Today I wrote a post titled DOOMSDAY and on the above date, I also wrote a post titled DOOMSDAY, except I spelled it Doom's Day as if the day belonged to a person named Doom. Oy.
One more thing, Legal Eagle and I got the itinerary for the wedding and we have to go to the earliest hair appointments! We knew it!!
Also, khaki is considered dressy. I hate Iowa.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Day 109 - DOOMSDAY!!!
It's here!! Tomorrow at 4:15 am, Legal Eagle and I are being picked up by a shuttle to head to Chicago and Iowa for BRIDEBRAIN'S WEDDING!!
First, we fly into Chicago and stay with my family (and mooch off of them) and then we drive to Iowa for the wedding...and eventually drive back to Chicago to fly back to L.A.
I'm pretty excited. Mostly because I get to see my family and haven't seen them since February! It'll be nice to get out of California and sort of regroup. Also excited because I love flying and airports in general and always better when traveling with someone (even if LE hates flying and makes me stay awake the whole time).
And I must say I am slightly excited about the wedding, not because of the wedding, but because I know LE and I will make it hilarious and will stick out like sore thumbs. I predict we come home with many stories and even more pictures.
To hold you over until I return from my trip, here is a picture of the shoes I will be wearing:

^Silver, which is lame, but LE and I thought they looked a little gladiator-ish, so we thought that made them cooler. My mom confirmed this thought without me having to mention it, so I'm a bit more sold on them then I was at first.
First, we fly into Chicago and stay with my family (and mooch off of them) and then we drive to Iowa for the wedding...and eventually drive back to Chicago to fly back to L.A.
I'm pretty excited. Mostly because I get to see my family and haven't seen them since February! It'll be nice to get out of California and sort of regroup. Also excited because I love flying and airports in general and always better when traveling with someone (even if LE hates flying and makes me stay awake the whole time).
And I must say I am slightly excited about the wedding, not because of the wedding, but because I know LE and I will make it hilarious and will stick out like sore thumbs. I predict we come home with many stories and even more pictures.
To hold you over until I return from my trip, here is a picture of the shoes I will be wearing:
^Silver, which is lame, but LE and I thought they looked a little gladiator-ish, so we thought that made them cooler. My mom confirmed this thought without me having to mention it, so I'm a bit more sold on them then I was at first.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Day 108 - To Beard Or Not To Beard
OK, not really feeling like writing because it's Friday and Legal Eagle's main boss gave us a bunch of free booze.
But to catch up. Last week LE and I went to her other boss's bday party in Orange County.
Sooo...we had been wondering if we would see B/B there (who had been "set-up" with LE at some point in a way) or if Mr. Kiss Me would be there.
Of course B/B was there and apparently he has a girlfriend. She was not there, but I can't imagine her being as super cute and wonderful as LE. Well, B/B didn't talk to us. He actually doesn't talk much in general unless persuaded by booze. Kind of shy and I think kind of boring. I mean, nice and all, but never entertains me.
He left after dinner and then we went to some other place and here is how it went down:
LE: Your boyfriend is here.
Me: What? Who?
LE (Mr. Kiss Me's real name).
Me: What? Where?
LE: Right over there. (points me in the right direction)
Me: What? That's him?
OK, now the reason I didn't recognize him is because the beard is completely gone. It now reveals that he has very undefined facial features. Not cute. Some guys should just beard it up.
But no worries, he didn't talk to us either, but that could be because I shaved my beard too. Kidding!
But to catch up. Last week LE and I went to her other boss's bday party in Orange County.
Sooo...we had been wondering if we would see B/B there (who had been "set-up" with LE at some point in a way) or if Mr. Kiss Me would be there.
Of course B/B was there and apparently he has a girlfriend. She was not there, but I can't imagine her being as super cute and wonderful as LE. Well, B/B didn't talk to us. He actually doesn't talk much in general unless persuaded by booze. Kind of shy and I think kind of boring. I mean, nice and all, but never entertains me.
He left after dinner and then we went to some other place and here is how it went down:
LE: Your boyfriend is here.
Me: What? Who?
LE (Mr. Kiss Me's real name).
Me: What? Where?
LE: Right over there. (points me in the right direction)
Me: What? That's him?
OK, now the reason I didn't recognize him is because the beard is completely gone. It now reveals that he has very undefined facial features. Not cute. Some guys should just beard it up.
But no worries, he didn't talk to us either, but that could be because I shaved my beard too. Kidding!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Day 107 - Exactly
Legal Eagle bought us some fudge at a recent bake sale in town. We finished it off yesterday and here is how things went down:
LE cutting the fudge up and separating it.
Me: Are you sanctioning the fudge?
LE: Yeah, we're like Anne Frank....................You can quote me on that!
Me: (bursts out laughing)
A few minutes pass.
Me: I just realized I said sanctioning when I meant rationing.
LE: It's OK. I clearly knew what you meant.

