^ Mine and Legal Eagle’s fridge of numbers
Since we moved into our apartment last summer, we began collecting numbers from men who did not interest us and hang them on our fridge (which technically this began our senior year of college, but to a much smaller degree). I’m not sure if any of these guys believe we will call, but I do know that one often hoped. And another once asked us why we didn’t call although we struggle to remember who each number belongs to, so we weren’t sure if we had said we would.
However, these numbers have given us hours of entertainment and anytime we feel a little down, a glance at our fridge brings back many strange and hilarious memories. So I guess in a way we owe a Thank You to all these…interesting guys, although they don’t need to know that for fear of getting their hopes up again.
Unfortunately, a new number hasn’t been added up there in a little while. Possibly because we have been going out to different places and trying new things. And we haven’t been as focused on it as maybe we should be. So…I believe that this weekend LE and will need to get at least one new number to add up there. Our fridge is feeling awfully lonely.
Oh, and if you’re wondering about the purple and yellow post-its on there, those were numbers we got in our phones that we then transferred to the fridge. We keep our fridge of numbers very organized and take it very seriously. And I would advise every girl out there to start their own fridge of numbers, it is so worth it. And as LE pointed out to me:
If Holly and Val weren’t so relationship crazy, they would have had a fridge of numbers too.
And since we are on the topic of guys, The Doc texted me yesterday. Mind you, it has been over a week since we went out and haven’t talked since then. But he was very flirty in his texts, or was at least trying to be. However, I’ve realized that it is very difficult to keep my attention and since I hadn’t talked to him in a while, I’ve sort of written him off in my head. Plus, it’s not like he even asked me out again, so I’m really not sure I understand him. (And I know if my sister reads this, she’ll ask why I can’t ask him out, but he has already told me that his schedule is sooo odd and unpredictable, so it’s really up to him).
But LE and I are going to the OC Fair this weekend and I’m pretty sure we’re going to have a whole lot of fun. And I really hope they have corn dogs since I’ve never actually had one and that has been one of my goals since being out here. And I’m pretty sure there was a WILAY episode where Holly goes to Coney Island and talks about eating a corn dog.
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