Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 167 cont. - Second Chances

I'm not one to give second chances to people I dislike based on personality. Maybe it's a bad habit, but so far I've been a pretty good judge and I just know the kind of personalities I get along with right away.

However, I'm being forced to, in a way, give a second chance.

OK, backstory!!!

Many months ago (in summer 2009?) I went to a party for a company I do editing for often. Legal Eagle came with and we met a new worker who was from Philly, so we shall call him Philly on here. (Side note: He is programmed in my phone as "Philly...Ugh..." which is really weird to have that pop up on your phone.)

We met Philly and we talked to him for a long time and, since I had a few drinks and it was way hot, I, of course, thought it would be a great idea to invite him out with LE and me later. Poor decisions little lady.

We hung out and he was annoying. He was all, "Philly is awesome. I'm from Philly. Blah, blah." LE still hassles me about inviting him out.

He has bugged me since to hang out and I have had every excuse in the book. But many of them have been true! I was convinced to ignore him even more when I checked out his Facebook page and noticed that he is Republican (Ew!) and likes that dumb Tucker Max book (Double ew!).

However, I recently received a text from Philly and he offered me some work. What?!?!?! I accepted and he then also mentioned a housewarming party he was having at the beginning of February.

I quickly im'd LE.

Me: If I accept the work then do I have to go to the party?

LE: Hmm...prob. I'm excited. We should go. Maybe hot guys will be there.

Oh my LE, always optimistic. So now we are going. I looked up his roommates, one girl, one guy. The guy isn't bad looking...well, actually, he is one of those guys that depending on angle, hair and whatever can either be totally cute or totally not.

I really wanted to avoid this guy because I just have the feeling he is one of those tools who thinks feminists are women who hate men. Maybe I can educate him with some more liberal views. At the least, it'll be interesting and an entertaining story for LE and me. Here's to second chances, I guess.

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