Now that Legal Eagle and I live in the Hollywood Hills I feel like a bit of a snob when it comes to Orange County (usually for her to work at her boss's and train people).
We're always yelling about how annoying Orange County people are and how ugly the area is (mostly calling it Stepford-y). And this week, we are in for a full-on Orange County attack.
First, we are at her boss's today. Ugh. So LE treated me to Starbuck's as I had to be up by 5 a.m. today. We got there and ordered and sat to eat and drink and kill some time. Then, a very done up OC lady asked us if we were from the area. "No." And then asked where we were from. "Hollywood" (said smuggly). She was going to give us a coupon for a boot camp class she is in (and the girls who run it were with her). There are many problems with this:
- I don't work out in the morning. I hate it and when I do I am an angry, angry girl.
- All three woman had on more than full faces of makeup and hair down. I don't work out like this and am grossed out by women who do.
- Why are you at Starbuck's drinking iced coffees if you are in bootcamp? No trainer would think that is a good idea.
- None of them were in shape.
- They also said (to someone else) that they were a very social bootcamp.
- I do not socialize well in the a.m. and would probably kill someone if I went.
OK, but there are two parts of this that make this story even better. A guy (youngish and in shape) came in and they attacked him like vultures. They were like, "Do you workout in the morning?" Lame! And he entertained them by chatting, but those silly girls are trained properly. He had a wedding ring. SIDE NOTE: Why am I always looking for wedding rings now? Am I getting to the age where men I could be interested in are marrying off? This is weird. BACK TO STORY: OK, so the women thought they had him and then he asked if they knew about some other place and they said no. This allowed him to say, "Oh, my wife goes there." Oh man, it was so smooth and they so didn't expect it. I almost couldn't help laughing and had to shove my head onto the couch we were sitting on. I was impressed by him.
Also, when we left I posed this question to LE:
"What does it say about me that when she began talking to us I thought it was going to be so she could tell us how great we looked?"
LE's response: laughter, "I thought she was going to sell us Mary Kay."
Oh, and we do look great today.
Onto more OC news. We are going to LE's boss's (the one we hang out with - not the one above) birthday party Friday night. Should be fun because we haven't gone out with her since the infamous Long Beach night. So, we'll hoof it out to OC and take her to a happy hour possibly (treated by the other boss from above) and then go out with her and a bunch of other people for the birthday.
But LE and I contemplating who will be there and who we will know. I am sure that the loser who didn't call her, B/B, will be there (although she isn't even interested in him and he is soooo not her type). She plans to pretend that she doesn't remember him. Haha! And we suspect Mr. "Kiss me" will be there (I'm hoping he is far enough removed from LE's boss's close group of friends that he wasn't included). We shall see, but this means that I must look good. Outfit is planned and ready to go.
So I guess I am getting my OC overload this week. I just want to go back home to Hollywood and never leave.
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