Yesterday for dinner I bought grapes (good job!) and the family size box of mac and cheese. (Because my cats are included in my dinner guest count or something). Well, really it's also for dinner tonight because Legal Eagle is also sick of soup...what?!
But basically I am writing to tell everyone that I am living off of mac and cheese. It's good and probably going to make me sick.
Oldest sister suggested I eat quiche since it's soft and like real food! I like this idea.
That's all...and now I'm hungry.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Day 175 cont. - Call Me MacCheesy!
Day 175 - Weekend Update!
It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'm watching a scary movie at 8:00am (The Uninvited). Don't worry, I'm also working.
Here is what is on schedule for the weekend:
Saturday:Off to San Diego for the day and staying overnight. Legal Eagle is going to a conference with her boss, so I get to tag along! Staying at the Westin in the Gas Lamp District and will eat yummy (soft) food. Sure we have to wake up at like 3:00am because her conference is first thing in the morning, but I can nap when I get there.
Sunday:BBQ! My bosses and apartment owners are inviting all the apartment dwellers over for an afternoon BBQ. Very excited because the food is always delicious (and they always grill fish, so there will be soft food for me). Also...I got an Evite reminder, glanced at it and saw that Neighbor has RSVP'd. Now I have to come up with something to wear!
Overall weekend:Today is my last day of antibiotics for my dental implant! Why so excited? I will be able to have a glass of wine or two! Obviously I'm still playing it safe because I don't want any more dental work, but I was told that once the antibiotics are done, I can have a drink. Hey, remember? I'm 25 years old and a freelance writer...I think it's necessary that I get excited about drinking.
Mostly just happy to be out in nice weather all weekend, mid-60s both days. Jealous??
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Day 174 cont. - Something Scary, I Hope
I ran into Neighbor yesterday...I haven't seen him in days due to me staying in last week because of rain, staying in this week after my dental appointment, and being in the OC a bit.
I was returning from taking out the trash (awesome) and he was in between his apartments moving stuff. I'm pretty sure he sped up his walking to catch up with me...or at least that is what I'm telling myself.
Basically we chit chatted and here is how I later recounted it to Legal Eagle:
Me: I ran into Neighbor today.
LE: Oh yeah? And what happened?
Me: Nothing much. He's almost done moving. Annnnnd...I think he said, "I'll let you know when I'm done and you can come by. We can watch a movie or something." I mean, he probably meant you and me, but I'm telling myself that he meant you are welcome to come by, but he really wants to watch a movie alone with me.
LE: I agree, it sounds like he wants to hang out with you alone.
I think every girl needs a friend who agrees with her delusions.
There was more to the conversation, but it's all a blur...ha! More later...
Day 174 - From My Mom
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Day 173 cont. - Neighbor Is Stealing My Sunshine
Not figuratively, literally.
In the morning until about 1:00pm, I get awesome sun in my apartment. Then it disappears for the rest of the day.
Neighbor's apartment (which I can see into as of now) has a huge window and catches all the sun, like all day long!
So now I know that his apartment is blocking the 1:00pm and later sun from my apartment. Just chalk it up as another reason I want to date him.
On a more important note:
^They call this "Elephantastic Pink," I call it "Barbie's Favorite High Heels Pink."
Day 173 - I Want To Eat...
- Cheeseburgers
- Chips
- Tacos
- French Fries
- Sandwiches
- Breakfast Sandwiches
I Can Eat...
- Soup
- Mashed Potatoes
- Yogurt
- Already Soft Bread Dipped In Soup
- Possibly Really Soft Noodles Later This Week
- Possibly Soft Fish Later This Week
I'm huuuuungry...waaahhh!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Day 172 cont. - Maybe There Is A Reason For That
"John Mayer's speaking voice sounds just like Vince Vaughn."
^Legal Eagle's wise observation.
"And they are two men I greatly dislike."
^My conclusion about another similarity.
Day 172 - Ways In Which Soup Is Not A Meal
I got my dental implant started today and am on a soft diet for A WEEK! Legal Eagle and I made 5 soups this weekend, but after having some today, I've decided no way is soup a meal. Let me count the ways...
1. It takes 2 minutes to eat. You shouldn't be able to eat a meal in 2 minutes.
2. I don't have to chew a thing. That can't be good.
3. There aren't any options for sides, like steak and potatoes...nope, it's just blended steak and potatoes in a bowl.
4. Meals shouldn't be served in bowls.
5. Seriously, the soup I ate today had beans and veggies. I'm wasting away!!!!!!!!!
One way in which soup IS a meal...
1. LE and I have never bought so many veggies, seriously, over half of our grocery bill was veggies. But then they got blended and mixed with beans, so really who cares what I eat, it's all soup to me.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Day 171 - Which Outfit Should I Wear?
OK, first I will give you some background and then I will show you the choices with a PRO and CON listed for each one...and then I think I will be able to put a quiz in so that you can click and vote. Enjoy!
PARTY: Housewarming party for guy who I DO NOT have a crush on. In Sherman Oaks (just north of my place). Party starts at 9pm, but Legal Eagle has class so we will not be there until 10 or 11 most likely, therefore we are already making an entrance just by being late.
BOY POSSIBILITIES: No cute guys confirmed. None looking to confirm via Facebook investigation.
STYLE: It's a housewarming party, which I'm sure means casual. However, I tend to overdress, so I'm fine looking a little too good. :)
OK, ready? Here are the choices! (Oh, and please pardon the lack of hair and makeup styling, as well as the poses.)
^OUTFIT #1: New dress from H&M sale last week ($20!), black jacket, black tights, black heels, silver necklaces.
PRO: It's new and fabulous. I love the dress and haven't worn it.
CON: It's new and fabulous. I have this weird thing that when I first wear something I want to be wearing it to something that is worthy of it. I'm not sure this housewarming party is worthy.
^OUTFIT #2: Black dress, navy blue military-style jacket, black boots.
