5:50am: Wake up to alarm and snap out of a dream. Worst feeling. Realize previous dream had been about high school classmates. Roll eyes.
6:05am: Rejoice in not needing to wash hair because I will be curling it today.
7:10am: Begin panic because I have nothing to wear and it's my last day! Raid Legal Eagle's closet and find super cute casual top. Decide I look like a rock star.
7:22am: Rifle through purse to find out if I have enough change to get me to and from work.
7:23am: Do a little dance when I realize I won't have to hit up the bank on my lunch break to get money for the bus.
7:23.15am: Am a little sad in knowing I won't have a reason to take a brief walk outside to the bank.
7:35am: Catch the bus.
7:40am: Am a little sad exiting first bus because I adore our driver. She isn't friendly until you get to know her and I finally broke through this last month. I say my goodbyes.
7:50am: Celebrate catching second bus right after walking to stop from first.
7:50.15am: Realize second bus is really crowded. Worry about having to stand as I am wearing 3 inch heels. Decide seating order should be: Old/Disabled people, Pregnant women/Women with babies, People in high heels.
7:50.25am: Rejoice in seeing an open seat. Think it's because of good karma from giving up seat to child yesterday.
7:50.26am: Cry a little inside because the open seat is next to a sleeping man.
7:50.27am: Begin prayers that sleeping man does not lean on me.
7:52am: Notice girl with REALLY dark lip liner and bare lips. Rejoice!
7:53am: Begin to ponder how the trend of dark lip liner and light lips started. Think about Googling it later.
8:00am: Dance in head when sleeping man gets off at next stop. Maybe praying does work.
8:05am: Exit bus and head to Peet's for my special last day holiday drink I am treating myself to.
8:07am: Start getting excited about special last day holiday drink while waiting in line. Almost fail to notice two super cute guys. One a little on the short side.
8:08am: Begin to order my Peppermint Mocha. Cashier compliments my blush and calls me darling! This is exceptionally good since yesterday I thought I looked like I had pink highlighter on my cheeks. Eh, probably do.
8:09am: Realize I will miss the super sweet workers at Peet's (even though I only went 3 times).
8:11am: Get drink, decide that as sweet as the staff is, the drinks at Starbuck's are better.
8:11.45am: Ponder who first came up with the holiday drinks as all coffee chains have the same ones.
8:12am: Try to hurry to catch elevator. Then, doors are held for me.
8:12.10am: Am pleasantly surprised when I notice doors are held by cute guy who works on 4. Have seen him pass by on 5 a couple of times, but have had no interaction.
8:12.11am: "Oh, I've got mine," he says as I begin rifling through my giant purse for my ID to press my floor. (Why can't I just put my ID somewhere I can find it?).
8:12.12am: Am even more pleasantly surprised when cute guy presses my floor without me even saying what number. Quickly ponder if it's because he has briefly noticed me on 5, or if when he held the doors he thought, "That's the cute girl on 5."
8:12.13am: Begin chit chat with cute guy. Roughly goes as such:
Cute guy: How are you?
Me: Good. You?
CG: Good. It's bagel Friday.
Me: (Rejoice that he loves bagel Friday as much as me) I know, helps me get through the day.
CG: So you're doing the merchant content stuff?
Me: (In head: How's he know?) Yeah.
CG: Cool, so it's like the same stuff every day?
Me: Yeah, pretty much.
CG: (laughs) That's rough. Did you see the email [big time sales guy at company] sent yesterday around the office?
Me: No.
CG: Oh, he was really praising what you guys were doing. You must be pretty good.
Me: (Do an "I'm awesome" dance in head) Oh, that's great to hear.
8:12.23am: Curse elevator for not getting stuck. Cute guy says bye.
8:12.25am: Decide I will get my bagel when I see him pop up to 5 for his.
8:20am: Wonder if I can hold out for cute guy to get his bagel. So hungry!
8:30am: See cute guy pop up to 5 for his bagel! Rejoice!
8:31am: Ponder if going to get my bagel when he does will seem stalker-ish.
8:31.10am: Decide I need to be a little more bold. Get up to get bagel.
8:32am: Yay! More conversation with cute guy:
CG: How many of you are working on the project?
Me: Three.
CG: What are the others' names?