^I love Jersey. Here is a pic from it when my sisters and I got lost there while in Philly.
LE cutting the fudge up and separating it.
Me: Are you sanctioning the fudge?
LE: Yeah, we're like Anne Frank....................You can quote me on that!
Me: (bursts out laughing)
A few minutes pass.
Me: I just realized I said sanctioning when I meant rationing.
LE: It's OK. I clearly knew what you meant.
^I love Jersey. Here is a pic from it when my sisters and I got lost there while in Philly.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Day 106 - I Win
Sooo....a website that I once interviewed today links to one of the boss's Twitter accounts and so I've stumbled across it.
Long story short, the person misspelled coyote. Spelled it cayote.
I win this round. Ahhh......
Long story short, the person misspelled coyote. Spelled it cayote.
I win this round. Ahhh......
Friday, June 12, 2009
Day 105 cont. - Liar!
Just now, Legal Eagle's boss's gf asked if she could get away with tan sandals and a black shirt.
LE was like, "Yeah (not paying attention). Black, tan great. Ask "me," she knows fashion."
I said, "Yeah, I think you can."
No You Can't! Never!
OK, well you can do black and tan if there is a common thread running through, like neutral and black tones in the whole outfit. Something has to be there to pull it all together. I, in fact, have a new favorite outfit where I wear black shorts and nude wedges, but the shirt has both and yellow in it, so that pulls it together.
I just sent another fashion victim out the door.
LE was like, "Yeah (not paying attention). Black, tan great. Ask "me," she knows fashion."
I said, "Yeah, I think you can."
No You Can't! Never!
OK, well you can do black and tan if there is a common thread running through, like neutral and black tones in the whole outfit. Something has to be there to pull it all together. I, in fact, have a new favorite outfit where I wear black shorts and nude wedges, but the shirt has both and yellow in it, so that pulls it together.
I just sent another fashion victim out the door.
Day 105 - I Can't??
Yesterday I went with Legal Eagle to go get my bridesmaid dress altered. So I threw it on and had the little seamstress come in and take care of it.
At the end of the lovely experience, she said:
"You can't wear that bra with this dress."
I was wearing a black bra with straps and all of it showed. What?! I can't wear it?!
I gave LE a look that said, "WTF."
Then I said to the seamstress, "Oh, I know. I'm not wearing this with it."
Fun times.
At the end of the lovely experience, she said:
"You can't wear that bra with this dress."
I was wearing a black bra with straps and all of it showed. What?! I can't wear it?!
I gave LE a look that said, "WTF."
Then I said to the seamstress, "Oh, I know. I'm not wearing this with it."
Fun times.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Day 104 - Entertain Myself
I have decided that I will send emails to my oldest sister, but put very strange and entertaining subject lines. I figure she will get a kick out of this.
She sent me one with the line "Bacon Stilettos." This is going to be great.
She sent me one with the line "Bacon Stilettos." This is going to be great.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Day 103 - Oh Orange County!
Now that Legal Eagle and I live in the Hollywood Hills I feel like a bit of a snob when it comes to Orange County (usually for her to work at her boss's and train people).
We're always yelling about how annoying Orange County people are and how ugly the area is (mostly calling it Stepford-y). And this week, we are in for a full-on Orange County attack.
First, we are at her boss's today. Ugh. So LE treated me to Starbuck's as I had to be up by 5 a.m. today. We got there and ordered and sat to eat and drink and kill some time. Then, a very done up OC lady asked us if we were from the area. "No." And then asked where we were from. "Hollywood" (said smuggly). She was going to give us a coupon for a boot camp class she is in (and the girls who run it were with her). There are many problems with this:
- I don't work out in the morning. I hate it and when I do I am an angry, angry girl.
- All three woman had on more than full faces of makeup and hair down. I don't work out like this and am grossed out by women who do.
- Why are you at Starbuck's drinking iced coffees if you are in bootcamp? No trainer would think that is a good idea.
- None of them were in shape.
- They also said (to someone else) that they were a very social bootcamp.
- I do not socialize well in the a.m. and would probably kill someone if I went.
OK, but there are two parts of this that make this story even better. A guy (youngish and in shape) came in and they attacked him like vultures. They were like, "Do you workout in the morning?" Lame! And he entertained them by chatting, but those silly girls are trained properly. He had a wedding ring. SIDE NOTE: Why am I always looking for wedding rings now? Am I getting to the age where men I could be interested in are marrying off? This is weird. BACK TO STORY: OK, so the women thought they had him and then he asked if they knew about some other place and they said no. This allowed him to say, "Oh, my wife goes there." Oh man, it was so smooth and they so didn't expect it. I almost couldn't help laughing and had to shove my head onto the couch we were sitting on. I was impressed by him.
