"When Kenley grows up, she wants to be Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."
^Me too. Where does one apply?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Day 229 - Heard On Toddlers & Tiaras
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Day 228 cont. - Hey Shorty
Day 228 - All About The '80s
I have sooo much to update, but for now, I'm just going to go over the '80s birthday party for Legal Eagle and her bf this past weekend. Pictures to come later.
The Rubix cube cakes I made were a smashing success. Seriously. People flipped over them. I was really proud and it was a good addition to the party. Also, it made for a great story to tell everyone how I made them using toothpicks. Never again.
LE and her bf hired a taco guy for the food at the party. I guess it's a big thing in Southern California. And that was also a smashing success. The food was really good, wish I had eaten more. Plus it allowed for no one to have to cook or clean up.
There were drinks aplenty. They didn't run out of anything which is always a relief at a party. LE made about a bajillion jello shots which are apparently really a hit at parties. Jello is weird, but in shot form, they work. Go figure.
People dressed in a variety of '80s outfits. From rock 'n' roll to preppy to hip hop to exercise wear, there was everything. Some people didn't dress up, too bad for them.
I played a bunch of video games. Not even sure how that got started, but I jumped right in. I didn't win, although did come in second in one quiz game (which I cheated in, but no one knew).
While I didn't know most of the people, I think I hung out with just about everyone at some point in time. I may have been all over the place.
There wasn't a single moment of drama or fighting or anything negative.
LE and her bf both enjoyed their birthday party. Although when they blew out their candles someone made them feed each other cake. Luckily, they both agreed this was awkward.
No one lost or broke a camera/phone/any item of importance. In fact, one of the best things was that everyone used everyone's cameras so there are all sorts of silly pics on every camera. It really was a good group of people at the party.
With all the drinking, I was smart and always kept a bottle of water with myself. I felt like I was acting like a mature drinker.
OK, more to come, but I really have some work to catch up on. Hope you can wait until later!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Day 227 - Aaaaand....I'm Off!
I'm nutty busy right now. Legal Eagle's '80s party is tomorrow and there is so much to do!
Clean, cakes, finish outfit, this, that and the other. Luckily, I worked ahead and don't have any job work to do.
I won't have anymore time to talk until...probably Sunday. Then I will have so many updates for you, so keep your fingers crossed that I just feel like curling up with Melvin and typing away.
Tons of pictures to be posted as well!
Happy Weekend!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Day 226 - All Is Almost Well In The Land Of Molly
Hi! Just checking in.
Let's see:
Work is good. Sent out a pitch today that I am really hoping works out.
Legal Eagle's birthday party is Saturday! '80s time. My outfit is almost all done. I think I just need some neon shoe laces. Although I still have to make the Rubix cube cakes that I am slightly nervous about.
Neighbor and I are good. He took in a stray kitten that was abandoned. Yes, I know. I'm trying to make sure that he cares for it properly as he seems to think that he can let it eat whatever it wants to eat. And no, Neighbor will not be going to the party because he will be at a wedding in Michigan. I guess that's a good enough reason.
Weather is getting better. It was cloudy yesterday and a bit sunnier today.
LE hasn't guessed her birthday present from her bf. He asked me about it to confirm that it was a good choice and something she didn't have/would want. She's bugging everyone for hints, but hasn't had any luck as I threw her off with a really random clue today.
Our apartment is clean. Doesn't always happen, so it's always nice when it is.
All in all things are good. The only bad thing is my stupid dental work and annoyances are never-ending. Oy.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Day 225 - Thank God I Have Stuff To Do
I'm upset with Neighbor. Is this anything new? Yeesh.
Here's the short story. He sent me a text Wednesday night. We went back and forth and I eventually asked what he was doing the next night (Thursday). He said he was hanging out with a friend earlier in the night, but maybe we could watch a late movie. I said we could see, but that I didn't want to interrupt his plans with his friend.
Skip to Thursday night. Neighbor sends me a text (around 10, maybe) and asks how my night is. I reply and ask about his. He says his friend got sick so he's just been hanging out at home watching some movie. He asks what I'm doing and I reply.
Now I feel a little insane, but why did he not ask me to hang out when he found out his friend was sick? And if he wanted a night to himself, which I totally respect that need, why did he tell me he was up to nothing or even bother texting me? He hasn't even made any attempt to spend any time with me. Hasn't asked what I'm up to this weekend. Nothing.
