Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 252 - That's A Brilliant Idea

Yesterday, part of Sunset Blvd was completely closed off and shut down during rush hour. This was due to a protest.

That means, yesterday as I took the bus home from work, all of the traffic was diverted to Santa Monica Blvd (my route home).

I ended up getting home an hour later than usual...and that was with having Legal Eagle pick me up on the way because she was already home. So it probably would have been much later.

Oh, and the protest? It was because a hotel was cutting jobs. I know unemployment sucks, but really, during rush hour?

But, at least I was sitting next to a wedding singer on the bus who serenaded me with love songs (in a non-creepy way).

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 251 - Just A Pit Stop

Hi! Just checking in. So busy!!

Week has been good. New job is good.

Monday night Legal Eagle and I went to some little bar in West Hollywood because LE's boss' girlfriend's friend was singing there. It was good. She reminded me of this other singer I like who I can't think of but she sings this "Captain" song that I love.

Other than that it's been work, work, work. But less than a week until my mom is here! Yay!

Hmmm...really not too much going on. Trying to get on top of all my work so that I can have my mom's whole visit off from work.

Oh, I saw Jesus yesterday. He lives in West Hollywood. Seriously, saw him...beard, white robe outfit and all.

More later, but I should go get ready for work...or sit for a few more minutes.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 250 - We're Not Talking

Barbar spilled a glass of water right by Melvin and some of it got on him.

I got up for about 5 seconds only to come back to my cat sitting by a puddle of water, bits splashed on Melvin.

So, Melvin temporarily freaked out, but is OK now, I think. I freaked out, yelled some very loud curse words.

Yes, I know I shouldn't have had water by Melvin and I shouldn't have left it when I got up, but Barbar shouldn't have dumped it everywhere...especially if he was trying to get a drink because there was enough in there for him to be able to reach it with his head.

So, we aren't talking. I don't even want to see that cat right now.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 249 - Maybe He's Stalking Me

Ran into Neighbor again. And this time I looked adorable!

He's really pushing grabbing a drink next week, even said he's not working on the work that he was doing at night. I think he finished that project last week?

But as usual, not holding my breath. If we do go, I'll be shocked. If we don't, I'll be expecting it.

In awesome news, I found a CVS nearby so I don't have to haul to Target anymore to get my razors. Believe me, this is like finding a $100 bill.

Also, in heat news, when you come in from the heat, go stick your feet in cold water from the tub. Instant cooler.

In lame news, I woke up at 6am and couldn't fall back asleep. Not fair. Hopefully I sleep in tomorrow.

OK, did some cleaning this morning, now onto some work. Fa la la.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 248 - Phew!

Hi Bloggity Blog!

This week has been nutter butter. I quickly started a new gig/job/project/whatever mid-week. Basically that means I wake up at 6am, am working by 7am at home, leave around noon-ish to go to this new office, leave there at 6pm and am home after 7pm. Then figure in a workout (if not dead and Legal Eagle wants to) and making dinner and I'm beat. Plus, I had previously agreed to transcribe an interview this week so that made this week nonstop (kind of like this paragraph).

But! Things are good. I'm good. Feeling productive, enjoying the new work, getting along with the people, succeeding, etc. Granted, I know that at any time my work schedule can change or disappear, but things are good! And they really like me too.

Now I am just so happy it's Friday. I have no major plans other than a movie Sunday night. Mostly going to clean and do some other work (leisurely). But cleaning is a must because my mom is visiting for my birthday!!!!

What else, what else? Haven't hung out with Neighbor but I did just run into him. It was good. I mean, it's always good. Apparently he has some little 19-year-old actress "stalking" him or at least trying to hang out with him a lot. Yes, I find this annoying, but am really kind of too tired to think too much about it. I know, shocking. Sorry, no extreme over-analyzing right now. He wants to hang out, that old story, but I know better than to think we will. Although, it was kind of cute when we were standing in the road talking and I wouldn't move for the cars that were passing by and he said something about it and then brought up how when we went to the Garden of Oz, I didn't really pay attention to the street and cars. I tried to explain that they should be looking out for me, but he didn't get it. I don't know, it was a cute moment, you had to be there.

But moving on, my brain is only on work and my mom's visit. Oh, and the comforter and pillows I am about to buy online on sale. Finally!

OK, would chat more but I really just want to shut this lappy down. Good night!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 247 cont. - Images From Solvang

Here are some pictures from the trip!

^Legal Eagle and I stopped for some famous pea soup. It was not yummy. This is a big moment because of a very famous pea soup story in my family.

^The town of Solvang, California is Danish so there is, of course, Hans stuff everywhere.

^We walked through a religious area. It was creepy.

^Solvang is pretty much like one of those Christmas town displays.

^I really wanted to find this mermaid fountain.

^Hanging with a mini donkey.

^And now to feed the ostrich. And yes, that is the gray bag I ended up with.

^Hey! Don't forget to feed the emu!

OK, that's all for now. Enjoy and we'll talk later!!

Day 247 - In A Minute

I cannot focus at all today!

I should be cranking out work, but instead I'm chatting and emailing and planning and thinking about how my reserved copy of Lauren Conrad's LA Candy is in at the library.

I swear I will update majorly very soon. Solvang was so much fun! Good pics to come.

