Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 157 - Third Wheelin' It

OK, I know Christmas happened and I will write all about that, but right now we have a more pressing issue.

New Year's Eve is around the corner (2 days!) and it is looking very likely that I will be a 3rd wheel. Uuuuuggggggggghhhhhhh!

Legal Eagle and I are going to San Diego for NYE (thanks to her boss) and she invited the guy she is dating (and yes, I encouraged that she invite him). LE is also still trying to convince his roomie RJ to come (as RJ and Double B were going to do something else together for NYE, but now neither will attend that event), but I am not so sure she can get him to come in the next 2 days.

But, I have made a conscious decision to not mope about my 3rd wheel status. So, I have devised a game plan for my night of 3rd wheelin' it. For anyone who finds themselves as a 3rd wheel, feel free to steal my tips:

1. Look foxy: That is a given. Must make jaws drop when I enter the room. But, can't look like I am trying too hard. I think I have this covered with a fitted dress that is about knee-length. It is perfect. If you look good, you will start to feel good! And hell, I am single after all! Other suggestions: go all-out blingy, wear crazy accessories, sky-high heels, anything outrageous.

2. Drink: I know, drinking doesn't solve my problems (Lie! It does!), but if you are a 3rd wheel on a night like NYE, have a drink or two or three or...you get it. It'll give you something to do and hold onto during the night if there are any weird moments.

3. Don't drink too much: You do not want to be the sloppy, single, drunk girl. You also don't want to be kissing the toilet at midnight. My plan is to sub in a water or soda after each drink. Pace yourself and you will be ready for the champagne toast at midnight.

4. Dance, even if it is by yourself: If there is one thing I have learned from my dad, it is that if you want to dance, you should, even if you are dancing alone. Anyway, when you see someone out on the dance floor just having fun dancing around, aren't you usually jealous? I am, so NYE I am just going to dance!

5. Flirt the night away: If you're a single, 3rd wheel then mix and mingle with everyone! You have no one you have to "report back to" at all. Make a game of it and see just how many guys you can flirt with, just watch out for ones with girlfriends!

6. Work the room: If couples are dancing to a slow song or whatever, just wander the room. It'll probably be a big space, so just walk around, find out where things are, whatever. It takes up some time and the walking will help sober you up. Ha!

7. Smile: I know, lame! But forcing a smile does make you eventually feel like smiling. Plus a smile will attract far more of those single guys than a frown will.

8. Make couples jealous: Sure, couples are all happy that they aren't single on NYE, until they meet you! Be bold and feel free to act a little crazy (but keep it all legal). Dance on a bar, hit on the bartender, have a line of guys waiting to kiss you at midnight, whatever. Because you know all those girls with boyfriends at NYE? They usually aren't supposed to do that kind of stuff. And those guys with girlfriends on NYE? They probably wish they were in the line to kiss you.

9. Do not act or feel like the 3rd wheel: This is probably the hardest one, but all I can say is I am not going to rely on the couple I will be with to entertain me through the night. Yes, I will hang out with them, but I will also go do whatever I want and let them do what they want. They will not decide if I have fun. And, if they see how much fun I am having, it'll put them in a better mood and hopefully all three of us can just have fun together (instead of them wondering if I am pissed off).

10. Decide how to deal with those "moments": There will be moments where all three of you are hanging out and they act like a couple and you are just "there." It may be weird, but come up with a game plan. Go get a drink, excuse yourself to the ladies' room, just chill and wait for the moment to pass, go dance, find a guy to make eye contact with, or just cryptically say "I'll be right back." Whatever you do, don't pout, roll your eyes or any of that. Stay in a good mood!

11. Decide what to do at midnight when the moment arrives: Don't put the pressure on yourself of trying to land a kiss all night. Just go out and have fun and when the time arrives, close your eyes and scream "Happy New Year!" if no one is around to kiss. And if someone else is doing the same, go for a kiss!

12. Go home if you really can't take it: If you're in a bad mood, why deal with it all? Just head home or do whatever you want. You shouldn't be forced to celebrate if you just want to be in bed and no one wants to be around a moper anyway. There is nothing wrong with being in bed before midnight.

13. Make an entrance: Not like do flips when you walk in. I just mean be a little fashionably late and walk in slowly, scan the crowd and let them all get a chance to check you out. You're single and can show up whenever you want, not when your boyfriend wants to get there.

14. Did I mention look foxy?: This is worth repeating because I also mean it is OK to spend all day getting ready. I plan on it and I won't have any guy around saying, "Are you ready?" I'll be ready when I'm ready!

I think this is a good start! I'll have to remind myself about 5,000,000 times of this post, but I'm ready to look great and have fun. I will definitely let you know how my 3rd wheel night goes. Unless RJ does come, well, then maybe I might be able to make some time for him. We'll see.

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