I assume he'll get in touch with me today or this weekend and he'll be getting one-word responses. (NOTE: When Legal Eagle and I are mad at boys we respond to everything in one or just a few more words. It's our favorite thing to do and it gets the point across. It's interesting to see how quickly they catch on.) But if he is interested in me, he has the worst way of showing it. Or rather no way of showing it.
SIDE NOTE: Earlier this week, I made a promise to myself that I would not be initiating any contact with him because I want him to do some of the work. It has worked, although he hasn't tried to make any date, so that hasn't worked.
So, I will continue to not text or call first. Luckily, I'll be very busy this weekend getting the rest of my outfit for LE's '80s birthday party, decorations and planning the awesome birthday cake/cakes I am in charge of. And some other boring chores/work.
GELSON UPDATE: He sent me a text yesterday. Said he was all busy this week and maybe we could go out Sunday night. Puh-lease. As LE said when I told her the exact text: I hate it when guys try to make it seem like you are an inconvenience in their busy schedules. Because it takes so long to send a text?
OK, we will catch up more later bloggity blog.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Day 224 - I Swear, I Did Stuff This Weekend...Maybe?
OK, I feel like I watched a lot of TV this weekend and laid around, but I know I did stuff!Saturday: First, breakfast at The Waffle with Legal Eagle. Yum! I had a waffle with bacon cooked in it. Yes, that is an awesome concept.
Then we went '80s shopping at Out of the Closet and Vintage Iguana. It was way successful. Don't worry, there will be pictures!
Then I think I laid around and watched TV the rest of the day.
Oh wait! No, no. I went to the grocery store at some point and ran into Gelson! I knoooooooww! UPDATE: I did not hear from Gelson after our date on Tuesday. He then tells me he was going to call me Sunday (5 days later?!) and kind of asks me on a date. I mumble some sort of lame response. Haven't heard anything more. I'd be bummed if I had really liked him. Phew!
Sunday: Called mom!
Go out to grab lunch at Sweet Love Hangover with Neighbor. Discover that they are now closed on Sundays. Perfect.
We ended up grabbing hot dogs and fries at Skooby's after I mention how I've wanted to go but have been too scared to go. Had a nice time with Neighbor despite the food not being all that great. Walked around Hollywood for a little bit and told Neighbor how I will someday get a stress test done at the Scientology building. He won't go with me. :(
Then, well, I laid around and watched TV. Nice.
Out of the Closet,
Sweet Love Hangover,
Vintage Iguana
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Day 223 - "Paparazzi"
^I have a major crush on this 6th grade boy. Seriously insane and adorable and totally going to get love notes passed to him in class.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Day 222 - Happy Mother's Day!
In honor of Mother's Day, I thought about the best advice my mom has ever given me. It's hard to choose one piece, but the one I think about often would be:
"When you don't get a job or something else goes wrong in life, give yourself an amount of time to pout and whine about it, but then when that time is up, get over it and move forward."
It's recent (last few years) advice and has been advice that I use all the time.
I was going to post a picture, but I realized all my pictures are on my old laptop and I'm too lazy to turn it on right now. I'm sure my mom will understand...maybe I'll turn it on "in a minute."
Friday, May 7, 2010
Day 221 cont. - Work Is Hard When You Have A Cat In Your Lap
^At least once a day when I work in my room Barbar sits on the side of my lap. He then stretches his paws out on top of my hands in what seems to be an attempt at stopping me from working. I hate it and adore it at the same time. This is a picture of that. Oh, and how freaky does my elbow look?! Hahahaha!
Day 221 cont. - Bam!
Done working! Mostly...I can do some other stuff later, but things that needed to be done are done!
What's up for this weekend?
Saturday: Brunch (maybe, I think) with Legal Eagle at The Waffle. We've both been wanting to go and it's just down on Sunset.After brunch, we will be going shopping for outfits to wear to her '80s birthday party. I originally thought I would do an aerobics instructor thing, but now we might hang by the pool for her party. I'll just wing it and collect random '80s clothing and put some sort of outfit together. We've been looking forward to getting our outfits for months now.
Sunday (Mother's Day): Call my mom. Ha.
