Me: Oh, he misspells a lot. (Upon reading another misspelling).
LE: Like what?
ME: Well once he texted me and misspelled hilarious.
LE: Oh please say he spelled it with two l’s!
LE: What else?
Me: Well on his Facebook he misspelled craziness once.
LE: Oh god! Please tell me it was with a y!!
LE and Me: (lots of laughing).
OK, back to the date. We went bowling at a very old school place, with a janky lounge and lots of old, raunchy couples. It was a pretty great place. But rewind to when I met him at his apartment.
I have previously met one of his roommates and got to meet the other one (side note: they both seem pretty cool). However here is how I was introduced:
Doc: Hey Dan, this is my friend Molly.
Now, while I’m not expecting to be introduced as a date or girlfriend, in fact, please don’t, but can’t he just say my name and leave the friend part out because it just seems weird.
Oh and then on the drive over, he was telling me how he had spent the day with his family and that his mom had asked who he was going out with tonight. He told her and my name is apparently her favorite name and she had wanted to name her daughter that. I’m pretty sure I had a mild panic attack at the thought of me being in any conversation and he so didn’t need to tell me.
I know I tell my parents about him, but I would never tell him that I do. (Yes, this is me making rules for him to follow, but that I can break).
But bowling was fun and we split games (although I won my game by more, so technically I won the overall score). And while there is plenty of stuff that he does that I find odd, we do have a good time and I think a similar sense of humor, plus he calls me out on all my bullshit, which is refreshing since I tend to try to get away with a lot.
I could go on much longer, but I actually do have work to do and LE and I have been over and over the date a million times, sorting out everything. And all I have come to figure out is:
- He’s thinking about buying a house…scary!
- He’s good on paper.
- His schedule makes it very hard to make plans (Oh, he explained why he doesn’t make plans in advance because he never knows just when he’ll get out and he wouldn’t want to have to cancel on me).
- He’s considerate…I suppose.
- He doesn’t expect me to pay (I chipped in $2 for our date because I had cash and he didn’t and we needed cash) and he appreciated it.
I guess for now I’m in limbo.
But, 4th of July is upon us and LE and I will be going to HB all day! They have a parade and fireworks and should be soooo much fun. Plus they set all this stuff up on the pier and everywhere. Should be good times and she doesn’t even know about it yet! Super excited!
Oh and I have no reference to WILAY right now, but:
My mom loves Gary, so this is for her