Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 163 - What? It's Monday?

Last night Legal Eagle and I were thoroughly confused as to how we missed the whole weekend.

Saturday I cleaned ALL DAY! OK, sure there were some TV breaks during this time, but I cleaned our kitchen, living room and bathroom. Also, cleaned off my desk and got rid of tons of junk mail and random papers. Now the challenge is keeping everything clean...

Then Saturday night I ended up hanging out with our neighbor and a friend of his. LE ended up at a BBQ that ran into the night, so since we had been trying to hang out with neighbor forever, I decided to pop by. was fun!

We all mostly just hung out, watched TV and talked. Oh, and we watched some episodes of Strangers with Candy. Yes, neighbor totally has some very good TV DVDs. He even has one season of Three's Company. (After I told LE this, she asked, "When you saw it, were you like, 'swoon'?")

Neighbor's friend was cool and very funny. LE and I have met him in passing before and he has some friends who do stunt stuff for movies I think and I actually gave him my business card because he's looking to get them some press.

Of course, I was totally worried about "Oh, will they like hanging out with me or think I'm totally lame???" but never fear, I easily won them over. (As if I have to try.) How, you ask?

Well, as neighbor does film and video editing, the topic of movies came up. When asked what kind of movies I am into, I responded as such:

Me: Well, really I like scary movies.

Neighbor: Really?

(What? I don't look like a girl who would be into scary movies? Is it the heels or the flower, fluffy, party dresses?)

Me: Yeah, but more like the stuff from the '70s and '80s. My sisters and I used to watch them all the time when we were young.

Neighbor: Seriously?

Me: Yeah.

Neighbor: What's your favorite one?

Me: Well, it's not a very popular one, but my all-time favorite would be Graduation Day.

Neighbor: Are you serious? So that's the one you watch a lot?

Me: Yeah, my sister bought it for me a long time ago on old school VHS. The case is all broken down, but it's so good.

Neighbor: I just recently got Graduation Day on DVD.

Me: Shut up!

Neighbor: Yeah, I don't think I've ever known anyone who knew that movie.

Me: Me either.

Thank god for my awesome taste in movies. We then talked about all the old movies and I raided some of the ones he has which include a variety of camp horror movies (Yay!) and high school horror movies (Double yay!). Only difference is he can remember titles to movies, whereas I have to describe the whole plot and hope that he can figure out which one I am talking about. And that can be very difficult with '70s and '80s horror movies as they all take place at a sorority house or camp or high school or slumber party. And he mentioned the New Beverly Cinema which plays old movies, even once Graduation Day, and it sounds pretty cool.

Oh, and neighbor is moving next door (not right next to us as he is already right next to us, but in the building next to us). It is mine and LE's dream building. It looks Bavarian or German? But, as we were talking about the movie Paranormal Activity, neighbor told me how he's hoping his new place is haunted as it's much older than other places here. And, tons of Hollywood people have lived around here and in OUR building that I didn't even know about. Anyway, I told neighbor we should do a Ouija board session at his new place. I had to explain I don't have one because LE is not crazy about the idea. He isn't crazy about the idea either. Why does no one want to Ouija board with me???

But I think I might be able to talk him into it. He said he'd prefer to think that there was a ghost hanging out in the corner near the bathroom rather than sitting next to him at the Ouija board. But I assured him that it would be safe because we'd get crystals and light a white candle and take all the precautions, to which he replied:

"I want to meet your crystal supplier first."

But when I told LE I want to Ouija board his new place, I think she was kind of on board with this! With both of us working at it, I KNOW we can convince him!

Moving on...I think he really wants me and LE to bring our cats by. OK, not "think," more like "know." I think LE told me that his family had a cat and he always loves to see ours. So, since LE also wants to make some time to hang out with neighbor, I think we will be bringing our cats by very soon, maybe this week?

All in all, it was a fun time. Oh! And he knows a lot more about all this random stuff in our area, so LE and I are going to start searching for the Garden of Oz. It is apparently in Beachwood Canyon (our area) and is locked to everyone except those who have keys, but you can see the garden through the gate. Neighbor hasn't found it, yet.

But of course, anytime you tell anyone that you hung out with a guy there are the inevitable questions.

I told my middle sister about hanging out there and she asked, "Is he cute? You should date him."

Then when I told LE about hanging out with him, she asked, "So would you say he is datable? Were there sparks? We could double-date!"

You want answers to all this? Well, that'll be the next blog. Or the one after that.

As for Sunday, I slept late as I stayed up past my bedtime on Saturday. Then I went for a nice walk to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf for a chai and some breakfast. Then I returned home to try to clean my room. I did an OK job, but did not go through my closet or makeup or reorganize anything. I did pick up the floor and my shoes and clothes are all in place. I then took an afternoon nap in the sun. Nice! Managed to hit the grocery store and chill out with LE while we talked about things we should be doing. Instead we played with the cats and caught up. Oh, and we watched some awesome TV as always.

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