Then maybe I will go to Sweet Love Hangover with Neighbor. We had briefly said maybe we would this Sunday, but no definite plans. I'll probably check in with him about it today as he has already texted me. That would be fun, but if he can't, what shall I do? LE will be going to her bf's Mother's Day events. I suppose I could work on my own writing. I'll just make a relaxing day of it. With lots of food to eat!
OK, maybe my internet back home is working again. Going to go find out!
Sweet Love Hangover,
The Waffle
Day 221 - Is Friday Over Yet?
I'm working at Starbucks because there is a Time Warner problem in my area and my internet is not working. While getting out of the apartment is always nice, it set me back in my work about an hour or two as I called to find out what was going on and then had to hike down to Starbucks. Considering I screwed up with that other issue earlier this week, I'm ready for the weekend.
OK, time to crank out the rest of this work (so close!) so that I can go home and do whatever it is I want to do.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Day 220 - Oy To The Vey
I saved over some work with more work. Now I have to redo the other work. Bummer. It's not the end of the world or something that was due ASAP, but it will make my Thursday and Friday busy. Yeesh. That means no fun blogging until I have time.
FYI: After a movie date last night, Neighbor and I back on the same page (read: I froze him out earlier this week and he's given many apologies after much talking). Oh, and yes, there was some kissing. Finally!
More on my life later! I promise!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Day 219 - My Coffee Date With Gelson...And Other Updates
OK all, here we go!
First, as I was getting ready to go, I grabbed a hammer to put in my purse. Legal Eagle was at her bf's place, so I would be heading home alone with no one around to meet me or make sure I was safe. And since this girl doesn't have pepper spray (should I buy some?), I took a hammer in case Gelson or anyone else was up to anything. And if a guy ever asks why you carry a big bag, just say to carry your hammer!
So, I went to coffee with Gelson yesterday night around 9:00. We were both on time, in fact, I think I arrived just after he did. That saved any weird waiting for either of us. I greeted him with a side, half hug. It was awkward-ish.
Then we ordered our drinks: A chai tea latte for me and for him? Any tea with lots of anti-oxidants. Yes, that's what he ordered. I snickered on the inside.
We did end up sitting in the back room where I also sat with Neighbor. Oh, and there was a couple making out in there. It was the best thing ever!
Here's what I've learned about Gelson:
- He's An Actor! Yes, let it soak in. I finally feel like I've arrived in LA now that I've been on a date with an actor.
- He's originally from Brooklyn, but his family has since moved to Florida.
- He's been out here about 5 years and has had a few recurring roles on some shows.
- He's also a personal trainer. Yes, it really does get more cliche.
- He wears a bit of man jewelry: 2 rings, watch (which is fine) and a necklace.
- He's traveled a lot.
- He loves, and I mean loves, the Lakers.
- Actually, he really likes everything. Anything I mentioned, he would be like, "Oh yeah, I like that..."
- He has a summer birthday. He's a Cancer.
OK, here is one part of the conversation I must share:
He asked me if I could have dinner with 3 people (dead or alive) who would it be? More cliche.
I chose all women which spurred on this:
Gelson: All women? You don't hate men, do you? You're not some sort of feminist, are you?
Me: Uh, well, I'd say I'm a feminist.
G: Yeah, but I mean a man-hating feminist.
Me: Well, feminism, by definition, doesn't have anything to do with hating men; it's just equal rights and fair treatment.
Normally, I'm pretty agreeable on dates/when first meeting people, but the whole feminism thing is just out-of-control. Like what? No, I'm totally not into women's rights and protection? Yeah, that sounds good.
What else?
OK, here's how the date ended. He had been telling me about the new building addition to his building. It was just recently finished. He then, quickly says, "Let's go and I'll show you the new stuff." Before I can spit out a "No thanks," he gets up from his seat and keeps talking.
I walk out with him and we head back toward my street. When we reach it, I stop and tell him I'll be heading home. He says something like, "Oh, no, we can just stop by and I'll show you the new stuff they put in." I say thanks, but that I plan to head home now. He then asks if I'm sure. Well, I'm 25 so I'm pretty sure I can make my own decisions. We then hug and head our own ways.
I felt it was a little pushy to keep asking me to go by. I get a guy is going to try, but stop asking at some point.
Overall, it was an OK date. Was there major chemistry? I'd say more like a no. I don't really have an interest in kissing him...which isn't so good for dating, I'd say. He's a bit too chatty, like hard for me to get a word in. But he asked me stuff and was nice enough.