Me: [Name] and [Name]...and I'm Molly. (Kick self mentally for being so awkward in my introduction, while wondering why he just asked their names.)
CG: I'm [cute guy]. So how long is the project going on for? Indefinitely?
Me: No, actually today is my last day.
CG: (Looks up from his bagel with shock on his face) What?! Today??
Me: Yeah, it was a 3-month thing. Now I guess they have to run numbers to see if it's worked at all.
CG: I'll have to send out an email to convince them to continue it.
Me: (laughs, rejoice, and wonder why he is wearing light blue jeans).
CG: So then what's next for you?
Me: I think going back to freelancing for a bit and take it from there.
CG: Oh my roommate just started freelancing. Seems like a mixed bag, stressful but nice to set your own schedule.
Me: Yeah, that's completely it.
CG: Can't believe today is your last day.
Me: (In head: Why did we jsut meet today?!) Yeah, it's weird to think I won't be heading here Monday.
CG: (finishes with bagel) Well, have a good last day.
Me: (In head: That's it?!) Thanks!
8:40am: Begin to think that cute guy should have made more of an effort. And get sad that today really IS my last day.
8:41am: Realize I saw three cute guys before 9:00am. There must be tons out there!
8:42am: Decide I must have been walking around blind my whole life if I'm just now noticing all the cute guys.
8:55am: Stuff giant strawberry in mouth, realize this was a poor decision. Struggle to chew.
9:00am: Ponder whether cute guy comes up here for lunch. I think sometimes.
9:10am: Begin thinking that a whole bagel may be too much for me today.
9:11am: Continue to crank through some work. Pat self on back.
9:45am: Realize cute guy and Mr. Kiss Me have the same name. Not sure what to make of this.
9:45.38: Hear coworker say she has Starbuck's. Wish I did too. Peet's didn't even ask or put whip cream on my Peppermint Mocha!
9:46am: Do quick work email address search on cute guy. Find out last name and exact position at work. Am pleased with sleuth skills.
9:48am: Am tempted to Google cute guy. Decide that is NOT the best idea while at work.
10:15am: Discuss on Gmail chat with LE that she may be allergic to a lotion she uses every now and then.
10:25am: After having gotten advice from my parents on a "I'm leaving" email to send editors at work, get further advice from LE and am pleased with all the good advice.
10:27am: Find out oldest sister saw Ellen and Oprah! Am jealous because Oprah is someone I definitely want to see in person.
10:35am: Email further with oldest sister. Have to look up Lynda Barry. Ponder how awesome it is that someone can make a career out of creating comics.
10:43am: Hear during HR phone call that pets get insurance through this company. Begin REALLY wishing I was full-time here.
11:00am: Decide the world is a mess after reading some blogs and news bits online.
11:20am: Read bit about how Sarah Jessica Parker loves the smell of dirty diapers.
11:20.10: Stop reading.
12:25pm: After working hard, hard, hard, spend 5 minutes in bathroom trying to decide if I have too much makeup on. Luckily lighting is dull in office, so no one probably notices.
12:55pm: Watch video of women's soccer game where one woman back punches another and pulls another down to the ground by her ponytail, among other violent moves. Realize my mom was right to be scared of me playing soccer with older and bigger girls. Sliently thank my lucky stars...and mom.
1:15pm: Decide, despite not starving yet, I should eat lunch.
1:16pm: Ponder having soda to drink. Figure I need some water since I had a big ol' coffee this morning. Get water.
1:20pm: Give LE my Hotmail address. Shocked to find I still know the password since it's nothing like I usually use.
1:30pm: Read bit about how Miley Cyrus has never heard a Jay-Z song as I take my lunch. So many things are dumb about this statement, all I can think is WTF?! Lies!
1:47pm: Get nervous about preparing email to editors for fear of seeming like a beggar. Then remember story Casey told LE and me about how she got her part-time teaching gig:
Casey: I just kept emailing the woman in charge of hiring constantly until she gave me a job.
1:47.30pm: Decide there is no harm in showing interest and persistence.
1:55pm: Get email for my exit interview and to get my final check. Sad and excited all at once.
3:06pm: Stress about subject line for email to editors. Text oldest sister for help.
4:14pm: Finished up exit interview. Got check! Score!
4:22pm: Told I can wrap up and head out! Boo ya!
Hope you enjoyed my final day at work! What next....