Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 158 cont. - Bed? Are You Calling Me?

It's cloudy out, I feel yucky, and the cats are napping cozily. All I want to do is take some medicine and crawl in bed.

Buuuuuuuut, I have work to finish. Freelancing sucks. You can't take a sick day and expect someone else you work with to finish things up because you don't work with anyone else!

I guess I will stay covered up in my warm pajama pants, sweater and robe and have some more tea. So not as fun as napping.

Oops, guess I shouldn't have wasted 5 minutes here when I should be working.

Day 158 - New Year's Resolutions

Holy crap! I made New Year's resolutions on here last year. They were pretty lame and I maybe kind of accomplished some of them. I do want to make resolutions this year, but I've made them smaller and more general. I think so far so good and I will be one of those people who actually does them!

1. Dress like a French ballerina - I need a "style" I think instead of a mish-mash closet. Plus I want to wear tutu skirts and leotards and long sweater wraps.

2. Take on a new hobby - I want to take ballet classes (originally inspired by the clothing), but it would also help my flexibility (the one athletic area I never was good at) and my posture. Plus, I KNOW it would be a challenge and it'd be nice to take on a sport/activity that is really difficult for me.

3. Make more connections in my industry - This is obvious. But...I am already getting ahead on this and planning lunch/coffee with one of the other writers I met in NY who is from LA. Go me!

4. Clean out closet, makeup, shoes, jewelry - This will be easy as I plan on doing it right after New Year's. Just need to scrap things taking up space.

5. Save money for next Christmas - My family wants to vacation next year, so I am going to do my part and save!

6. Redo bedding and complete bedroom - I already have a plan for my bedding and bedroom, but it is still unfinished (since March!).

7. Finally get a damn portfolio - Yes, this was a resolution last year, so here it is again.

8. Find "my drink" - I usually skip around on what drinks I drink, but I want to find a drink I love and make it my normal order.

9. Do something I am afraid of - Pretty general, but I want to do more things that I are maybe out of my comfort zone, like attend an event alone, set up a lunch with an editor I've freelanced with, anything.

10. Find a boyfriend - Haha...that's not really one! But I will meet more guys!

Soooo...I guess those are the resolutions. I'll probably forget about them or something right away. But on another note, I am back in an good mood about New Year's. Actually, I am a little under-the-weather (maybe from the temp change from Chicago to LA?), but I am taking tea and medicine and resting. San Diego, see you tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 157 cont. - Already Stressing?

I am already back in a bad mood about being a 3rd wheel!

I just can only imagine what I will have to go through! And I might be extra bothered because I will also have to spend the whole next day and night as the 3rd wheel as we are staying there 2 nights!

Maybe I will go try on my dress and accessories to pump myself up. Maybe I will take off my nail polish to prepare for doing my nails for NYE. Maybe I will practice fun makeup looks. Maybe I will go for a run later to get myself feeling great.

I'll update you as my mood flip flops along.

Day 157 cont. - Not Me!

This morning while I showered, I looked up at the ceiling and saw a daddy long leg spider! Yes, a heart attack then began as I jumped out of the shower with shampoo in my hair.

The spider was on the ceiling hanging out. I grabbed a flip flop and prepared to kill it. However, it was just out of reach, and I was terrified of hitting it, not killing it, and being all close to it while it fell on my head or something.

So, I took my flip flop and began throwing it at the spider. A few throws later and I managed to knock it on the bathtub floor and then killed it, washing it down the drain.

See, who needs a guy to kill spiders when you have a flip flop and good aim????

Day 157 - Third Wheelin' It

OK, I know Christmas happened and I will write all about that, but right now we have a more pressing issue.

New Year's Eve is around the corner (2 days!) and it is looking very likely that I will be a 3rd wheel. Uuuuuggggggggghhhhhhh!

