Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 115 - Happy Birthday To Meeeeeeeeeeee!

It's my 25th birthday this Friday the 31st of July!!!!

Legal Eagle and I are going to San Francisco and Fort Bragg/Mendocino. My middle sister is coming to Los Angeles with a friend and then we are all heading up there to meet my oldest sister.

It's very exciting to get to spend my 25th back in the SF area. It feels very fitting to me and I'm so freaking happy to get away.

But I was thinking...if I could spend my birthday any other way it would be watching a marathon of What I Like About You with my mom while my dad would makes drinks and snacks and chime in, "Ah, I think I've seen this one."

On another note: I know I've been horrible about updating, but I promise to get back into once I return and to also finally do a wedding post! Yikes, so behind!

Until then...I will be celebrating my birthday week and pretty much MIA.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 114 - How To Spot An Orange County Woman

- Orange tan

- Fake nails with French manicure

- Fake, fried blonde hair

- Some ugly, tacky, "they think it's stylish" outfit

- Giant diamond ring (or a spot on their finger with a "reserved for giant diamond" sign on it)

- Bad, harsh makeup

- Fake boobs anyone?

- A tiny pitchfork in their designer bag

- Fake smile, fake teeth possibly

- Rich, sad, whipped guy on their arm

Don't get me wrong, I don't think this of all Orange County women. I suppose since I once lived there, I was one at some time least the pitchfork part.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 113 - My Starbucks' Issue

Back in December my middle sister took me out to Starbucks and after she paid, I said, "Tip them."

The rest of my trip home we told everyone how I tipped Starbucks with her money. (Don't worry, she isn't stingy. The Starbucks we went to had mean people there who never tipped at my sister's salon.)

So then today Legal Eagle and I went to Starbucks since we are in Orange County today. I have a couple of her random dollars in my wallet because she doesn't carry a wallet.

After we order, I tipped the woman a dollar. Convo goes:

LE: Did you just tip my dollar?

Me: Yeah.

LE: You so only did it because she said your dress was cute.

Me: Yeah.

(Sidenote: The server said my dress was cute and it is. Actually both of our dresses are super cute.)

So now I've discovered that I tip other people's money while at Starbucks. This is weird.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 112 - My Letter To Tyra

Currently, I am watching an episode of Tyra Banks and it's about sexting and teens. It is ridiculous and insane and I have a few things to say to Tyra.

Dear Ty Ty,

First, I get you are about empowering girls, but what about the boys on the other side of this sexting? Is it more okay for them to be doing it because they are boys? Do you just want to shame the girls? I'm sure there are little 13-year-old boys who are emotionally torn up with low self-esteem doing this as well. (Or do you not think boys feel that way and any girl who does this must be a hot mess?) Be an equal opportunity helper.

Second, when the girl said she sends sext messages as previews for when she sees her boyfriend, she did mean previews like the movies. Do not act like you didn't understand. It was quite clear and we all know what a preview (in any use of the word) is.

Third, if you can't use the proper terminology in reference to sex around these girls then maybe you shouldn't be the one talking to them. Be an adult Tyra, use your words!

Fourth, isn't this the second show you've done about teens and sexting? You need knew employees. By the way, I'll make myself available to move to NY and work with you.

Fifth, I'm more concerned about that one girl's crazy flipped out bangs than her sexting habits. Please fix them!!!

Sixth, tell these girls that all 13 to eh, about 18-year-old boys are lame anyway and most beyond that age as well. Tell them that little skinny teenage boys who know close to nothing aren't even worth the 5 cents it costs to sext.

Seventh, when that girl said if you sext something you have to do it, you should've said, "No, it's called being a tease." Ha. Zing!

So Tyra, stop jumping done these young ladies' throats and shaming them as much as you can. Instead, actually offer some helpful advice. Or take away every teenager's cell phone. This I would agree with.

Your #1 Fan

Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 111 cont. - Is It Worth Being Famous?

On her Twitter, Miley Cyrus does not know the difference between "to" and "too." Many times over. And yet she is a bazillionaire. But I know the difference. Which is preferable, it's a toss-up.

Day 111 - Cheeseburger Tendencies And Grilled Cheese Tears

Everyday Legal Eagle and I have the same conversation about what to eat.

If I were really honest my answer would be the same everyday: cheeseburgers. That is all I want all the time.

I do not think this is normal or that one person can have a cheeseburger one day and then want one the rest of the week. Luckily, for my arteries, I do not eat a cheeseburger everyday although I believe that everyday I do say, "I just want a cheeseburger."

On another food note, I almost cried today when I messed up my grilled cheese. Go figure I would cry about food. It's a weird kind of day.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 110 - "You Look...

...very after-school special."

^What Legal Eagle said to me yesterday.

Wedding pictures TK, just been busy and LE's parents are visiting tomorrow.