OK, back to work.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 246 - Now THIS Is Blogworthy

OK, here is what I did last night:

Worked out with Legal Eagle, ate dinner, watched Top Chef DC, got a call from Gelson, went to bed.

Say what?! Yes, I worked out. Oh, the call. Yeah.

Gelson, for those who do not remember, was a guy who picked me up at the grocery store. We then went on a coffee date to which he never asked for a second date until...we ran into each other and he said that he was going to call. Then he texted later that week and was like, "I'm busy, but let's do something this next weekend." All in all, not impressed, so I never responded.

So, LE and I were in her room watching TV when he called. We both freaked and I let it go to voicemail. No way a phone-phobe like me can handle a weirdo conversation like that.

I would transcribe the voicemail for you, but it was the longest voicemail I have ever received (and LE is known for her long voicemails).


Here are the main points:

Hey Molly, we haven't talked in awhile. (No shit.)

I've actually seen you around the neighborhood. (WTF?! When? And why are you admitting this??)

I've been out of town for a couple weeks. (We haven't talked for a couple months.)

I still want to go to the planetarium. (Then go, don't let me stop you.)

Talk to you soon, Mol. (Ew, name shorten so soon?)


Honestly, we haven't talked since some time before LE's birthday which makes it close to two months I'm guessing.

And the seeing me thing? Thing is, I've taken special paths and kept my eyes open and anticipated seeing him in hopes of being prepared to avoid it. So how is he seeing me and I haven't seen him once?

But really, the best part of this is trying to figure out what possessed him to call, so here are my thoughts:

- He is bored and hasn't had any lady prospects since me.

- He saw me recently and I was looking particularly foxy.

- He's seen me walking alone and thinks maybe I'm bored and he would have a chance to get me to go back to his place this time around.

- He was going through his phone and stumbled upon my number, previously forgetting that I existed.

- He had been drinking.

Well, needless to say it made for an awesome, random moment. But now I have to take even more out-of-the-way paths to avoid him because I'm not going to respond. Oh boys, when will you learn, a girl likes to hear from you at least once a month. Think you can manage?

Moving on, going to Solvang this weekend as my birthday gift to LE! So excited, no time to deal with all this silly boy stuff.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 245 cont. - See, We Are Friendly

Text Exchange:

Neighbor: Hey Molly! How's your Friday evening?

Me: Hey, it's pretty good. How have you been?

Neighbor: Well, my parents are still here, so that's awesome. Still busy, but everything's awesome. We should go get coffee one of these weekends!

Me: Glad you're having fun with them. Let me know sometime when you're free and we'll do coffee. I don't think I told you, but our notes aren't there anymore.

Neighbor: I know, I saw...and I was pissed. Start thinking of your new one! And I'll bring super glue and a staple gun.

Me: Deal.

Yes, I will admit I was happy to hear from him, while his parents were still in town no less. And yes, he did use the word awesome twice in one text.

The notes are the ones we wrote down at Bourgeois Pig in the forest-like room where there is a little jewelry box type thing where people put little random notes.

I know, this conversation is fascinating. And yes, I have thought of my new note already.

Day 245 - I Don't Know What I Was So Worried About

4th of July was fabulous!

OK, here is a run-down of the day:

Left from Hollywood to Huntington Beach mid-morning on the 4th.

Prepared for the day, helped LE make American flag veggie tray, checked out awesome bike I got to borrow (with basket and cupholder), had a beer.

Biked down to Huntington Beach...well, closer to the beach. Thought I was going to die. It was not a short bike ride. My legs are still sore today. But we survived.

Oh, my outfit...sorry, I don't really have any pictures. But, I wore layered tanks, shorts and my black straw fedora! The hat was a hit. And I carried this red, long strap purse that my middle sister brought me from Nicaragua, I think. It's awesome and I looked totally hipster.

OK, so back to the party. I had met some of the people before, so that was nice. Everyone was, as usual, very friendly.

Just as the burgers get done cooking, LE and I are forced to go on a short bike ride to the actual beach. I cried internally.

A group of us ride down to the beach, lock up our bikes and head to a bar...mostly because the girls have to use the bathroom.

Have a beer at the bar and go through the "Who should we set Molly up with," game. Then explain the Neighbor situation as "We're friendly."

Head back to the apartment. Eat, drink, yadda yadda.

Eventually walk down to the beach for the fireworks! Park it in the sand, borrow another person's blanket and watch the fireworks. Perfect!

Head back to the apartment and eventually to the main road to grab a cab.

Jump in cab that Double B grabs and sit in lots of traffic with an insane driver. Make it home.


The best part, for me, was that the apartment we were at was throwing water balloons back and forth with the house across the road (and at people passing through). I got way into this and at one point totally nailed a guy with a balloon who was passing by on his bike. He then came over and high-fived me and said that no one was able to hit him all day. I actually had quite good aim and was able to get a few people and always blamed it on all of the guys at our party. I then also told the story of how my mom once hit a kid on a bike with a rock when she was little. See, it runs in the family.

All in all, a very mellow, easy-going, beachy 4th! So happy I went!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 244 - I'm In A Moooood

It's a little of everything, but I'm up and down moody today. I know it'll pass once a few things get figured out/settled/pass.

But, for lunch I made a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato and bacon on it. Scrumptious! It helped, but I wish I had more for tomorrow. Sad.