Legal Eagle and I are going to San Diego for NYE (thanks to her boss) and she invited the guy she is dating (and yes, I encouraged that she invite him). LE is also still trying to convince his roomie RJ to come (as RJ and Double B were going to do something else together for NYE, but now neither will attend that event), but I am not so sure she can get him to come in the next 2 days.

But, I have made a conscious decision to not mope about my 3rd wheel status. So, I have devised a game plan for my night of 3rd wheelin' it. For anyone who finds themselves as a 3rd wheel, feel free to steal my tips:

1. Look foxy: That is a given. Must make jaws drop when I enter the room. But, can't look like I am trying too hard. I think I have this covered with a fitted dress that is about knee-length. It is perfect. If you look good, you will start to feel good! And hell, I am single after all! Other suggestions: go all-out blingy, wear crazy accessories, sky-high heels, anything outrageous.

2. Drink: I know, drinking doesn't solve my problems (Lie! It does!), but if you are a 3rd wheel on a night like NYE, have a drink or two or three get it. It'll give you something to do and hold onto during the night if there are any weird moments.

3. Don't drink too much: You do not want to be the sloppy, single, drunk girl. You also don't want to be kissing the toilet at midnight. My plan is to sub in a water or soda after each drink. Pace yourself and you will be ready for the champagne toast at midnight.

4. Dance, even if it is by yourself: If there is one thing I have learned from my dad, it is that if you want to dance, you should, even if you are dancing alone. Anyway, when you see someone out on the dance floor just having fun dancing around, aren't you usually jealous? I am, so NYE I am just going to dance!

5. Flirt the night away: If you're a single, 3rd wheel then mix and mingle with everyone! You have no one you have to "report back to" at all. Make a game of it and see just how many guys you can flirt with, just watch out for ones with girlfriends!

6. Work the room: If couples are dancing to a slow song or whatever, just wander the room. It'll probably be a big space, so just walk around, find out where things are, whatever. It takes up some time and the walking will help sober you up. Ha!

7. Smile: I know, lame! But forcing a smile does make you eventually feel like smiling. Plus a smile will attract far more of those single guys than a frown will.

8. Make couples jealous: Sure, couples are all happy that they aren't single on NYE, until they meet you! Be bold and feel free to act a little crazy (but keep it all legal). Dance on a bar, hit on the bartender, have a line of guys waiting to kiss you at midnight, whatever. Because you know all those girls with boyfriends at NYE? They usually aren't supposed to do that kind of stuff. And those guys with girlfriends on NYE? They probably wish they were in the line to kiss you.

9. Do not act or feel like the 3rd wheel: This is probably the hardest one, but all I can say is I am not going to rely on the couple I will be with to entertain me through the night. Yes, I will hang out with them, but I will also go do whatever I want and let them do what they want. They will not decide if I have fun. And, if they see how much fun I am having, it'll put them in a better mood and hopefully all three of us can just have fun together (instead of them wondering if I am pissed off).

10. Decide how to deal with those "moments": There will be moments where all three of you are hanging out and they act like a couple and you are just "there." It may be weird, but come up with a game plan. Go get a drink, excuse yourself to the ladies' room, just chill and wait for the moment to pass, go dance, find a guy to make eye contact with, or just cryptically say "I'll be right back." Whatever you do, don't pout, roll your eyes or any of that. Stay in a good mood!

11. Decide what to do at midnight when the moment arrives: Don't put the pressure on yourself of trying to land a kiss all night. Just go out and have fun and when the time arrives, close your eyes and scream "Happy New Year!" if no one is around to kiss. And if someone else is doing the same, go for a kiss!

12. Go home if you really can't take it: If you're in a bad mood, why deal with it all? Just head home or do whatever you want. You shouldn't be forced to celebrate if you just want to be in bed and no one wants to be around a moper anyway. There is nothing wrong with being in bed before midnight.

13. Make an entrance: Not like do flips when you walk in. I just mean be a little fashionably late and walk in slowly, scan the crowd and let them all get a chance to check you out. You're single and can show up whenever you want, not when your boyfriend wants to get there.