PRO: It's more casual than the other choices, but it's a nice mix of casual and "my outfit is better than everyone else's."
CON: I'm considering wearing this next week since I have a lot going on and will be out and about places, which means I won't want to wear it to the party because I'm weird like that.
^OUTFIT #3: Oh, purple NYE dress, long black sweater that I live in, black booties.
PRO: It would be good for me to wear my NYE dress more than once.
CON: Since the material of the dress is a little dressier, this selection may look like I am too dressed up even for me.
OK all, I should figure out this voting thing and have it up shortly! Yay!!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Day 170 cont. - That Could Be Fun
I think today or tomorrow I will try on a bunch of my clothes to decide what to wear to that housewarming party in February...because I have nothing better to do with my time. :)
Or maybe this weekend since I plan on cleaning out my closet. Hmmm...I will definitely post pictures though. Maybe we can have a vote!
Day 170 - New Look!
I gave my bloggity blog a new look.
I quite like it.
And sorry, no interesting life updates or anything fun.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day 169 cont. - Well, That Is Interesting...
Adjusted convo between Legal Eagle and me today:
LE: Do you remember The Mime?
Me: Hmmm...Halloween? Yeah.
LE: [Double B] asked me again last night if you would be into going out with him. I said, "Remember, she likes tall guys?"
Me: (makes some sort of quizzical face.)
LE: [Double B] said The Mime was quite taken by you.
Me: Taken?!
LE: I know.
Me: Wow, it's been quite awhile since someone has been taken by me.
LE: (laughs) Well, apparently they've been talking about you.
Me: It was unfair that he was a mime and I never saw his face.
LE: So you'd be into going out with him?
Me: Sure. He was nice and I can wear flats, probably better for my feet anyway.
LE: Well, now I feel like an ass for saying you wouldn't be into him.
Remember The Mime? He was from one of this year's Halloween parties and was my next set-up from Casey and Cappie. I thought he was on the short side, but nice. I looked at my original blog and it did say that I'd be interested in seeing him again sans mime makeup. It's not like he was shorter than me, just not super tall.
Convo continued later:
LE: So you really would be interested in going out with The Mime?
Me: Yeah.
LE: Like maybe [Double B] and I could set up a double date?
Me: Oooh...not an awkward dinner double date.
LE: No! Something active...Dave and Busters! (LE has been dying to go to Dave and Busters for a date I think.)
Me: Yeah, that would be good, just not some sit-down, dinner only thing. Nothing awkward.
And then later:
LE: (laughs while texting) We're talking about you.
Me: Huh?
LE: [Double B] and I are talking about you and your new boyfriend.
Looks like the wheels are already in motion. I still need some details about how I was mentioned to Double B. Like, The Mime just recently talked about me? What was exactly said about me? Taken by what? Looks, charm, humor, drunkenness?
My only hesitation is about how we first met. It was at the Halloween party and I was a bit of a drunky drunk. Not sloppy drunk, but drunk. Soooo embarrassing. I remember talking to him and bits of the convo, but not all. Oops. I'm guessing he won't hold that against me, I hope. But maybe this means that it wasn't just taken by looks because I probably had a slight case of drunk eyes, messy hair and non-cared for makeup. Let's just hope he doesn't choose to remind me of anything embarrassing I did or said.
Well folks, I will keep you updated on if this set-up actually happens. It is quite nice to know that a guy is making an effort to go after me and showing some interest. Big points. I won't let it convince me that I'm into him, but it is allowing me to brush aside the height thing for now. And hey, I've dated same-height guys before. Maybe I'm growing up.
LE: Do you remember The Mime?
Me: Hmmm...Halloween? Yeah.
LE: [Double B] asked me again last night if you would be into going out with him. I said, "Remember, she likes tall guys?"
Me: (makes some sort of quizzical face.)
LE: [Double B] said The Mime was quite taken by you.
Me: Taken?!
LE: I know.
Me: Wow, it's been quite awhile since someone has been taken by me.
LE: (laughs) Well, apparently they've been talking about you.
Me: It was unfair that he was a mime and I never saw his face.
LE: So you'd be into going out with him?
Me: Sure. He was nice and I can wear flats, probably better for my feet anyway.
LE: Well, now I feel like an ass for saying you wouldn't be into him.
Remember The Mime? He was from one of this year's Halloween parties and was my next set-up from Casey and Cappie. I thought he was on the short side, but nice. I looked at my original blog and it did say that I'd be interested in seeing him again sans mime makeup. It's not like he was shorter than me, just not super tall.
Convo continued later:
LE: So you really would be interested in going out with The Mime?
Me: Yeah.
LE: Like maybe [Double B] and I could set up a double date?
Me: Oooh...not an awkward dinner double date.
LE: No! Something active...Dave and Busters! (LE has been dying to go to Dave and Busters for a date I think.)
Me: Yeah, that would be good, just not some sit-down, dinner only thing. Nothing awkward.
And then later:
LE: (laughs while texting) We're talking about you.
Me: Huh?
LE: [Double B] and I are talking about you and your new boyfriend.
Looks like the wheels are already in motion. I still need some details about how I was mentioned to Double B. Like, The Mime just recently talked about me? What was exactly said about me? Taken by what? Looks, charm, humor, drunkenness?
My only hesitation is about how we first met. It was at the Halloween party and I was a bit of a drunky drunk. Not sloppy drunk, but drunk. Soooo embarrassing. I remember talking to him and bits of the convo, but not all. Oops. I'm guessing he won't hold that against me, I hope. But maybe this means that it wasn't just taken by looks because I probably had a slight case of drunk eyes, messy hair and non-cared for makeup. Let's just hope he doesn't choose to remind me of anything embarrassing I did or said.
