Can’t think of one thing in particular to blog about, so today will be a bunch of random, little things.
Last Friday I did make it to Blockbuster and have come to realize that I should not be allowed to go to Blockbuster alone, as I came out with 5 movies (I really wanted 6, but held back).
However, I have watched 3 of them already…2 to go!
And the reviews go as follows:

^ Word Wars - A-, good, but the people followed in it become pretty depressing. Wordplay, which is the crossword puzzle version of this film is much more recommended.

^ McLibel - B+, It’s interesting and I knew nothing about it, but goes a little slow for me and not enough juicy stuff.

^ Breakfast at Tiffany’s - A, Would have been an A+, but they have turned it into a color version and Blockbuster did not have the black and white…why would they do that? Don’t you just love milk in a martini glass…
I have a new show that I am so hooked on: Flipping Out (with Jeff Lewis). I love having new reality shows to love and gorge on.

^ He’s totally creepy looking!
But, he is so honest about being shallow and unemotional and needy. I love it. He’s way psycho, but so fascinating. I cannot get enough of this show and since I’ve never watched it, there is plenty for me to catch. This could be dangerous.
And another thing I am excited about: yet another blog!
But this time it’s a little, fashion blog:
Falling for FashionPlus my party dress is featured on it today.
Now I must go spend the rest of my day like Carrie Bradshaw, sitting and contemplating and being fabulous in my little apartment. Oh wait…there are dishes to do, cat litter to be changed and jobs to be found. Until tomorrow…