Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 283 - Oh Technology

My digital camera appears to be totally broken. The lens will not go back in despite the fact that it is off.

I am considering having someone look at it, but I've been having little problems with it for some time now.

Getting a new camera would be exciting if I did lots of research, but I'd want one before the holidays so I can take lots of pictures.

Worst part? My nails are a cute new blue and I can't take a picture. Woe is me.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 282 - Holy Cuteness

The Brit's 8-(maybe)-year-old niece decided she is going to be a ninja for Halloween because she can kick high.

Sorry if you just died from cuteness.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 281 cont. - Off To The Gala

OK, so last night the Brit and I went to this huge work thing. My boss founded this event and it had major star power.

We had such a good time. One of the best nights out ever.

First, the Brit was running a little late, but we had given ourselves plenty of time so it wasn't a big deal. When he picked me up we were both annoyingly giddy in part for the event and in part, I think, seeing each other all dressed up. He looked sharp and I looked really great. Not to be conceited, but my whole outfit, hair, makeup, etc. all came together exactly as I imagined in my mind which rarely happens so I was already over the moon when he got there.

We joked on the way over about awkward things we would do all night and code words to point out celebrities when we saw them. I really like that he isn't all "too cool" for anything and didn't act like this wasn't a huge thing.

Once we got there we saw other people arriving so our timing was spot on. I knew the location because I had worked at an event there so I knew where to go and what to do.

We took a second to take a couple pictures. Wish we had gotten more but I wasn't even thinking about it most of the time.

First, we went into a large room where drinks were being served before the doors to the event opened. Everything was free. Yay! We had some wine and did lots of people watching. We decided my dress was the best. Obviously.

Eventually, the doors open and we headed in. Salads were already out. We were lucky to be the first to our table, so we got the best seats. The Brit asked if it was rude if we took the best ones and I responded that I work for the founder so I get first dibs. Duh.

Everyone was all polite at our table and not eating their salads yet, so I broke the ice and dug in. I met the people on my side and the Brit met the people on his side of the table. He then somehow introduced everyone at the table and was very outgoing and friendly, but not in an overly aggressive way.

The show began and everything was great. There was one little mess-up with some clips, but nothing too bad. Saw lots of stars and we totally enjoyed it.

Dinner was chicken and veggies and pretty good. We also got a little tower of dessert that the Brit and I were all over.

The rest of the ceremony was fun, fun, fun. Some funny stories and cool stuff to see.

After the event, we headed to the after party. It was very nice and located both inside and outside by the pool. Some of the stars were there for a little bit. We met a number of people and got to talk to my boss for a bit. All went well.

The whole time the Brit was very nice and totally awesome as a date. He had no problem meeting anyone and talking about absolutely anything, but also had no problem saying he was there as my date and, I think, bragged a bit that I worked for the founder.

It was really nice because he let me take the lead and I'm happy we were able to do something that was mine. He also liked meeting my boss and seeing how nice he was to me. And it didn't hurt that my boss told us to get ready for next year. Ha.

We eventually left around 12:30/1am. It was nice that the Brit only had a couple drinks at the beginning of the night and then switched to coffee to make sure we both made it home safely.

All in all, a great, great night.

And now I'm trying to think of another chance to wear my outfit. Hmmmm.

Oh, and some woman we were talking to at one point stopped the Brit mid-sentence to tell him he had a great smile. I knew it.

Day 281 cont. - Still Good Looking

^Another picture of me at the event. I'm a little bummed the Brit and I didn't get a picture together. Oh well.

Day 281 - Best Dressed

^Me at the major work event thingy. It was fabulous. And I looked, as the Brit said, fantastic, gorgeous, amazing, etc. Long post about the event to come. Such a good night.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 280 - Is This A Big Relationship Step?

"I was going to ask if you could help me move my fish."

^The Brit is moving at the end of the month and asked me to help with his two giant goldfish. I, of course, said yes.

Side note: The fish love me because every time I am at the Brit's place I ask if I can feed his fish. They associate me with food. Score! Their names are Speedy and Big Wig.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 279 - Good Thing He Isn't Overly Sensitive

"Um, I think you mean your generation."

^My response to the Brit when he said "our generation" in reference to something. His response? A laugh and "I can't believe you just went there."

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 278 - I'm Going To Try

I feel yucky, all sneezy and tired. The weather sucks. And I've worked all weekend. But I am going to try to write a little post.