Oh, but after the date? I skedaddled home to do a search on him now that I knew he was an actor. While it was hard to find a valid age on him, a site did have his correct birthday month and date, so if they had his correct birth year too, then he is 35! He looks young, but it could be the whole actor thing trying to seem young. Oy, 35. I know age differences work for some, but I still act like I'm 5. We'll see what happens next....
In other updates:
Neighbor called me right before I left for my date. I swear, he can smell another man around! He apologized some more and we talked, cleared the air. He's promised me a date to Sweet Love Hangover, most likely Friday or Sunday.
But, he also asked if I wanted to hang out tonight. So, we might watch a movie. He says he has a good one picked out for me. Man, I just can't stop myself from dating!
And one more update:
I got a giant screw put in my mouth yesterday at the dentist. It hurt yesterday, but now I am just sore from some shots they gave me. Yuck.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Day 218 - Stuff Your Sorries In A Sack
OK, here is what is up:
I had lunch plans with Neighbor yesterday.
1:00 rolled around (and as he had said he would call or text me before lunch) I decided to shoot him a text to confirm that we were still on.
2:45 rolled around and still no response so I texted:"I guess we're not doing lunch."
3:20 rolled around and finally a response! He says something about how we will grab something to eat, just not lunch. Maybe something later? Or even next week?
I write back, because I want answers, asking if he was even going to bother telling me that he was canceling lunch.
He writes back that of course he was going to tell me, "have some confidence," but that he just woke up 45 minutes ago (that makes it 3:00, making it also 1 hour after the latest we were going to lunch).
I write back that I assumed I'd hear earlier considering he said we'd go out at 1 or 2.
Then he calls.
I actually missed his call because I went to the bathroom, but I did call back.
We talk. Well, mostly he talks and I give one word answers. He says how sorry he is, but that I shouldn't worry about it. He also asked if he could make it up to me or bring me dinner. I said I had plans with Legal Eagle for dinner. (I then hoped she would be around for dinner.)
I said various things such as, "I'm pissed off at you" and "Don't get sarcastic with me."
Mostly, I tried to explain to him that it wasn't him canceling on me that was wrong. I get it if you have to work or something. I'm mad because he didn't even make an effort to let me know. It was completely inconsiderate of my time and schedule. It showed me how he felt I could be treated and, whether he thinks it or not, he blew me off without a second thought.
He then asked for a date on Thursday. I said I didn't know if I wanted to go out. And to be completely honest, I'm not sure I do. I don't want to be treated this way and if I can't rely on him to do what he says he will for a simple lunch date, what can I rely on him for?
The conversation ended with that. He then called again later yesterday night and apologized some more, saying he had thought about it and realized how he probably made me feel, blah blah.
Sure, it's nice to hear "Sorry," but it doesn't change what he did or whether he'll do it again. So, I don't know. I'm sure I'll whine some more on here about this later, but I have work to do. It is Monday.
Oh, and in more inconsiderate guy news, Gelson texted me to see what was up last night...at 10:45pm. I had just gone to bed. For all he knows I'm a teacher or something and wake up super early. Plus, we barely know each other, so he has no place in texting me after 9 or 10 the latest!
I haven't responded, but will later today.
On the upside, I am getting a good opportunity to teach guys how to treat me by not letting them get away with whatever they want. Kudos to me? Why not...
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Day 217 - Hello Regular Molly, Welcome Back
Phew! I feel much better. A little sneezy this morning, but no watery eyes or miserableness.
Hmm...I bought a black, straw fedora this morning at H&M. It's totally cliche, but who cares! I'll post a pic soon.
Also, in boy news (because work news and cat news aren't all that exciting...nevermind, cat news is great) Neighbor called today! He has confirmed for tomorrow. We're grabbing a late lunch (around 1 or 2pm) at Sweet Love Hangover. Oh, and when he confirmed, he called it a date. If only all guys knew that using the word date is all they need to do to make us happy.
I must admit that I do like that he calls. Despite my phone phobia (it's still alive and kicking!), it is a nice effort and feels more serious than shooting me a text.
I can't decide what to eat tomorrow. As my sister told me, they have a deep fried poptart sundae. Seriously! Is it wrong if I just eat desert tomorrow?
Don't worry, I'll keep you updated on what I eat...oh, and on my date.
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