14. Did I mention look foxy?: This is worth repeating because I also mean it is OK to spend all day getting ready. I plan on it and I won't have any guy around saying, "Are you ready?" I'll be ready when I'm ready!

I think this is a good start! I'll have to remind myself about 5,000,000 times of this post, but I'm ready to look great and have fun. I will definitely let you know how my 3rd wheel night goes. Unless RJ does come, well, then maybe I might be able to make some time for him. We'll see.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 156 - NY - Day 2 - La Mela

OK, I did delete the previous post in case you noticed. Lots worked out yesterday and feeling better today.

We left off at the set visit and then I was off to dinner.

It was cold out and by the time I got back to the hotel, I almost wasn't sure I wanted to head back out, get on a subway, sit at a restaurant and have dinner. But, I had previously told myself that I needed to head back to La Mela, a restaurant I discovered with my family when they visited 5 years ago. It was one of the best restaurants because the food was delicious, the atmosphere was hilarious and the experience was a memory for life.

I bundled up and made my way out. It was an incredibly short subway ride and once I got up and out, I was happy to be out walking in NY again.

I eventually made it to La Mela. It was easy to find. However, what was not so easy was to figure out which door to enter because they have three separate sections. Of course, I planned on eating in the restaurant, but ended up in the bar area, perched on a stool and the only customer in that area.

One of the waiters went behind the bar to take my drink order, so I got some white wine, which they filled to the top, of course. Soon after, the bartender appeared and gave me a menu. Tricia (my bartender) was hilarious, Italian, sassy, incredibly kind and the perfect bartender for this kind of night.

I ordered the gnocchi which was probably the best gnocchi I've ever had. While I ate, here is some stuff that went on:

Man enters bar area from other room

Man: Hey!

Tricia: Hi, how are you?

Man: Good.

Tricia: What's your name again?

Man: Santino.

Tricia: Right!

Man: The guys are back there.

Tricia: TJ is there??

Man: Yeah.

Tricia goes off to the back area where TJ is.

Man: How are you?

Me: Good.

Man: Enjoying your dinner?

Me: Yes, it's delicious.

Man: Are you here alone?

Me: Yes.

Man: Have a good night.

Man leaves and Tricia soon returns.

OK, Santino did not say the "Are you here alone?" part as if he were hitting on me, it was more like, "Are you here alone because I need to know exactly what is going on and P.S. I'm in the mob." night went on. Some people began to trickle in and eat in the bar area at some tables. Two older couples from California came in for drinks. They were nice-ish, but I later found out they tipped $4 on an $80 bill!

We talked about California and I talked about my work. They love Mark Wahlberg, so they were impressed with me. During this time I finished my wine and dinner. Tricia asked if I wanted another and I hadn't planned on it, so I said I was OK for now. She said it'd be on the house. I said OK!

The two couples and I talked with Tricia and some staff. I told them my La Mela story and how my family and I loved it and I knew I wanted to come back during my short trip. They said friends had recommended the place.

Sometime during all this a waiter came up to check on me. He asked me how the food and wine were and called me "bella."

Soon another man entered the bar area and took a seat next to me. He tried to order an espresso and chat me up. Luckily, Tricia was awesome and soon told him they only served food and alcohol (not true). Once he left, she said:

"I figured he was bothering you when he was practically trying to sit in your lap."

The couples left after a couple of drinks and I finished my wine up at around the same time. I got my bill and put my money down to pay. Tricia and I continued to talk and without me noticing, she began filling my glass again.

When I finally noticed, she said, "Benny (Binny?) wanted to buy you a drink."

Eyebrows raised, she introduced me to both Benny and Tony, two of the waiters. They asked me where I was from and a few other things. Benny was the waiter who was calling me "bella" earlier. Young, tall, real Italian accent (not Jersey style), in shape and pretty cute (other than some weird little facial hair thing).