Well folks, I will keep you updated on if this set-up actually happens. It is quite nice to know that a guy is making an effort to go after me and showing some interest. Big points. I won't let it convince me that I'm into him, but it is allowing me to brush aside the height thing for now. And hey, I've dated same-height guys before. Maybe I'm growing up.
Day 169 - The Answer Is "Yes!"
The question is, "Do I clench or grind my teeth?"
My dentist asked me this a long time ago after I cracked a tooth. I said, "Uh, I don't think so," as I had never noticed that I did.
However, over the last week or two, I am constantly noticing that I have my teeth clenched or, at the very least, I am moving them around, hitting them against each other.
This is probably bad, but I can't figure out why I do it.
It's not stress because I'm not particularly stressed at the moment or anytime when I notice it.
It may just be a habit I picked up at some point when I was really stressed.
But I'm starting to think I'm just a tense person. Even when I sit and stuff, my whole body is usually fairly tense unless I notice it and consciously adjust it.
How am I supposed to fix this? And don't say yoga, please.
As of now, I'm just trying really hard to not clench my teeth. I'll keep you updated.
Also, the internet at Panera (where I currently am) is really slooooow. But there is a guy across from me who looks like a Ken doll I once had, Prince Charles, I think. Cool.
My dentist asked me this a long time ago after I cracked a tooth. I said, "Uh, I don't think so," as I had never noticed that I did.
However, over the last week or two, I am constantly noticing that I have my teeth clenched or, at the very least, I am moving them around, hitting them against each other.
This is probably bad, but I can't figure out why I do it.
It's not stress because I'm not particularly stressed at the moment or anytime when I notice it.
It may just be a habit I picked up at some point when I was really stressed.
But I'm starting to think I'm just a tense person. Even when I sit and stuff, my whole body is usually fairly tense unless I notice it and consciously adjust it.
How am I supposed to fix this? And don't say yoga, please.
As of now, I'm just trying really hard to not clench my teeth. I'll keep you updated.
Also, the internet at Panera (where I currently am) is really slooooow. But there is a guy across from me who looks like a Ken doll I once had, Prince Charles, I think. Cool.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Day 168 - Update On My Blog Goals
It's that check in on my "What I Like About You-ify" challenge.
1. Apartment: I love our Hollywood apartment and the neighborhood. It is currently clean which is nice, and I have an exact list of what I need to do for my room to get it exactly how I want it.
2. Hair and Makeup: Ha, an awesome goal. I need to buy more makeup, not because I want to just buy it but because I am almost out of my basics. Yikes! I do love the stuff I am using right now and my skin feels really good right now! Hair, well as you know I am hopefully getting it cut.
3. Clothes: You know me, I'm focusing on the French ballerina look right now. I definitely put a lot of effort into making up fun outfits (because that is an important skill to have). I haven't cleaned out my closet yet. Oops. I will.
4. Job: Ugh, this goal is soooo annoying. Still freelancing, blah blah. Moving on...
5. Money: Hey, I am up on all my bills. That's pretty good. And I might actually be able to start saving some money. Fingers crossed!
6. Organization: Hmmm...yeah, this could definitely use some work. I still haven't made a clip book, and I need to transfer docs saved on my laptop to a backup. This is an important thing to do.
7. Zany Situations: This is lagging. I feel like nothing nutty has happened lately. Hmm...sad.
8. Boys: Well, they still exist. And if only Neighbor would wake up and see how awesome and adorable I am. Maybe there will be some cute boys at the housewarming party. I need to start juggling guys, badly needed.
9. A "Hang-out" Place: Nonexistant. Birds could be a "hang-out" place, but I need to go there consistently and going out in Hollywood just isn't happening right now. Money? Could be a factor.
Still have lots of work to do, obviously.
1. Apartment: I love our Hollywood apartment and the neighborhood. It is currently clean which is nice, and I have an exact list of what I need to do for my room to get it exactly how I want it.
2. Hair and Makeup: Ha, an awesome goal. I need to buy more makeup, not because I want to just buy it but because I am almost out of my basics. Yikes! I do love the stuff I am using right now and my skin feels really good right now! Hair, well as you know I am hopefully getting it cut.
3. Clothes: You know me, I'm focusing on the French ballerina look right now. I definitely put a lot of effort into making up fun outfits (because that is an important skill to have). I haven't cleaned out my closet yet. Oops. I will.
4. Job: Ugh, this goal is soooo annoying. Still freelancing, blah blah. Moving on...
5. Money: Hey, I am up on all my bills. That's pretty good. And I might actually be able to start saving some money. Fingers crossed!
6. Organization: Hmmm...yeah, this could definitely use some work. I still haven't made a clip book, and I need to transfer docs saved on my laptop to a backup. This is an important thing to do.
7. Zany Situations: This is lagging. I feel like nothing nutty has happened lately. Hmm...sad.
8. Boys: Well, they still exist. And if only Neighbor would wake up and see how awesome and adorable I am. Maybe there will be some cute boys at the housewarming party. I need to start juggling guys, badly needed.
9. A "Hang-out" Place: Nonexistant. Birds could be a "hang-out" place, but I need to go there consistently and going out in Hollywood just isn't happening right now. Money? Could be a factor.
Still have lots of work to do, obviously.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Day 167 cont. - Tweets For One
My oldest sister and I chat on Gmail constantly. Lately she has had some great one-liners that I wish I could post on Twitter, if I had one.
"You stomach is Team Jacob!"
^Her response to me saying that my stomach growled, but it was more of a howl.
"No workee, no partee."
^Her response to me saying that Philly had not responded yet to me doing work for his company. (He has now responded.)
"It's flat, but the ladies ain't."
^Her response to me telling her that there were no hills to hike in the OC.
"You're like a wine stain."
^Her response to me after I told her that a Web site I want to freelance for will not be able to get rid of me that easily.
And one from me:
"I should have gone into a career that is high in vampire."
"You stomach is Team Jacob!"
^Her response to me saying that my stomach growled, but it was more of a howl.