I've been working hard on getting my outfit together for the event I'll be attending.

^This is the dress I ordered. It does come with skinny straps. Yes, the pic is small. Sorry, but the only one I could get. I love the navy blue and hope it fits. Otherwise, ugh.

^My shoes. I wanted to go all gold accessories. The shoes are good for gold since I'm not into metallic shoes. And they were $25.

^Gold bangles. From Claire's. That's how I roll.

^Die! An elephant ring. I love this.

I just realized I don't have a purse. Do I need to go gold or can I do navy? Or something else? Help me. This is exhausting and I just want to know that my dress fits.

In other news, I've been having fun with The Brit. We went to a live music place last week and had a good time. We're going to do something tomorrow night. I am nervous about going to this event with him because it'll be the first time it's "my thing." But we should have fun.

OK, I would write more, but seriously, I'm so tired.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 277 - Oh Holy Moly!

I won't give details because I prefer not to talk work stuff, but I am going to an incredible event in a couple weeks as my boss has invited me.

He created/runs the thing and it will be fabulous.

I'm so freaking excited and flattered that he trusts me enough to invite me.

But now I need a dress.

I looked up pictures from the event last year and it wasn't over-the-top glam. Most dresses were knee-length and some were long.

I can't decide which I will do.

Part of me thinks knee-length is more practical and common, but I oh so want to wear a long dress. I should just do it. But then I'm paranoid it's too much.

I need to decide soon because the event is only 11 days away! I'm considering buying online (risky) but there are more options and it won't take time getting to a store, etc. But if I buy online, I need to do it now in case it doesn't work and I need to shop!

Yikes, so much to do. But yay for me!

Oh, and I the Brit has agreed to go with me. Things are really good with him. More about that later. I really have to work and look at dresses.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 276 - That's Life

I am deleting people from Facebook. I keep getting invites and random emailings from people when I don't even know them, talk to them or live in the same state. It's refreshing.

I watched the show Gelson is on. I didn't see him, but I had a hard time paying attention. It was so boring. Not even trashy, dumb good. Just dumb. And I can watch some pretty dumb stuff. It looks like it was shot in the '90s. I don't know if I can watch another episode to look for him again.

On the other hand, Degrassi was great! As usual. I can't wait for next week.

The Brit and I were going to try to hang out this weekend, but he's been swamped with projects, etc. He did ask to see me this afternoon, but Legal Eagle and I are going Halloween shopping and I needed to finish my work before. Plus I'm kind of annoyed with him. He just isn't making much of an effort and just says "I'd love to see you," "Can't wait to see you," etc. instead of actually trying to see me. I don't know how I feel about it, but I do know that not hearing from him in between dates is no longer acceptable. He said he'll text me early this next week to make plans, so we'll see. I didn't respond.

However, not hanging out with the Brit has been great for my productivity. I am ahead on work, able to blog and did some cleaning.

I can't wait to go shopping for my Halloween costume. No idea what I will be, but who cares!

That's all in my life.

Oh! Wait, I ran into Neighbor this week. Haven't seen him since sometime in August. He is still "with" the 19-year-old, although now she is 20. He wrote her a song for her birthday. He told me I should meet her because he thinks I'd really like her. Sorry, I don't hang out with 20-year-olds.

Now, that's all in my life.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 275 cont. - No, Should I Be Concerned?

"Has [The Brit] written a song for you yet?"

^The question I keep getting asked. I hadn't really thought about it, but should he have written a song for me already? Now I want him to. Lame.

Day 275 - The Highlight Of The Week

Degrassi comes back on TV this Friday!

Also, the show that Gelson (one coffee date guy) is on is also on this Friday!

I have no plans Friday so you know where I will be.

I'm so freaking excited.

That is all.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 274 - I Will Write...

...when my brain starts working again.

The Brit and I have, I guess, resolved things. He wasn't on a date and isn't dating anyone else.

But I still have some things that really bother me like his lack of ever getting in touch with me. And it's all just got me thinking.

Work stuff is, well, there's some stuff there I am working on figuring out as well.

So, a bit tired in dealing with things and it's rainy in LA - which is quite fitting for my mood.

In other news, Barbar snapped my underwear this weekend. I was sitting in a chair and he came to cuddle like usual. Before he lays down, he does this kneading thing. Since his claws are really long right now, they got caught on my dress and also hooked my underwear, snapping it.

It was funny and awkward.