So I chilled with my wine and heard bartending stories from Tricia. We talked about reality TV and how we both had wanted to go to Rocco's restaurant from his reality show and how it failed.

Eventually, Benny would reappear at my side.

Benny: (all in an Italian accent) So you are not from New York, bella?

Me: No, I'm just here for work.

Benny: Oh, what do you do?

Me: Entertainment journalism.

Benny: Oh. (I don't think he got it). So when did you get here?

Me: Yesterday.

Benny: When do you leave, bella?

Me: Tomorrow morning.

Benny: Oh, so short! I am sad. What time tomorrow?

Me: 10:30.

Benny: Oh, that is not so early.

Me: (in head: Yes, it is.) Yeah it's not so bad.

Benny: So what are your plans for the rest of the night?

Me: No plans. Just came here for dinner and a drink (in head: or 2 or 3 or....).

Benny: No plans?

Me: Nope, nothing else planned tonight.

Benny: Oh, so you will just go back to hotel?

Me: I guess.

Benny: What area are you staying in?

Me: Just a bit uptown from here.

Benny: Uptown?!

Me: No, just a little uptown from here, near Rockefeller Center.

Benny: Oh, oh. So nothing else planned tonight?

Me: Nope.

Benny: Well if you are headed out for another drink or something later, you should let me know.

Me: Mm hmm.

And with that, Benny was off back to work.

Here's the thing, I was slightly charmed by him, but the ending? I'm not the girl who will then ask, "Well, what time do you get off?"

The way he should have played it was, "I get off at [insert time]. Let's head to [insert location] and have a drink." With that, I would not have to do a thing other than agree to go. So much easier.

After my third glass and Tricia was just on her way out as her shift was ending, the owner came and tended bar. He offered, "Let La Mela buy you a drink."

Tempting? Yes. Did I take it? No. Logic was present and I knew it was time to call it a night, while I could still easily make my way home with many people still out and about.

I headed out, didn't have a chance to say bye to Benny, and made my way back to the hotel. I couldn't have asked for a better NY night.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 155 cont. - NY- Day 2 - The Set Visit

I spent my morning in bed looking over questions and things about the actors in the film who we'd be meeting. (Oh, and I looked adorable and will post that picture later).

Just before 11:00, I headed to the lobby to meet with the others. I first met a girl about my age who lives in Pasadena and is from the Chicago suburbs also. We talked for quite a bit and throughout the day. She was very nice and it was her first set visit, too.

A bit past 11:00, we headed to Brooklyn in shuttles. We ended up at a giant warehouse that had sets up all around. (Sorry, no cameras were allowed on set!). It was crazy there. Tons of people doing random jobs. Lots of extras! We even saw Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg's stand-ins. They look just like them!!

We soon sat and watched 5 seconds of a scene, but it took them forever to get everything just right.

Eventually we began interviews. First with Ray Stevenson. Don't know him, but he was nice and pretty funny. However, here is what went down on the side.

Scene: Woman from Sony who organized these interviews pulls me aside

Sony Woman: You wanted to do an on-camera spot, right?

Me: (panic sets in as I thought I'd just be doing group interviews) Well, if there is time, but I don't have to if there isn't time.

SW: Oh, of course. I flagged you for on-camera, so we will get you set up with Mark.

Me: Great. (in head) Oh my fucking god! I want to die. What am I going to say? I'll probably freeze. I need an out. I need an out!

I began preparing in my head everything we would talk about, praying that he was a rambler and would just go on and on and on. Soon, I was escorted over to the camera area and watched another interviewer (there were 3 of us who got camera interviews). Another woman handling the interviews told me what I would do when we started.

I was up!

I introduced myself to Mark Wahlberg. He said hello and asked how I was and said it was nice to meet me. I said the same and mentally noted his small hands and girly handshake.

We talked and talked, he mentioned church at one point. He was nice, but not very personable. It all seemed rehearsed and as if he was just going through the motions of an interview.