"No workee, no partee."
^Her response to me saying that Philly had not responded yet to me doing work for his company. (He has now responded.)
"It's flat, but the ladies ain't."
^Her response to me telling her that there were no hills to hike in the OC.
"You're like a wine stain."
^Her response to me after I told her that a Web site I want to freelance for will not be able to get rid of me that easily.
And one from me:
"I should have gone into a career that is high in vampire."
Day 167 cont. - Second Chances
I'm not one to give second chances to people I dislike based on personality. Maybe it's a bad habit, but so far I've been a pretty good judge and I just know the kind of personalities I get along with right away.
However, I'm being forced to, in a way, give a second chance.
OK, backstory!!!
Many months ago (in summer 2009?) I went to a party for a company I do editing for often. Legal Eagle came with and we met a new worker who was from Philly, so we shall call him Philly on here. (Side note: He is programmed in my phone as "Philly...Ugh..." which is really weird to have that pop up on your phone.)
We met Philly and we talked to him for a long time and, since I had a few drinks and it was way hot, I, of course, thought it would be a great idea to invite him out with LE and me later. Poor decisions little lady.
We hung out and he was annoying. He was all, "Philly is awesome. I'm from Philly. Blah, blah." LE still hassles me about inviting him out.
He has bugged me since to hang out and I have had every excuse in the book. But many of them have been true! I was convinced to ignore him even more when I checked out his Facebook page and noticed that he is Republican (Ew!) and likes that dumb Tucker Max book (Double ew!).
However, I recently received a text from Philly and he offered me some work. What?!?!?! I accepted and he then also mentioned a housewarming party he was having at the beginning of February.
I quickly im'd LE.
Me: If I accept the work then do I have to go to the party?
LE: Hmm...prob. I'm excited. We should go. Maybe hot guys will be there.
Oh my LE, always optimistic. So now we are going. I looked up his roommates, one girl, one guy. The guy isn't bad looking...well, actually, he is one of those guys that depending on angle, hair and whatever can either be totally cute or totally not.
I really wanted to avoid this guy because I just have the feeling he is one of those tools who thinks feminists are women who hate men. Maybe I can educate him with some more liberal views. At the least, it'll be interesting and an entertaining story for LE and me. Here's to second chances, I guess.
However, I'm being forced to, in a way, give a second chance.
OK, backstory!!!
Many months ago (in summer 2009?) I went to a party for a company I do editing for often. Legal Eagle came with and we met a new worker who was from Philly, so we shall call him Philly on here. (Side note: He is programmed in my phone as "Philly...Ugh..." which is really weird to have that pop up on your phone.)
We met Philly and we talked to him for a long time and, since I had a few drinks and it was way hot, I, of course, thought it would be a great idea to invite him out with LE and me later. Poor decisions little lady.
We hung out and he was annoying. He was all, "Philly is awesome. I'm from Philly. Blah, blah." LE still hassles me about inviting him out.
He has bugged me since to hang out and I have had every excuse in the book. But many of them have been true! I was convinced to ignore him even more when I checked out his Facebook page and noticed that he is Republican (Ew!) and likes that dumb Tucker Max book (Double ew!).
However, I recently received a text from Philly and he offered me some work. What?!?!?! I accepted and he then also mentioned a housewarming party he was having at the beginning of February.
I quickly im'd LE.
Me: If I accept the work then do I have to go to the party?
LE: Hmm...prob. I'm excited. We should go. Maybe hot guys will be there.
Oh my LE, always optimistic. So now we are going. I looked up his roommates, one girl, one guy. The guy isn't bad looking...well, actually, he is one of those guys that depending on angle, hair and whatever can either be totally cute or totally not.
I really wanted to avoid this guy because I just have the feeling he is one of those tools who thinks feminists are women who hate men. Maybe I can educate him with some more liberal views. At the least, it'll be interesting and an entertaining story for LE and me. Here's to second chances, I guess.
Day 167 - What To Blog? What To Blog?
I had stuff earlier that I wanted to blog about, but now no idea what they were. I think I might do an update on my WILAY goals later. Maybe even after this blog...since I have an empty night ahead as I dog sit while Legal Eagle is in class. But for now, I will just make a lits of random things and stuff coming up.
Football watching and beer on Sunday. The Cowboys are still in the playoffs (knock on wood) so LE and I will be going down to Stadium here in the OC with the dog and sitting, drinking and eating (pending no rain). Hey, I'm still 25, it's totally acceptable for me to get excited about getting sloshed for cheap in the OC!
-- Lunch on Tuesday with the woman I met in New York (also, I'm trying to call all females over 21 women, instead of girls). She works super close to my area, so we are grabbing lunch at Boho, which is a place I have heard many good things about and have been wanting to go to. And hey, I am accomplishing a resolution!!
Haircut time! I should be able to (if I can get an appointmen) get my haircut next weekend. (This is when angels sing from above.) I promise to post a picture if it happens.
-- Dental implant is happening on the 25th. I'll probably be on a liquid diet and a bunch of pills to keep my mouth healthy. Not fun.
-- I have to go to a meeting the day after the dental implant. I'm doing this work stuff for LE's kind of boss...whatever. I found out that they (not LE, but the bosses) had set up a day for us to all meet and talk (without asking me if I was available that day). And so it is the day after my dental work. I could say, "Oh, won't work, I'm getting dental work done the day before and will be in pain," but as I prefer to be a brat, I will go, make them realize that they are putting me through more pain, be crabby, and hold a nice long grudge. Maybe not the right way to handle things, but oh well, remember, I'm 25.
-- Starting some new work. I met this guy through another job and he asked me to write some fashion/beauty blurbs every week. I agreed and will get paid, could add up to about a few hundred extra every month.
Housewarming party in February. The guy above, he also invited LE and me to a housewarming party. Now I have to go as he gave me work. Actually, I will blog about this later.
