Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 320 - A Free Show And A $5 Cookie

Earlier this week I ended up getting to go to a free show at the Pantages theater.

Let me explain:

The Brit was meeting up with some friends for a drink and invited me to join. I said I would after I finished work and everything.

When I got the The Frolic Room, I found out that his friend who works there and some others had gotten free tickets to the opening night of Rain.

The Brit and I decided we would stay for a drink or two. However, they had one extra ticket and I had suggested the Brit take it since I could tell he really wanted to go. He turned it down and the rest left to get to the show (next door).

So we ordered a drink and were just chatting when a guy who worked at the show came in and asked if anyone wanted two tickets. He asked a guy who had been talking to the Brit's friends and the guy told him, "They do!"

We were then given the two tickets and had about five minutes to go.

The Brit told me to drink what I could and then let's go! I then said I felt like I was in college and finished about half my beer.

When we got the the theater they scanned our tickets and told us they had already been used. I started to internally freak.

They asked us if we had already been in and we said no. The guy asked the Brit if he bought the tickets and the Brit said we bought them off the street.

Then I really freaked and thought we were going to be arrested for scalping when we didn't even do that. The guy then told us to wait and he would check out the seats to see if someone else was in them. When he returned, he said they were empty! And we were in!

Well, we had to wait a little bit until there was a break because the show had just started ... but then we were in!

The show was so much fun. The Brit was pretty much dancing in his seat and we got up and danced during the show for certain songs. The seats were pretty much in the back so at least we got to be as silly as we wanted. At one point in the show a older guy was up in our area trying to get people to stand and dance. The Brit said that was him in 25 years. I said, "No, that's my dad now." And it totally was, that guy who wants everyone to dance to music.

During the intermission we bought a $5 cookie. It was a rather oversized cookie.

We returned to the show and enjoyed the rest of it, dancing some more and singing along.

All in all, it was awesome. Even though I wasn't dressed the way I would have wanted to be dressed. Not that I don't love going to the theater in jean mini skirts.

After the show, we met back up with the Brit's friends at The Frolic Room and spotted Emma Stone there! I was so freaking excited.

It was a really great night. And free. Except the cookie. But that was delicious.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 319 - Something For The Weekend

My weekends mostly suck because I work on them. Basically, my weekends and weekdays melt together.

However, I have a new plan. I will start working at this lovely cafe on Saturdays. I started this just this weekend and it was awesome. Delicious coffee and red velvet pancakes! They were good, but a couple hours later I felt like I was in a sugar coma. Next time, I will ease up on the sweet. But, I think this will be a nice change to my otherwise hum-drum weekends.

Also, Legal Eagle came up today to chill in Beverly Hills. It was fabulous and ended with a milkshake cupcake from Crumbs. Schatzi, her cat, will be coming to stay with me and Barbar this weekend! The boys will be reunited as she is heading out of town for a few days.

Hmmm...I think that's all. Bye!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 318 - I'm Glad Barbar Is So Popular

I really need to stop talking about how adorable Barbar is because he is becoming way too popular.

The Brit continues to tell me how much he loves Barbar and how I hit the cat lottery. Even when Barbar does something bad like steps on his laptop, the Brit forgives him in a heartbeat.

Now, it has gotten worse.

Some time ago, the Brit took a picture on his phone of Barbar sleeping with his sardine.

He apparently sent that photo to his mom. He has told his mom stories about Barbar (she has two cats herself so she is a cat person).

His mom loved the picture of Barbar! He said she thought it was so cute. It sounds like they talk about Barbar quite a bit.

I'm getting a little jealous...of my cat.

I wonder if she thinks the Brit is dating Barbar?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 317 - Oh, Here I Am

Ugh, I will come back here soon.

I have been too busy and lazy.

Plus, I don't really know what to write.

Wah, wah, wah.

Barbar is sleeping on my office chair.