Also, after seeing him in person, I can no longer understand how anyone can find him hot. He looks like a teenage boy. He is small, small, small. His face is boyish and he is so little!

We then waited for a long time, had lunch (not great and two bones in my fish), watched scenes and waited some more.

Eventually, I had my on-camera interview with Will Ferrell. I wasn't sure what to expect. I guess I thought he would be "on" the whole time, which I felt bummed about because I wanted to see what he was normally like.

Luckily, I think he very much acted like himself. He was quieter than I thought, but very friendly and personable and wanted to know a bit about me as well. We even joked some! Sure it was kind of lame, but I joked around with Will Ferrell!

He wasn't over-the-top jokey, but made quiet jokes and would laugh a little at them. Also, he has a good handshake, where Mark had a weak one.

Finally, we watched some more scenes. I swear it took them all day to film 15 seconds of the film. We also interviewed Steve Coogan, who was funny, but I didn't get to spend much time with him.

We didn't leave until after 6:00 and got town cars back to the hotel. All the people we met and dealt with were nice and incredibly helpful. And then it was on to dinner...

Day 155 - NY - Day 1

After getting up very early, making my flight and having a rather uneventful trip, I landed in NY!

Finding my way to the train and subway to get to my hotel was way easier than I thought. The minute I saw the city again, I realized how much I missed it.

After getting off the subway, I knew what streets I had to get to, but wasn't sure the direction, yet somehow I managed to head the right way.

It seems totally lame to say, but completely true, there is no other city like NY and, I think at this point, no other city has affected me as much as NY. Some day I want to live there. (Maybe when I'm older and can afford cabs on really cold days).

I finally got to the hotel (Hotel AKA) and it was lovely. I took some pictures and will post them later. I had a whole living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom to myself. I was in heaven. I was so in heaven that I considered ordering food in and just cozying down for the night.

But! I had made a previous plan that while I had my short time in NY, I was going to go to one new place to eat and visit one old favorite.

So, I made my way back out and had previously passed a little diner named Raffles that looked like the right place.

One of the waiters opened the front door for me. I have forgotten how heavy doors become when it's windy out! Then I sat down and decided to have a burger and fries. It was delicious and the service was wonderful. The thing about eating in NY, I don't think I've ever had bad service. One waiter even came over to help me with my ketchup.

And upon leaving, the wait staff said, "Have a good night, beautiful." Not in a creepy way. Back in NY for a few hours and being treated like a queen already!

Eventually I made it back to my hotel and found out that the call time for the movie set was pushed back to 11:00, which was great since I had trouble falling asleep that night and was hoping to have a little time in the morning to prepare myself for the interviews.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 154 - I'm Too Lazy For All That Work

"He's a tough cookie I think, but we will break him."

^Legal Eagle's thoughts on RJ

LE has been working hard for me while I've been in NY (more on that later). She's convinced RJ is somewhat shy/softspoken and we just need to crack him like we did John (a bartender in Cedar Rapids who we eventually won over about 7 months after we met him). I'm too impatient to wait 7 months, so LE has some plans brewing.

So...while we wait, here is some more I have learned about him:

- He has 3 younger sisters. A guy with sisters is very cute.

- One sister lives in NY. Double B mentioned RJ is visiting her soon after I mentioned my trip.

- The other two are 14-year-old twins!!! I'd be so great with teenage girls...or I'd be a horrible influence.

- He has a season pass to Disneyland. I don't want to talk about it, but here is how I responded:

"I shouldn't have to work for a guy who has a season pass to Disneyland."

- He doesn't just bring random girls home and is apparently a good guy, according to Double B.

- Isn't gay, in case you were wondering, because of the Disneyland thing.

- Plays softball, baseball, whatever.

- Sings in the shower. Did I mention we heard him last Saturday night when we were heading to LE's office Christmas party? He was singing, "Light My Fire." Good choice.

Now, if only RJ and I can hang out for more than 5 minutes, we might actually have fun and get to know each other.

