I feel sick. Not like barfy-sick, but I feel under the weather. I was sneezing all day yesterday and wrote it off as allergies. However, I feel the same today, but partnered with hot/cold feelings and being very weak. I think it's just a cold or something.
But, I wanted to check in super quick to say Hi!
Long story short, I am (pending his work schedule) going to go out to eat with Neighbor on Sunday! I suggested we go to Sweet Love Hangover. I've been dying to go since I overheard two girls say that they do a twist on comfort foods. I know he'll love it because they have Mad Libs on the menus and board games to play while you wait. I think it'll be so much fun! I'm excited to go out with him and it'll be our first meal together. I just barfed as I typed that. So lame....
Also...new guy...the one from the store? Texted me last night and eventually got around to saying we should get together for coffee next week. He said he'd be back in touch Sunday. It's nice and I like that he's made an effort. But as Legal Eagle said, "What's with guys not doing weekends?" It would have been nice if he thought I was "worthy" of a weekend get-together, but maybe he assumed it was too late to request a weekend date. Whatevs...however, he suggested coffee at the place I just went with Neighbor. It feels a little weird and wrong. Not that this is like a major date, really it's just a friend thing since we don't know each other. Stupid me hanging out with guys in one neighborhood. Bad move. Oh, and new guy's nickname on here? Gelson...named by LE as that is the store where we met.
So, tomorrow I plan on lazing around as I just want to feel all better. I'm already excited to eat and finish dinner so I can retire to my bed and watch movies on Melvin. More later when I feel like myself again!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Day 216 - Just Checking In
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Day 215 cont. - Could He Sense Another Guy Around?
Go figure, an hour after another guy got my number, Neighbor sent me a picture text of this little burger joint down, down the hill called Molly's with a cute little message.
Day 215 cont. - Playing With Fire?
I got picked up at the grocery store today. Seriously! So weird.
Sure, I get yelled at from guys driving and drunkenly hit on by guys at bars, but a nice, clean pick up at somewhere like a grocery store has never happened to me. Who does it happen to? Again, so weird.
Want details? He was nice, young, a bit taller than me, in shape, Indian (?), but like modern Indian. Does that make sense? Probably not. I'd say he was cute-ish. It's hard to soak it in because I was way caught off guard.
How it happened? He came up while I was in the canned tomato aisle (haha, this sounds so cheesy!) and was like, "Hey, I just wanted to say that's a nice dress and looks great on you." (Note: I was wearing a yellow dress.) He then said something about where I got it because he has a sister visiting and she like stuff like that. Now, I'm not so sure this is true, but I went along with it.
We talked about a few things. And then he asked for my number to get coffee or something sometime. And I gave it. My actual number. Not a fake.
Sooo...where does this leave me? I think if he did call or text or whatever, that I would grab a drink with him. He was nice and Neighbor has not locked me down as a girlfriend. I'm free to date (in fact, we've had this convo about dating and dating others).
But, how does one even date two people? Oh god, I've never done this. Plus they both live in the area. New guy lives down the hill. Bad idea to date everyone in your tiny neighborhood? Plus new guy hangs out in the area and so does Neighbor. Yikes!
Well, easy to say I'll have to be smart and careful about this. And honest. I mean, if any guy asks about another guy, I guess I should be honest.
Here I am already worrying and this guy hasn't even asked me out.
I'll give new guy a name if and when he asks me out, not before.
Hmmm...I wonder when I'll see Neighbor again. I really do have so much fun with him. In fact, maybe I will blog some more convo snippets. Because our convos are sooooo fascinating. Vom.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Day 214 cont. - So That I'm Not A Complete Downer
I did have a lot of fun with Neighbor today.
I (as usual with him) asked most of the questions. I found out a lot about his parents and how he grew up.
However, I do wish he would ask me more questions.
But, where we were hanging out was this little area at the back of a coffee shop all decorated like a night in a forest. It was adorable. And there was this little section where there is this box thing and inside are notes people have written. Mostly just sweet sayings and random thoughts.
At the end, we both wrote down a little note and put it in there. I didn't tell him what I wrote and he didn't tell me what he wrote. It was cute.
Day 214 - Uh...?
