Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 243 - The 4th Is Upon Us

I'm trying to decide if I want to partake in some 4th of July plans.

Here is what they are:

Go to Orange County, bike to Huntington Beach, hit some bars and then a house party and then back to Legal Eagle's bf's place to sleep.

PRO: I'd have 4th plans.

CON: I'd be the guest of a guest's gf.

PRO: I've had fun with this group before (many of the same people from last year's Halloween).

CON: I'd have to be in Orange County.

PRO: It won't be all couples.

CON: I have to work on the 5th (freelancers don't get holidays) and would want to be back in Hollywood at a normal hour.

PRO: It won't be outrageously expensive.

CON: I'm single.

PRO: I really could embrace being the awesome single girl.

CON: Orange County. Have I mentioned that?

Soooo...I should decide soon. LE is going to try to get a bike for me to ride from her boss. I keep going back and forth on whether or not I want to go. Ugh. I'll keep you updated.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 242 - So Now We're Huggers?

Quick weekend post:

I ran into Neighbor as I was walking up the hill to home.

When we stopped to say hi, he gave me a hug. A big hug and made it seem like we hadn't seen each other in years. I saw him Tuesday.

Thing that is really odd about this is we never hug when we see each other up and down the hill. It's just never been our thing because we always run into each other...and I'm secretly terrified our bosses/apartment landlords will see and I'll have some awkward conversation with them about why we were hugging and what's going on. I'm paranoid like that.

OK, so we talked about randomness and it was nice and whatever. He says that he wants to do things, but follows it up with how busy he is, but that we'll figure it out. I nod and make a mental note to not have any expectations.

Then at the end, he hugged me again! And these aren't even little, quick hugs, yeesh.

So, I don't know why he's all of a sudden hugging me on the street. He's done it once before, when I ran into him one day when we weren't on good terms and had a talk that ended with a hug. That was months ago.

Well, OK, just going to go with the flow...he did smell quite nice though. Oy.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 241 - OK, A Run-Down On All Things Me!

I know, it's been quite some time since I've told you what's been going on. So buckle up, here we go!

Work: I just got back from an interview. The guy seemed like a dick. (Cue him being a technical genius and finding this blog.) He was all, "The other people in this building are losers," and "I hate weekends," and "I want someone who works for Fox News and will work here for $9 an hour." Seriously...he wants a Republican? The interview was for a newer entertainment site. It's hard enough going on interviews, let alone one where you want to stand up, tell the guy to stuff it and walk out. At least I'm not in financial distress and NEED to take the job.

Neighbor: We talked on the phone yesterday and I stopped by his place. We are horrible least with each other. He likes to talk, talk, talk, whereas when he says something like, "I don't want to get into anything," and follows it with, "I want to take you to a movie," I need time to soak it in and think. Basically, we didn't resolve much, but I did conclude that I'm going to go about my life. If he wants to ever hang out, I will only do so as friends. He isn't offering any sort of consistent dating and I don't want to be someone he takes out once a month. Oddly, I think I'm becoming OK with this. I did always think we could be really good friends. He's never answered if he just wants to be friends or date or go out randomly or anything. I guess we'll see.

Legal Eagle: Did I tell you last week we went on a manhunt? This is her new thing because she really wants to be a wingwoman. So, we went to this Irish bar and had so much fun. While we didn't meet any potential suitors for me, we chatted with many guys and one told me I was adorable after he kissed my hand. He later passed out on a bar stool. So sweet. But, we're going to do this much more fact, we are going out in Orange County tomorrow night with a coworker of hers. Not a "real" manhunt as it would be nearly impossible for me to date a guy in the OC, but always fun!

Upcoming Goodness: Did I ever tell you what I got LE for her birthday? No? Oh, well, I am going to take her on an overnight trip to Solvang, California. It's a little town 2 hours north of LA. It'll be July 10-11. The hotel was not expensive at all and we are champs at eating cheap, so it'll be a good little adventure. They have an ostrich farm nearby. Yes!

Other Randomness: I'm going to check out tennis racquets this weekend. I got Sprinkles cupcakes for LE and me as I interviewed near the shop. I found a duvet cover in gray that I want, but it's $100! I love's radio station thing, but you choose a song or artist and it creates a station with similar stuff. It helps me find all the bad songs I love.