Also, when we left I posed this question to LE:
"What does it say about me that when she began talking to us I thought it was going to be so she could tell us how great we looked?"
LE's response: laughter, "I thought she was going to sell us Mary Kay."
Oh, and we do look great today.
Onto more OC news. We are going to LE's boss's (the one we hang out with - not the one above) birthday party Friday night. Should be fun because we haven't gone out with her since the infamous Long Beach night. So, we'll hoof it out to OC and take her to a happy hour possibly (treated by the other boss from above) and then go out with her and a bunch of other people for the birthday.
But LE and I contemplating who will be there and who we will know. I am sure that the loser who didn't call her, B/B, will be there (although she isn't even interested in him and he is soooo not her type). She plans to pretend that she doesn't remember him. Haha! And we suspect Mr. "Kiss me" will be there (I'm hoping he is far enough removed from LE's boss's close group of friends that he wasn't included). We shall see, but this means that I must look good. Outfit is planned and ready to go.
So I guess I am getting my OC overload this week. I just want to go back home to Hollywood and never leave.
We're always yelling about how annoying Orange County people are and how ugly the area is (mostly calling it Stepford-y). And this week, we are in for a full-on Orange County attack.
First, we are at her boss's today. Ugh. So LE treated me to Starbuck's as I had to be up by 5 a.m. today. We got there and ordered and sat to eat and drink and kill some time. Then, a very done up OC lady asked us if we were from the area. "No." And then asked where we were from. "Hollywood" (said smuggly). She was going to give us a coupon for a boot camp class she is in (and the girls who run it were with her). There are many problems with this:
- I don't work out in the morning. I hate it and when I do I am an angry, angry girl.
- All three woman had on more than full faces of makeup and hair down. I don't work out like this and am grossed out by women who do.
- Why are you at Starbuck's drinking iced coffees if you are in bootcamp? No trainer would think that is a good idea.
- None of them were in shape.
- They also said (to someone else) that they were a very social bootcamp.
- I do not socialize well in the a.m. and would probably kill someone if I went.
OK, but there are two parts of this that make this story even better. A guy (youngish and in shape) came in and they attacked him like vultures. They were like, "Do you workout in the morning?" Lame! And he entertained them by chatting, but those silly girls are trained properly. He had a wedding ring. SIDE NOTE: Why am I always looking for wedding rings now? Am I getting to the age where men I could be interested in are marrying off? This is weird. BACK TO STORY: OK, so the women thought they had him and then he asked if they knew about some other place and they said no. This allowed him to say, "Oh, my wife goes there." Oh man, it was so smooth and they so didn't expect it. I almost couldn't help laughing and had to shove my head onto the couch we were sitting on. I was impressed by him.
Also, when we left I posed this question to LE:
"What does it say about me that when she began talking to us I thought it was going to be so she could tell us how great we looked?"
LE's response: laughter, "I thought she was going to sell us Mary Kay."
Oh, and we do look great today.
Onto more OC news. We are going to LE's boss's (the one we hang out with - not the one above) birthday party Friday night. Should be fun because we haven't gone out with her since the infamous Long Beach night. So, we'll hoof it out to OC and take her to a happy hour possibly (treated by the other boss from above) and then go out with her and a bunch of other people for the birthday.
But LE and I contemplating who will be there and who we will know. I am sure that the loser who didn't call her, B/B, will be there (although she isn't even interested in him and he is soooo not her type). She plans to pretend that she doesn't remember him. Haha! And we suspect Mr. "Kiss me" will be there (I'm hoping he is far enough removed from LE's boss's close group of friends that he wasn't included). We shall see, but this means that I must look good. Outfit is planned and ready to go.
So I guess I am getting my OC overload this week. I just want to go back home to Hollywood and never leave.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Day 102 - LE's Birthday!
Legal Eagle had her birthday a few weekends ago. I took her to the live show of Dirty Dancing as a surprise. We had a great time and here are some pictures!