Side note: I am now FB friends with Casey, Cappie and Double B who are friends with Mr. Kiss Me and he's written on their walls and I now have proof that I am way more adorable than his gf. Not that I care, but you know it's an ego boost. And not that looks are the only thing that matter, but I have no way of knowing if she is smart, funny, sweet, talented or anything, so I'm judging her on a picture.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 153 - Strike Two, Boo

Totally stole the title from The Hills.

Went to the X-mas party at Legal Eagle's work and I had a really fun time. There was only one guy there who was pretty much a jerk, but I called him out so all is good.

But RJ (Double B's roomie) was going to try to hang out with us after, but ended up having to work today, so he was asleep by the time we finished up at the party. So, this is his Strike Two (yes, a strike even though he had to work...OK, maybe Strike One and a Half). Strike One, as you will remember, was missing the Thanksgiving night out.

We did hang out with him for a few minutes before we went to the party. He seems really nice and laid back and friendly and cute, but I have a feeling he is not at all interested in me. It's weird...not that every guy falls all over me. Although LE says she can't tell if he finds her annoying or gets along with her, so we've decided he's hard to read. I mean, I looked adorable last night and I don't even think he tried to check me out.

Oh, also, LE says he tried to get out of working today, but I think part of that is so he could watch football today. LE says that her and Casey have talked about me in front of him and all this stuff, but no news on if he has responded well to that or even expressed any interest.

Buuuuuuuut...I leave for NY tomorrow morning, so whatever! I can't wait! This feels much needed and I'm excited to go and just be in NY!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 152 - Change O' Plans

Schedule is being moved around now:

X-mas party on Saturday is still happening, but now it is at an employee's complex's clubhouse thing. Eh. And it's potluck.
- It was first supposed to be go-kart racing then Dave and Busters then a comedy show and now this. Oh well, booze and a few fun people who I really enjoy and probably some entertaining drama.

I'm going to NEW YORK! Just Wednesday I was asked if I wanted to go to NY on Monday to do a movie set visit and interviews. I thought and nearly passed out and then said YES!!! I can't wait and am not prepared at all. I just want to be in NY and enjoy the set visit and wander and maybe eat a calzone at this place that I used to go to when I was there for a semester. So many thoughts in my head that I can't even organize myself. But I've decided to be excited instead of nervous because my dad once told me that nervousness is just the negative of excitement, that it's the same energy of something. So, YAY for ME!!!

Oh, so my dentist is being postponed a week because of NY. :)

Probably many pictures to come!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 151 cont. - Oh Really?

IM Convo:

LE: [Double B] has one cc that he pays off every time he gets his statement. Don't you hate him?

Me: I wasn't even aware that was humanly possible.

^I swear some day I'll become an adult who has her life together, until then I will continue to eat cake for breakfast and consider pasta sauce a vegetable.

Day 151 - I've Got Nothing

I've been wanting to write, I just really have no idea what to write about so this will be a random "things that are coming up" post.

Legal Eagle and I are making out annual gingerbread house this week. It's going to be a good one. We've even planned it out and everything.

LE's office X-mas party is Saturday. Should be fun, interesting, awkward, funny, etc. Oh, and tense. Their office is a bit of a hot mess, but we manage to have fun anywhere.

Dentist visit in a week to adjust my bite. I'm only a little nervous because no one has told me if it will hurt. Maybe I will call and ask.

Oldest sister is visiting! Not until the 12th, but I'm getting pretty excited about wandering around, eating Thai (must get recommendations!), finding LA's best cupcake, and other random stuff.

It's almost time for the annual Fajita Factory Christmas dinner. LE and I do this every year and use our awesome little factory. I don't think we have picked a day, but oldest sister will get to participate.

I'm heading home!!!!!!!!!! I'm feeling incredibly homesick and in need of a break from everything in LA. I'm almost even excited for chilly weather and some snow. I think I've lost it! I can't wait to see my family and be all Christmas-y.