OK, quick frustration:
Last time I hung out with Neighbor, he didn't kiss me once. Not once.
The next day when we talked (via text) I told him I felt like he wasn't into me. We had a convo and he said that he liked me and never meant to give me that impression. He said that maybe he was being too gentlemanly.
I said, OK.
Today we went and got coffee down the hill and hung out for over 2 hours just talking there. It was really nice.
We then came back and went to his place because he had redone some stuff and I wanted to see. So I snooped around and we talked some more. We made tentative plans to hang out (He's doing some work with some Upright Citizen's Brigade people tomorrow and he might get us tickets to a show), but he did not kiss me again. And trust me, there were opportunities.
I don't even know what to say. Do I say something to him? I'm really starting to feel like he likes hanging out with me, but nothing more. Not that I'm the hottest thing ever, but usually I've never had to worry if guys I'm dating or whatever are physically attracted to me.
I feel like I should say something, but I already did. Yuck, I hate it because I'm feeling rejected by looks.
The thing is, we've already kissed plenty. So, I temporarily hate him and have an overwhelming feeling of needing to figure this out, but I don't know what to do. I suppose I'll end up asking him (in my oh-so subtle manner as usual).
EDIT: You're probably asking why I don't just kiss him. Well, I feel like the last few times we have kissed, I've made the move. So no, it's his turn. Especially since I've told him how I feel like he isn't interested.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Day 213 - Struggling
I've been having a hard time wanting to write. Hence the lack of long posts.
I'm forcing myself to write some stuff that I've been wanting to work on. Forced writing is weird, but it's working a little.
And by forced writing I mean staring at my laptop while pondering if I should eat the second pop tart in the wrapper.
Hopefully I will treat you with a longer post soon. Grabbing coffee with Neighbor tomorrow so that he can show me the forest room at the place down the hill. We've sort of been in a stalled, no momentum place right now, but nothing bad.
Until later...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Day 212 - Hollywood Is Kind Of Weird
I get some random PR emails. Not sure why, probably just from some PR people I've exchanged info with at some point.
So, today I got an email about Jason (LC's former beau from The Hills and Laguna Beach). It said he is doing some milkshake thing, like launching a signature shake. As he has had about 5 DUIs, my first thought was:
"I wonder if it'll be a shake with booze?"
I love Hollywood. People are weird here.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Day 211 - Well, It Is Kind Of My Job
"Whoa, do you type like 200 words a minute?"
^Neighbor said this to me Saturday night after I had to search something on Google. Silly boy.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Day 210 - Thought Of The Day
I need to do something with that "Hooker" piece I wrote ages ago. Seriously.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Day 209 - Hellooooo Friday!
Yay! I am, once again, super excited that it's Friday.
Legal Eagle is in San Diego this weekend, bummer. But alas, the apartment needs cleaning, I have to unpack and there are errands to run.Saturday I'm going to Target to finally get the other curtain for my closet. I can't wait!! I'm so excited to see it put together. I think I will also look at bathroom towels and sheets (since I'm obsessed).
Then I think I will also head to H&M to look at the summer fedoras. I know, cheesy, but whatever. And then I think I will finish up by looking at sheets at Bed, Bath & Beyond since it's right near home.
I've mostly decided I want these sheets from PB Teen (but now I've changed my mind and want the pink instead of the blue), but I still want to look since shipping prices bump up the cost so much.
Then I plan on cleaning the rest of the day because that night I'm going to hang out with Neighbor. He's going to come over, I think, and we're finally going to do a Ouija board! The only way I could get him to go along with it is if it was at my place and not his. Lame. And LE said she wanted to be gone during it so this weekend works perfectly. I'm excited, but have to seriously clean because this will be the first time he's here for more than a quick stop.
No other major plans. Maybe I'll lay in bed most of Sunday, post pics of my parent's new place (on here and maybe on Facebook for them), watch movies in bed and just laze about. That sounds like a good idea for Sunday.