I'm sure there is other stuff, but I have work to do.

Oh, the baby next door has a rash. I heard about it through the wall.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 240 - Tennis Anyone?

I think I may have found a tennis league thing that I can join. It's all over LA and you sign up (for super cheap) and they match you with various people to play with.

First, I need a racquet. Maybe some tennis shoes? And maybe I should go out and serve/hit against a wall before joining. And I need to figure out what level I'm at. I'm guessing 3.0 since I'm rusty, but still know how to play.

It's pretty exciting though. I better get moving on things. Luckily, it's so nice in LA that the tennis season is much longer.

Random Life Note: I think things have fizzled out with Neighbor. I'm going to try today to find out where we stand.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 239 - I Guess That Means I'm Hitting The Wall?

I feel like I've been waking up on the wrong side of the bed all week.

Well, Monday was actually a rough day, for legitimate reasons. Or rather, one reason.

Other than that, the week hasn't necessarily been bad. Work stuff is moving along. I pitched a new piece on Tuesday to a place I haven't worked with and so hope to hear something. I know editors take forever to respond, but waiting is the worst! I've even transcribed some stuff that I've been meaning to do but haven't been motivated to do.

Things with Neighbor are weird and blank, so maybe that's part of it, but really, I've kind of gotten myself on board with nothing happening with him.

Mostly, I just shouldn't be allowed in public or around other people this week. I really feel like being in bed, hiding under the sheets.

I was short on the phone with middle sister yesterday, felt horrible about it, and called her back later to apologize.

I suspect my poor eating this week has at least a little part in my mood. I really need to fix that.

Thankfully, it's Thursday and I don't have much to do this weekend. Maybe hit up Bed, Bath & Beyond to check out comforters and pillows. Maybe even check out the new Trader Joe's....or will that make me more mad? I hate their tiny aisles and chatty staff.

We'll catch up again soon, Blog, when I'm in a better mood.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 238 - Yay Sheets!

I got my new sheets delivered today. One problem...I don't want to put them on my bed until I have all my new bedding. I just don't want my precious new sheets to have to touch old pillows and stuff. Yeesh.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 237 - Decisions, Decisions

I have money off from Old Navy (and company) that expires this month. I've been looking at cheap things they have online that I've been wanting/needing because it'd only be worth buying something if I pay very little.

So far I am looking at:

These horrendously impractical shoes:

But it'd be a fun pair of heels that I could get for under $30. But where would I be wearing 4" turquoise heels?

Also looking at:

Some practical flats:

I need some new flats (since the demise of my grey ones). But, I'm wary of buying them online because you never know with flats...toe cleavage, comfort, size, etc.

But maybe a bag:

Hello grey! I need a new bag just to use, but I can't help but wonder if this one would be too big. They give the measurements so I will have to compare to my other bags. Also, should I get it in black? I need a black bag.

Or a similar bag:

Maybe I should get the slightly smaller, rounder version. Do we like it? Although...both bags are much cheaper than the shoes...could I get one in black and one in grey? Now I'm out of control. Someone take away my coupon.

I'll be sure to let you know what I decide!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 236 - The Tooth Fairy Comes Today!

I get my final dental implant work done in a couple of hours and will have my permanent tooth. At long last! This has been a year-long process and I am so very pleased to be nearing the end.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 235 - New Bedding

^The pink set, not the blue, will be part of my new bedding. Yippeeeeee! Placed the order today and so excited to see it. I'm in desperate need of all new bedding.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 234 - Why No Neighborly Updates?

Well, Neighbor and I haven't gone out/hung out since the time we went to Skooby' a month ago.

Yes, we've texted, talked on the phone and seen each other (either run-ins or babysitting his kitten).

It really sucks, especially since I've given him about 5 million chances to spend time with me. Mostly, he either cancels, doesn't even bother setting a date or is tired. Oh, and all last week he was "sick" so I guess I can't hold that against him.

So now I'm getting the feeling, despite all other communication, that maybe he doesn't want to make time for me.

I don't know, but whenever he gets around to asking to spend time with me, I think this is a conversation we should have. I need to know where he stands and he needs to know where I stand.