-- Oh! I think I am going to San Diego at the end of January. I forgot, LE and her boss are going to a conference and I get to tag along. It'll just be a night there, but still totally awesome. Ha!
That's pretty much all right now. Hopefully I will be able to take it easy next weekend as I will have stuff every other weekend. But...if something fun were to come up next weekend, I certainly wouldn't turn it down. So far, I think 2010 is not so bad and my social calendar actually exists. Ha!

-- Lunch on Tuesday with the woman I met in New York (also, I'm trying to call all females over 21 women, instead of girls). She works super close to my area, so we are grabbing lunch at Boho, which is a place I have heard many good things about and have been wanting to go to. And hey, I am accomplishing a resolution!!

-- Dental implant is happening on the 25th. I'll probably be on a liquid diet and a bunch of pills to keep my mouth healthy. Not fun.
-- I have to go to a meeting the day after the dental implant. I'm doing this work stuff for LE's kind of boss...whatever. I found out that they (not LE, but the bosses) had set up a day for us to all meet and talk (without asking me if I was available that day). And so it is the day after my dental work. I could say, "Oh, won't work, I'm getting dental work done the day before and will be in pain," but as I prefer to be a brat, I will go, make them realize that they are putting me through more pain, be crabby, and hold a nice long grudge. Maybe not the right way to handle things, but oh well, remember, I'm 25.
-- Starting some new work. I met this guy through another job and he asked me to write some fashion/beauty blurbs every week. I agreed and will get paid, could add up to about a few hundred extra every month.

-- Oh! I think I am going to San Diego at the end of January. I forgot, LE and her boss are going to a conference and I get to tag along. It'll just be a night there, but still totally awesome. Ha!
That's pretty much all right now. Hopefully I will be able to take it easy next weekend as I will have stuff every other weekend. But...if something fun were to come up next weekend, I certainly wouldn't turn it down. So far, I think 2010 is not so bad and my social calendar actually exists. Ha!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Day 166 cont. - Yeah, Not Going To Get A Response
I was walking to the store and when I do I have to pass the little restaurants on Franklin.
As I did, a guy caught my eye, just briefly. However, it was his friend who yelled, "Lady," at me. How am I sure it was at me? Well, I was the only lady around.
I kept walking and went to the store.
However, on my way back, these two men were still at a table outside. The bearded, short-looking friend turned in the table to face me and yelled, "Hey lady."
Now, did he really expect me to stop? I didn't, I grumbled under my breath and kept walking.
If he had wanted me to stop, I can offer this advice, don't yell at me like you are calling your dog. Say something easy like, "Excuse me..." and then whatever. Oh, and grow a few inches. :)
As I did, a guy caught my eye, just briefly. However, it was his friend who yelled, "Lady," at me. How am I sure it was at me? Well, I was the only lady around.
I kept walking and went to the store.
However, on my way back, these two men were still at a table outside. The bearded, short-looking friend turned in the table to face me and yelled, "Hey lady."
Now, did he really expect me to stop? I didn't, I grumbled under my breath and kept walking.
If he had wanted me to stop, I can offer this advice, don't yell at me like you are calling your dog. Say something easy like, "Excuse me..." and then whatever. Oh, and grow a few inches. :)
Day 166 - A Neighborly Update
Apparently all I do lately is find ways to talk to Neighbor. Eh, I guess it's always good to have a new hobby. (Note: I am capitalizing Neighbor as it will forever be how I refer to him on here)
Sooo....updates! Barbar met Neighbor last night. Legal Eagle and I took him and Schatzi over to Neighbor's and set them loose so they could mingle. Schatzi, at one point, jumped on Neighbor's back when he bent down to pet him. Yes, this is weird. Mostly Schatzi meowed a lot. Barbar ran around everywhere and snooped like a madman. I wish he could talk so he could tell me what he saw. They behaved, but it would be interesting to see how they interact with Neighbor at our place (I think they were more distracted by the new place).
Neighbor's friend was over so we all hung out for a little while. Not much flirting, just chit chat, but I will see him today to give him a set of keys and whatnot.
Wish I had more of an update for you. Hmm...thought I felt like blogging, but guess not. More later!
Sooo....updates! Barbar met Neighbor last night. Legal Eagle and I took him and Schatzi over to Neighbor's and set them loose so they could mingle. Schatzi, at one point, jumped on Neighbor's back when he bent down to pet him. Yes, this is weird. Mostly Schatzi meowed a lot. Barbar ran around everywhere and snooped like a madman. I wish he could talk so he could tell me what he saw. They behaved, but it would be interesting to see how they interact with Neighbor at our place (I think they were more distracted by the new place).
Neighbor's friend was over so we all hung out for a little while. Not much flirting, just chit chat, but I will see him today to give him a set of keys and whatnot.
Wish I had more of an update for you. Hmm...thought I felt like blogging, but guess not. More later!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Day 165 cont. - Big Moment
Tonight neighbor will formally meet Barbar.
Legal Eagle and I will be spending Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Orange County so I asked neighbor check on the cats. He said yes, of course! Then I told him LE and I would stop by after her class tonight and bring the cats by. Barbar will be a huge influence as to whether or not I can continue to be interested in this guy. After all, boys come and go, but Barbar is forever in my face. :)
Day 165 - Major Problem
I can no longer recognize flirting!
So, I've been trying to bug my neighbor as much as possible. However, even after hanging out with him Saturday night and seeing him a few times this week, I have no idea if we have flirted. I don't even know if I am flirting!
It's like I'm a divorcee after 20 years and need to get back in the game. I realized today that I haven't actively flirted with a guy in, well, I don't know when.
I know you're probably wondering how I can't figure out if he is flirting or if even I am flirting. Obviously it's a different type of situation as we are neighbors and not just talking at a bar because one wants to hit on the other.
I mean, I think he's been flirty? Or just friendly? We talk, joke and laugh a lot. But I do that with everyone else in my life, too.