^The day started with breakfast in bed. No birthday should start without a mimosa. Also putting a candle in hot scrambled eggs will result in waxy scrambled eggs. Oops!

^Pretty pink cocktails!

^I chose LE's dress and accessories (I loaded her with bracelets). I'm a pretty good stylist.

^And there's me!!

^The cats threw a party while we were gone. The place was trashed! Ha.
^The day started with breakfast in bed. No birthday should start without a mimosa. Also putting a candle in hot scrambled eggs will result in waxy scrambled eggs. Oops!
^Pretty pink cocktails!
^I chose LE's dress and accessories (I loaded her with bracelets). I'm a pretty good stylist.
^And there's me!!
^The cats threw a party while we were gone. The place was trashed! Ha.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Day 101 - Things I Shouldn't Do
I just looked up on this site all about getting into mags, what some of the recently reported salaries are for different positions. It made me want to cry. I remember when I interned in NY and what my boss said EAs got and the rate has definitely gone up. I should not have looked at this. I want a full-time job. Suckville.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Day 100 - I'm 100 Today!
So I thought and I thought about what I would make my 100th blog be about. I really wanted it to be some huge announcement like, "I'm getting married," or, "I dyed my hair pink!" But alas it will not be, it will simply be an update on my WILAY goals. Enjoy. And eat a cupcake for my 100th birthday.
1. Apartment - Well, I live in Hollywood, so yay! I still have a lot of decorating that I want to do, but do not have the moola. But I live in a much better area and absolutely love our place. Score!
2. Hair and makeup - I can't believe I made one of my "change" requirements hair and makeup. That is making me die laughing right now. So, I love my bangs and take the time to fix them in the morning and not just clip them back. Also, I just got a bunch of makeup from a $1 sale and I love it. Makeup fun can begin. Will post pic of me with false eyelashes.
3. Clothes - Ah, the shallowness continues. Haven't really been buying clothes, but I have been putting more thought into outfits and wearing things differently (no, not wearing shirts as pants). But I just put more effort into it and have some stuff I really love. Success.
4. Job - Ugh. Can we skip this one? The only good thing going on now is that I feel like writing again and am working on some random stuff to pitch. Also still looking for a job. Job, job, job (song in my head everyday).
5. Money - Oh hell, no money here. But I am going to write down all my debts and finances and expenses and I have a budget and I am going to find ways to make money. Suckville.
6. Organization - I really need to print out all my clips. I also need to go through all my papers and toss stuff. Maybe this weekend??
7. Zany situations - This is still going strong. Mostly because my cat is really weird. As is my roommate.
8. Boys - Still single here! Kind of hard to get a boyfriend when you can't afford to go out. But...I do have a new schoolgirl crush on the host at this cafe Birds near our place. Haven't had a crush in forever!
9. A "hang-out" place - OK, can't afford to hang somewhere all the time, but I love out little neighborhood bars/restaurants and think they will be very nice once money comes my way. Outlook positive.
Soooo...some things are going quite well, but the important ones like job and money are very stressful right now. Fingers crossed that they work out, especially since Mercury is out of the way (thanks mom!). Also, I need to start posting some online convos with my oldest sister. They are brillant.

^My sisters and I over Xmas last year!!
1. Apartment - Well, I live in Hollywood, so yay! I still have a lot of decorating that I want to do, but do not have the moola. But I live in a much better area and absolutely love our place. Score!
2. Hair and makeup - I can't believe I made one of my "change" requirements hair and makeup. That is making me die laughing right now. So, I love my bangs and take the time to fix them in the morning and not just clip them back. Also, I just got a bunch of makeup from a $1 sale and I love it. Makeup fun can begin. Will post pic of me with false eyelashes.
3. Clothes - Ah, the shallowness continues. Haven't really been buying clothes, but I have been putting more thought into outfits and wearing things differently (no, not wearing shirts as pants). But I just put more effort into it and have some stuff I really love. Success.
4. Job - Ugh. Can we skip this one? The only good thing going on now is that I feel like writing again and am working on some random stuff to pitch. Also still looking for a job. Job, job, job (song in my head everyday).
5. Money - Oh hell, no money here. But I am going to write down all my debts and finances and expenses and I have a budget and I am going to find ways to make money. Suckville.
6. Organization - I really need to print out all my clips. I also need to go through all my papers and toss stuff. Maybe this weekend??
7. Zany situations - This is still going strong. Mostly because my cat is really weird. As is my roommate.
8. Boys - Still single here! Kind of hard to get a boyfriend when you can't afford to go out. But...I do have a new schoolgirl crush on the host at this cafe Birds near our place. Haven't had a crush in forever!
9. A "hang-out" place - OK, can't afford to hang somewhere all the time, but I love out little neighborhood bars/restaurants and think they will be very nice once money comes my way. Outlook positive.
Soooo...some things are going quite well, but the important ones like job and money are very stressful right now. Fingers crossed that they work out, especially since Mercury is out of the way (thanks mom!). Also, I need to start posting some online convos with my oldest sister. They are brillant.
^My sisters and I over Xmas last year!!
middle sister,
oldest sister,
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