OK, back to work so I can get this weekend started. Have a fabulous weekend!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Day 208 - Because You're 25
Dear Molly,
Please focus today. You have done very, very little work the last two days. We let it slide on Tuesday because you did tons of work on Monday, and you were in such a grumpy mood that we know you just needed to do whatever you wanted. But then yesterday you slacked a bit still. Sure, you got more work done than on Tuesday, but not enough. And now today! Today you're all like, "I don't want to!! I want to drink iced coffee and look at bedding online." No! This is not acceptable. You have work to do, money to make and people to keep happy. Saturday you can drink iced coffee and look at bedding. Promise! Just get some freaking work done and you'll feel so much better.
The cats
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Day 207 - I Like A Boy
I have pictures to post from my trip, but that requires extra work, so instead I will tell you about hanging out with Neighbor last night.
Neighbor has been dog/house sitting for our boss's and he invited me over for a movie.
We ended up watching Guncrazy with Drew Barrymore and another movie. Both were horribly awesome.
Mostly we caught up, played with the dogs and tried to figure out the movies we were watching.
It was casually comfortable, but totally sweet. Except when one dog kept farting and the other one humped a blanket. I was dying laughing.
Nothing crazy happened and no riveting conversations that need to be retold. It was just a really nice night.
I quite like this boy. Oy.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Day 206 - Just One Of Those Annoyed Days
I'm feeling annoyed by just about everything today. Not mad, just like, "Ugh, stop talking to me. I want to be left alone. Can't I just freeze time?"
Went to the dentist this morning and got my teeth cleaned. It was fine, but it still sucks and they're never as gentle as you want. It usually puts me in a sour, "I don't want to do anything" mood.
Now I just feel like laying in bed and watching Netflix on my laptop. I might do this later this afternoon if I can get everything done. Sometimes you just have to.
Also, I'm supposed to hang out with Neighbor tonight. He's dog/house sitting for my bosses/landlords and he invited me over. Don't worry, they said he could have people over. I was trying to get him to BBQ for me, but he didn't seem up to it, so I said nevermind. That's kind of annoying, but whatever. It's not that I don't want to hang out with him tonight, but I know there will be lots of talking since we haven't seen each other for a bit and I'm not up to talking.
I don't know, maybe if I chill for a while, I can manage to pump myself up for tonight.
Ideally, I'd have a variety of chips and lots of movies to watch today. Hmmm...I may need to make this happen.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Day 205 - Don't Be Mad
I know I've been absent, but I've been trying to get a ton of work done and just when I thought I was ahead, a very important thing came up that I now have to finish. It's not stressful because I know I will be able to do everything, but it takes time.
Plus I am leaving tomorrow for Chicago! I'm going home to see oldest sister's comedy show. So excited!
Promise I will talk to you when I have time (read: when I return to L.A. and maybe not for a few days after that).
You still love me?
Friday, April 2, 2010
Day 204 - Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! I'm so freaking excited it's Friday!
Sure, every Friday is exciting, but I feel extra happy about this one because I wasn't able to do anything last weekend.
No big plans or anything, but it's Friday!! And it's so sunny!!
Oh, actually, small plans today: Neighbor and I are going to the Bat Caves. Later this afternoon, I believe.
Who knows what else I'll do this weekend. Maybe some writing, maybe go to Target for the other curtain I need. Maybe some packing for Chicago!!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Day 203 - When There Are No Boys
Me: Oh my god, there is a spider in my room!
Legal Eagle: What? Is it a small one?
Me: Oh my god, no, it's like the size of a nickle.
LE: Don't let the cats in your room. Where are they? Schatzi? Barbar?
Me: Oh my god, it's so big, and it was right above my head.
LE: Where's Schatzi?
Me: I think I scared him away with my screaming.
LE: OK, where is it?
Me: Over in the corner.
LE: Oh my god! It's moving toward your bed!
Me: Noooo!
LE: OK, where is a shoe?
Me: Here, use my running shoe. Wait! Spray it. Wait! Do you want to use the Swiffer?
LE: The Swiffer.
Me: Here. And here is a can of Lysol in case you need to spray it. I have a backup can, too.
LE: I'm afraid of it being a jumping spider.
Me: What?! Don't jump. I might accidentally spray you in the eyes with the backup Lysol.
LE: (makes some weird grunting-ish noise)
Me: What is that sound? Stop making me laugh. I can't focus my Lysol.
LE Kills Spider With Swiffer
LE: There!
Me: Ew, well, I can clean the wall with the Lysol.
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