He dropped off a movie the other day that I hadn't even asked for. Is that flirty?
I dropped it back off today and got to see the place he is moving to (right across from my place, seriously, our windows look into each other - a fact I pointed out to him).
Oh, also...when I went over on Saturday he had picked out a bunch of scary movies from his collection that he thought I'd want to see and when I went by today he had them in a pile for me. Is that flirty or just organized? Well, I took one of them and will have to drop it off again after I watch it. Just another excuse to visit. And why won't he offer to watch a scary movie with me?! Now THAT would be flirty.
At this point I feel pretty clueless, but I'm not stressed about it. If he likes me, great. If not, we could definitely be friends at this point. I'll just keep bugging him for now.
Oh, and Legal Eagle and I are dropping by his place tonight, so maybe I can get her opinion. I will report back soon!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Day 164 cont. - I Guess That Answers That
The neighbor situation? Wondering if I have a crush?
Well, I brushed my hair to take out the garbage.
Well, I brushed my hair to take out the garbage.
Day 164 - Unless They're Those Genius Babies From That One Movie
"Babies can't get DUIs!"
^Legal Eagle's final thought during a convo after her work enemy said LE shouldn't hand out her business cards because people might think she is a lawyer. I replied to LE that, "Please, as if you have clients who can't read your business card." And above is LE's response to that.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Day 163 cont. - A Little Of Me
^Me in my NY room before the big interviews. Sorry, I just look soooo cute! No wonder Benny/Binny hit on me.
^My nails were yellow in case you were wondering if I still painted them a lot. My toes are currently gold, which I got from my dad for Christmas. My nails are not painted because they need a little break, but then I am painting them "Miami Beet," also from my dad.
Day 163 cont. - Some Christmas Pictures
I've been meaning to post some holiday pictures. Here you go!

^Cookbook for the best pancakes ever!

^I really like this picture. Now stop smiling and get back to cooking my pancakes!

^What? The walls are blue?

^A man and his scotch.

^Two yokels who kept thinking the flash on the camera was too bright.

^ stop complaining because this picture is cute.

^Only took a few shots to get this right.

^OK, best one where we look equally as good, because we are laughing, I think mom said.

^Best one of my sisters and me!!

^Couldn't ask for better parents!!!!
^Cookbook for the best pancakes ever!
^I really like this picture. Now stop smiling and get back to cooking my pancakes!
^What? The walls are blue?
^A man and his scotch.
^Two yokels who kept thinking the flash on the camera was too bright.
^ stop complaining because this picture is cute.
^Only took a few shots to get this right.
^OK, best one where we look equally as good, because we are laughing, I think mom said.
^Best one of my sisters and me!!
^Couldn't ask for better parents!!!!
middle sister,
oldest sister,
Day 163 - What? It's Monday?
Last night Legal Eagle and I were thoroughly confused as to how we missed the whole weekend.
Saturday I cleaned ALL DAY! OK, sure there were some TV breaks during this time, but I cleaned our kitchen, living room and bathroom. Also, cleaned off my desk and got rid of tons of junk mail and random papers. Now the challenge is keeping everything clean...
Then Saturday night I ended up hanging out with our neighbor and a friend of his. LE ended up at a BBQ that ran into the night, so since we had been trying to hang out with neighbor forever, I decided to pop by. was fun!
We all mostly just hung out, watched TV and talked. Oh, and we watched some episodes of Strangers with Candy. Yes, neighbor totally has some very good TV DVDs. He even has one season of Three's Company. (After I told LE this, she asked, "When you saw it, were you like, 'swoon'?")
Neighbor's friend was cool and very funny. LE and I have met him in passing before and he has some friends who do stunt stuff for movies I think and I actually gave him my business card because he's looking to get them some press.
Of course, I was totally worried about "Oh, will they like hanging out with me or think I'm totally lame???" but never fear, I easily won them over. (As if I have to try.) How, you ask?
Well, as neighbor does film and video editing, the topic of movies came up. When asked what kind of movies I am into, I responded as such:
Me: Well, really I like scary movies.
Neighbor: Really?
(What? I don't look like a girl who would be into scary movies? Is it the heels or the flower, fluffy, party dresses?)
Me: Yeah, but more like the stuff from the '70s and '80s. My sisters and I used to watch them all the time when we were young.
Neighbor: Seriously?
Me: Yeah.
Neighbor: What's your favorite one?
Me: Well, it's not a very popular one, but my all-time favorite would be Graduation Day.
Neighbor: Are you serious? So that's the one you watch a lot?
Me: Yeah, my sister bought it for me a long time ago on old school VHS. The case is all broken down, but it's so good.
Neighbor: I just recently got Graduation Day on DVD.
Me: Shut up!
Neighbor: Yeah, I don't think I've ever known anyone who knew that movie.
Me: Me either.
Thank god for my awesome taste in movies. We then talked about all the old movies and I raided some of the ones he has which include a variety of camp horror movies (Yay!) and high school horror movies (Double yay!). Only difference is he can remember titles to movies, whereas I have to describe the whole plot and hope that he can figure out which one I am talking about. And that can be very difficult with '70s and '80s horror movies as they all take place at a sorority house or camp or high school or slumber party. And he mentioned the New Beverly Cinema which plays old movies, even once Graduation Day, and it sounds pretty cool.
Oh, and neighbor is moving next door (not right next to us as he is already right next to us, but in the building next to us). It is mine and LE's dream building. It looks Bavarian or German? But, as we were talking about the movie Paranormal Activity, neighbor told me how he's hoping his new place is haunted as it's much older than other places here. And, tons of Hollywood people have lived around here and in OUR building that I didn't even know about. Anyway, I told neighbor we should do a Ouija board session at his new place. I had to explain I don't have one because LE is not crazy about the idea. He isn't crazy about the idea either. Why does no one want to Ouija board with me???
