Down to Huntington Beach where we did catch the end of the parade…Legal Eagle and I are breaking our streak of always missing the parades we intend to go to. And then of course we stopped into Hurricanes for some drinks and eventually some sliders. And got primo seating outside later…and continued our streak of falling for buying those shots in test tubes, which are never very good, but we had to have one.
Met up with one of LE’s bosses who is super sweet and has our dream apartment near the beach in a very cute complex…with young people living there!!
Well, conclusions from the 4th:
- Sparklers are illegal in Huntington Beach and very tricky to light.
- British boys are slightly odd:
Convo between LE and one of the British boys (who we will call Ben after British Ben on WILAY):
LE: Is that beer keeping you cool?
Ben: (Holding mostly empty beer bottle to his head) California is heaven.
^ the real British Ben
- LE and I need bikes.
- Fireworks are the same no matter what state you are in.
- It’s very easy to get lost in HB, but you will always find a sidewalk to take a break on and people playing beer pong.
- It’s good to no longer be 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20.
- Pre-eating is by far the greatest thing ever and LE and I will be re-implementing it into our lives.
The rest of the weekend was devoted to nothing. Watched a million movies including the very horrible My Blueberry Nights.
LE’s analysis of the film: This movie makes me want to kill myself.
My analysis of the film: Blueberry pie is like the worst pie anyway…other than pecan. Pecan pie is awful.
But we also got to see the wonderful Definitely, Maybe. Which LE thought would be horrible, but was really…well, not very good, but good in a “Saturday afternoon-nothing special to do-tired from the day before-just want to munch on snacks all day” kind of way.
However, the festivities have come to an end and I have a seemingly uninteresting week ahead of me.
Although maybe this will be the week that I organize everything I have ever written and go through my clothes…since LE and I cleaned our whole apartment yesterday I’m feeling like it’s time to get organized. Oh, and our clean apartment does not make it feel more like Holly and Val’s. It just feels clean.
Oh, but I can’t forget the best part of this upcoming week: The next episode of “The Secret Life of the American Teenager,” or as I call it, “The Jamie Lynn Spears Movie.”
Well, my email box is a mess again and needs some major work, but email is so very overwhelming because they all just sit there and you can’t focus on one because there are 50 other staring at you. I should so keep on top of it better.
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