sorts and not this early on for sure. But I let this slide and didn’t even reprimand him for this, mostly because I found it kind of funny and wanted to see just how often he would use it. Let me tell you, often enough.
Oh and he went to Northwestern, I will eventually explain my issues with this sometime.
OK, but cut to the chase. The date went well and so we chit chatted for about the next week. But then he asks me out one night, I can’t go and the ask is completely last minute anyway. So most recently he asks me out this last Friday (not for Friday, but to get together this last weekend). I say how about Sunday. He says he can’t, but tonight (Friday) or tomorrow will work. I say let me see if I can do Saturday night (I had to OK it with my roommate that we weren’t up to anything).
But here is where the annoying part comes in. I write back not even an hour later (it was like 45 min. if you’re counting) that I can do Saturday. And then his response is something along the lines of:
Well I made plans with my boys since
I didn’t think you were in but we can all
meet up.
45 minutes later. He couldn’t wait 45 minutes? So after discussion with my roomie, he is officially temporarily sidelined. Unless he actually makes an effort, which he hasn’t much during this whole process, he will be sidelined for good.
As with Holly in an episode where Holly and Vince were about to start dating, but then she found out he had been dating other girls while waiting for her, and Holly complained that Val made her watch sappy movies and that life is never like a sappy romantic movie, I will take Val’s advice:
Just because life isn’t like those sappy movies, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t hold out for what you want.
Now, I’m not waiting for him to fall in love with me or anything, far from it. But I do want a guy who will try and schedule me in advance because as my roomie and I noticed, I was always a day-of date with The Doc, and I should be a highly anticipated, planned-out date. I mean, I need time to plan my super cute outfit!
Although, my middle sister did point out that I said maybe I could do Saturday and to guys, maybe means no. Oh well, I’ll have to work on my guy vocabulary, but he’ll have to work on his scheduling.
On a completely different note: Off to Ontario, CA with the roomie for a couple days. I’ll have to see what kind of trouble we get into!
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