But I think I might be able to talk him into it. He said he'd prefer to think that there was a ghost hanging out in the corner near the bathroom rather than sitting next to him at the Ouija board. But I assured him that it would be safe because we'd get crystals and light a white candle and take all the precautions, to which he replied:
"I want to meet your crystal supplier first."
But when I told LE I want to Ouija board his new place, I think she was kind of on board with this! With both of us working at it, I KNOW we can convince him!
Moving on...I think he really wants me and LE to bring our cats by. OK, not "think," more like "know." I think LE told me that his family had a cat and he always loves to see ours. So, since LE also wants to make some time to hang out with neighbor, I think we will be bringing our cats by very soon, maybe this week?
All in all, it was a fun time. Oh! And he knows a lot more about all this random stuff in our area, so LE and I are going to start searching for the Garden of Oz. It is apparently in Beachwood Canyon (our area) and is locked to everyone except those who have keys, but you can see the garden through the gate. Neighbor hasn't found it, yet.
But of course, anytime you tell anyone that you hung out with a guy there are the inevitable questions.
I told my middle sister about hanging out there and she asked, "Is he cute? You should date him."
Then when I told LE about hanging out with him, she asked, "So would you say he is datable? Were there sparks? We could double-date!"
You want answers to all this? Well, that'll be the next blog. Or the one after that.
As for Sunday, I slept late as I stayed up past my bedtime on Saturday. Then I went for a nice walk to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf for a chai and some breakfast. Then I returned home to try to clean my room. I did an OK job, but did not go through my closet or makeup or reorganize anything. I did pick up the floor and my shoes and clothes are all in place. I then took an afternoon nap in the sun. Nice! Managed to hit the grocery store and chill out with LE while we talked about things we should be doing. Instead we played with the cats and caught up. Oh, and we watched some awesome TV as always.
Saturday I cleaned ALL DAY! OK, sure there were some TV breaks during this time, but I cleaned our kitchen, living room and bathroom. Also, cleaned off my desk and got rid of tons of junk mail and random papers. Now the challenge is keeping everything clean...
Then Saturday night I ended up hanging out with our neighbor and a friend of his. LE ended up at a BBQ that ran into the night, so since we had been trying to hang out with neighbor forever, I decided to pop by. was fun!
We all mostly just hung out, watched TV and talked. Oh, and we watched some episodes of Strangers with Candy. Yes, neighbor totally has some very good TV DVDs. He even has one season of Three's Company. (After I told LE this, she asked, "When you saw it, were you like, 'swoon'?")
Neighbor's friend was cool and very funny. LE and I have met him in passing before and he has some friends who do stunt stuff for movies I think and I actually gave him my business card because he's looking to get them some press.
Of course, I was totally worried about "Oh, will they like hanging out with me or think I'm totally lame???" but never fear, I easily won them over. (As if I have to try.) How, you ask?
Well, as neighbor does film and video editing, the topic of movies came up. When asked what kind of movies I am into, I responded as such:
Me: Well, really I like scary movies.
Neighbor: Really?
(What? I don't look like a girl who would be into scary movies? Is it the heels or the flower, fluffy, party dresses?)
Me: Yeah, but more like the stuff from the '70s and '80s. My sisters and I used to watch them all the time when we were young.
Neighbor: Seriously?
Me: Yeah.
Neighbor: What's your favorite one?
Me: Well, it's not a very popular one, but my all-time favorite would be Graduation Day.
Neighbor: Are you serious? So that's the one you watch a lot?
Me: Yeah, my sister bought it for me a long time ago on old school VHS. The case is all broken down, but it's so good.
Neighbor: I just recently got Graduation Day on DVD.
Me: Shut up!
Neighbor: Yeah, I don't think I've ever known anyone who knew that movie.
Me: Me either.
Thank god for my awesome taste in movies. We then talked about all the old movies and I raided some of the ones he has which include a variety of camp horror movies (Yay!) and high school horror movies (Double yay!). Only difference is he can remember titles to movies, whereas I have to describe the whole plot and hope that he can figure out which one I am talking about. And that can be very difficult with '70s and '80s horror movies as they all take place at a sorority house or camp or high school or slumber party. And he mentioned the New Beverly Cinema which plays old movies, even once Graduation Day, and it sounds pretty cool.
Oh, and neighbor is moving next door (not right next to us as he is already right next to us, but in the building next to us). It is mine and LE's dream building. It looks Bavarian or German? But, as we were talking about the movie Paranormal Activity, neighbor told me how he's hoping his new place is haunted as it's much older than other places here. And, tons of Hollywood people have lived around here and in OUR building that I didn't even know about. Anyway, I told neighbor we should do a Ouija board session at his new place. I had to explain I don't have one because LE is not crazy about the idea. He isn't crazy about the idea either. Why does no one want to Ouija board with me???
But I think I might be able to talk him into it. He said he'd prefer to think that there was a ghost hanging out in the corner near the bathroom rather than sitting next to him at the Ouija board. But I assured him that it would be safe because we'd get crystals and light a white candle and take all the precautions, to which he replied:
"I want to meet your crystal supplier first."
But when I told LE I want to Ouija board his new place, I think she was kind of on board with this! With both of us working at it, I KNOW we can convince him!
Moving on...I think he really wants me and LE to bring our cats by. OK, not "think," more like "know." I think LE told me that his family had a cat and he always loves to see ours. So, since LE also wants to make some time to hang out with neighbor, I think we will be bringing our cats by very soon, maybe this week?
All in all, it was a fun time. Oh! And he knows a lot more about all this random stuff in our area, so LE and I are going to start searching for the Garden of Oz. It is apparently in Beachwood Canyon (our area) and is locked to everyone except those who have keys, but you can see the garden through the gate. Neighbor hasn't found it, yet.
But of course, anytime you tell anyone that you hung out with a guy there are the inevitable questions.