As usual, I will keep you updated.

On the TV front: I'm starting to cut it out, but just during the daytime hours (normal work hours). So far, so good!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 233 - But Then What Would I Do Every Day?

I'm considering giving up TV for a bit.

Say what?!

Yes, maybe just for a week. No, it's not some "TV is bad for me" thing. I just find myself thinking a lot about how other people get so much done and I cannot manage. And then I realize that they don't watch 8-10 hours of TV a day (minimum). Oops.

I'm just mulling this thought over for now. It also came up because last Friday (as Legal Eagle had the day off and I wanted to finish work early), I worked with no TV and got things done super quickly.

As of now, I'm thinking a week. But every now and then, I think maybe I should try a month or even more!

I guess if I decide to do it, I'll have to make sure I have stuff to replace it. Books, writing, working out, cooking, drinking(!), dating(?), wandering around the apartment feeling like a lost little child.

Also, I have a roommate to take into consideration. If she's watching TV, do I banish myself to my room? Also, I have a feeling that if I stopped watching TV, I'd just spend more time online reading about what I missed.

Who knows, but I'll keep you updated.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 232 - Because It Only Takes 2 Days To Figure That Out

I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. La di da.

But I plan to use this weekend to come to a conclusion. Tra la la.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 231 cont. - A Bit Of The '80s

Here are some of the pics from Legal Eagle's '80s Birthday Party!

^LE's mom, Me, LE. This is the best picture I have of my outfit. I hate this picture though because I almost have camel toe in it (which only occurred because of my pose, so no, I did not have camel toe all night). Sorry, serious TMI.

^Random party picture. We all loved short shorts outfit.

^The glorious cakes. Could they be any more awesome?

OK, my pics are kind of random on my camera so maybe I will post more later and when I take some from LE's camera. There are some funny ones of us getting ready.

Day 231 - A Letter I Want To Write

Dear People Who Live Next To Me,

Your baby, she cries a lot. Wait, cries is the wrong word. She screams and wails at a decibel I'm not familiar with. It's this guttural scream that isn't exactly human. Have you heard it? Oh! You have?? When? Possibly at 6:00am? Or maybe 5:00am like this morning? So you are aware that this sound is occurring at insane hours? Good to know.

Well, your demon child has been waking me up every.single.morning. It's nice that you put her bedroom in the room that shares a wall with mine. Smart! And it's also nice that you apparently do nothing to shut her up when she makes this beastly sound. It was really nice when you stopped by months ago and said that for the next three days you'd have to let her cry because the doctor said she will learn that way or something. When did three days turn into three months?

I'd say I hate your baby, but I don't think I'm allowed to blame the baby for this. Like, babies cry and you just deal. So, I'm going to hate you. Sooooo much.

I mean, why is your baby crying every morning? And often during the day? What are you doing over there?

It's gotten to the point where I can't remember when I slept through the night while in my room. Your screaming baby even wakes up the cats over here. And they sleep like rocks!

Furthermore, please do not tell me, "Well babies cry. What can I do?" I don't care. I have not had a baby. Therefore, why should I be waking up to a screaming baby? I should not be punished for your poor life decisions.

Well, it's also gotten to the point where Legal Eagle has offered to let me to stay in her room whenever I want. Honestly. I should not be chased out of my own bedroom like this. Every morning I feel a little more insane.

And on a side note: WTF do you two do for work? I see your husband working on the same two cars all the time and you are at home with about 50 nannies...who apparently also cannot stop the crying baby.

And on another side note: Why are Neighbor and your husband like new BFFs or something? (I will take this up with Neighbor.) But I do not like these two even getting along while I suffer from baby crying.

I dislike you all and would appreciate you moving or at least apologizing for any of the crying that I may be hearing. A nice bottle of wine or some earplugs would be a good apology gift.

Your neighbor with bags under her eyes

P.S. LE totally thinks your baby isn't that cute. So there.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 230 - I Just Look So Trustworthy

"And by the way...Thank you thank you thank you for some truly awkward moments. Our neighbor's name is [Name]. Trust me. ;)"

^Text from Neighbor last night. I have repeatedly told him that another neighbor was named a certain name. He thought it was something else. Turns out I was wrong. Silly boy for believing me!