What makes it sooo special is that it is just a slightly older version of WILAY. Nothing much to say about it other than how great it is and how I totally forgot that. I think I need a little more of that show in my life.
I have started organizing my clothes and getting rid of stuff I don’t, but it is very difficult because I come across something I never wear, but then imagine an amazing outfit with it and plan to wear it later (but never will).
On a completely different note, here are some conversations between Legal Eagle and me recently:
LE: There was a crazy swarm of bees on the road today.
Me: Really? Like on the highway?
LE: Yeah, maybe they weren’t bees, but there were a lot. We’ll have to check the news for it.
Me: You think bees will be on the news?
LE: Yeah, they made day into night there were so many.
Me: Well, now you’re just getting carried away.
LE: I think I killed a few.
And then about 2 minutes later:
LE: Oh god, Evil Lady (LE’s old boss) once tried to give me this bread with purple yogurt in it.
Me: Ew.
LE: I know, she said it was some special bread.
Me: Did you eat it?
LE: No……..well, a little.
Me: Ew!
LE: Just the bread part and only a bite.
Me: ….
LE: Well and then I thought I saw a line of cinnamon in it, so I had some more.
And then today she told me quite possibly one of the best the best stories ever:
LE: There is a small dog running around our office building and he came in a took a post it out of my purse.
Me: It’s like off of a TV show. Did you have to chase him?
LE: Yeah, I chased him and cornered him in another office. Then he rolled over for me to rub his belly.
This made me realize that a person chasing a little dog who has stolen something from them is one of the best images you can ever have in your head.
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