I told my middle sister about hanging out there and she asked, "Is he cute? You should date him."
Then when I told LE about hanging out with him, she asked, "So would you say he is datable? Were there sparks? We could double-date!"
You want answers to all this? Well, that'll be the next blog. Or the one after that.
As for Sunday, I slept late as I stayed up past my bedtime on Saturday. Then I went for a nice walk to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf for a chai and some breakfast. Then I returned home to try to clean my room. I did an OK job, but did not go through my closet or makeup or reorganize anything. I did pick up the floor and my shoes and clothes are all in place. I then took an afternoon nap in the sun. Nice! Managed to hit the grocery store and chill out with LE while we talked about things we should be doing. Instead we played with the cats and caught up. Oh, and we watched some awesome TV as always.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Day 162 cont. - Oh, Hello Night
I have been working in complete darkness for probably the last 30 minutes because I was so zoned out on work.
And then I thought at one point that my Backspace button was broken.
I'm quitting for the day I think.
And then I thought at one point that my Backspace button was broken.
I'm quitting for the day I think.
Day 162 cont. - I Hate It When...
...people put the address of a Web site in the subject line of an email because then I cannot just click and go, I have to copy and paste.
Day 162 - Things To Learn
I wish everyone would learn when to use a word normally and when to add "ly."
I know you took that personal.
I know you took that personally.
I don't claim to be a genius when it comes to proper grammar (Lie! I do!), but this one isn't that difficult.
I know you took that personal.
I know you took that personally.
I don't claim to be a genius when it comes to proper grammar (Lie! I do!), but this one isn't that difficult.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Day 161 - I Need To Add These!
I think sometimes the best time to make New Year's resolutions is right after the new year because then you realize what you really want to be doing, so I am adding a few:
1. Take better care of my skin - I probably already have more products than I need, but now I want to right products. I needed new face lotion anyway, so I got one with SPF 45! Yes, my face will get no sun. Maybe it's because I'm aging (ew!) or I'm smarter now, but I feel like I can little signs of damage and I need to protect my face (plus I'm not so lame anymore and don't feel the need to look tan -- despite living in LA). Next up, a body lotion with SPF, but also with a nice scent. I think there is a baby powder one at Target!
2. Use caps - I used to write all friendly emails, texts, etc. in lowercase. I'm over this and am going back to proper English and grammer and punctuation. Even in texting I am using commas, caps and spelling most words out.
3. Get a haircut - Frick frack, it sure has been a long time since I got my hair cut...but I found the perfect place in LA. Great reviews, covered on Daily Candy and affordable! When I get paid next, I am making an appointment! Done!
4. Try out liquid eyeliner - I've done the all-over eyeliner thing and I don't think it works for my eyes (or maybe I just don't know how to do it), but I have been trying out just liquid eyeliner on my top lids. I definitely need some practice and maybe a higher quality bottle, but so far it is a nice change to my makeup routine. Must read some articles online about applying it now, great.
5. Start a book...writing one - Last year I wanted to start writing a Bride Brain book (about that awful wedding I was in), but I had soooo much trouble with it. My mom has mentioned an interning book (not sure how this idea ever came around, but I've always liked it). I prefer writing personal experience stuff instead of creative fiction. I think I really want to start actually writing it, not like a serious book, but funnier yet still informative and personal. I can't say much, you might steal my idea. Maybe I should start with an outline or just jot ideas down? Something to feel like I'm working on it at least? :)
6. Work on screenplay - Oldest sister needs to kick my butt. I am going to add our notes to our main notes this weekend. It's a good idea and I like working with her.
Sooo...that's mostly it I think. In other news, I broke and added my dad as my Facebook friend since he has chosen not to reach out and add me! He's too cool or something I'm sure.
1. Take better care of my skin - I probably already have more products than I need, but now I want to right products. I needed new face lotion anyway, so I got one with SPF 45! Yes, my face will get no sun. Maybe it's because I'm aging (ew!) or I'm smarter now, but I feel like I can little signs of damage and I need to protect my face (plus I'm not so lame anymore and don't feel the need to look tan -- despite living in LA). Next up, a body lotion with SPF, but also with a nice scent. I think there is a baby powder one at Target!
2. Use caps - I used to write all friendly emails, texts, etc. in lowercase. I'm over this and am going back to proper English and grammer and punctuation. Even in texting I am using commas, caps and spelling most words out.
3. Get a haircut - Frick frack, it sure has been a long time since I got my hair cut...but I found the perfect place in LA. Great reviews, covered on Daily Candy and affordable! When I get paid next, I am making an appointment! Done!
4. Try out liquid eyeliner - I've done the all-over eyeliner thing and I don't think it works for my eyes (or maybe I just don't know how to do it), but I have been trying out just liquid eyeliner on my top lids. I definitely need some practice and maybe a higher quality bottle, but so far it is a nice change to my makeup routine. Must read some articles online about applying it now, great.
5. Start a book...writing one - Last year I wanted to start writing a Bride Brain book (about that awful wedding I was in), but I had soooo much trouble with it. My mom has mentioned an interning book (not sure how this idea ever came around, but I've always liked it). I prefer writing personal experience stuff instead of creative fiction. I think I really want to start actually writing it, not like a serious book, but funnier yet still informative and personal. I can't say much, you might steal my idea. Maybe I should start with an outline or just jot ideas down? Something to feel like I'm working on it at least? :)
6. Work on screenplay - Oldest sister needs to kick my butt. I am going to add our notes to our main notes this weekend. It's a good idea and I like working with her.
Sooo...that's mostly it I think. In other news, I broke and added my dad as my Facebook friend since he has chosen not to reach out and add me! He's too cool or something I'm sure.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Day 159 - I'm Angry
And it feels like that little, bottled-up anger where you are in a constant fit, where you can't manage to feel relaxed for 5 seconds. Time for more TV I think.
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