Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 158 - New Year's Resolutions

Holy crap! I made New Year's resolutions on here last year. They were pretty lame and I maybe kind of accomplished some of them. I do want to make resolutions this year, but I've made them smaller and more general. I think so far so good and I will be one of those people who actually does them!

1. Dress like a French ballerina - I need a "style" I think instead of a mish-mash closet. Plus I want to wear tutu skirts and leotards and long sweater wraps.

2. Take on a new hobby - I want to take ballet classes (originally inspired by the clothing), but it would also help my flexibility (the one athletic area I never was good at) and my posture. Plus, I KNOW it would be a challenge and it'd be nice to take on a sport/activity that is really difficult for me.

3. Make more connections in my industry - This is obvious. But...I am already getting ahead on this and planning lunch/coffee with one of the other writers I met in NY who is from LA. Go me!

4. Clean out closet, makeup, shoes, jewelry - This will be easy as I plan on doing it right after New Year's. Just need to scrap things taking up space.

5. Save money for next Christmas - My family wants to vacation next year, so I am going to do my part and save!

6. Redo bedding and complete bedroom - I already have a plan for my bedding and bedroom, but it is still unfinished (since March!).

7. Finally get a damn portfolio - Yes, this was a resolution last year, so here it is again.

8. Find "my drink" - I usually skip around on what drinks I drink, but I want to find a drink I love and make it my normal order.

9. Do something I am afraid of - Pretty general, but I want to do more things that I are maybe out of my comfort zone, like attend an event alone, set up a lunch with an editor I've freelanced with, anything.

10. Find a boyfriend - Haha...that's not really one! But I will meet more guys!

Soooo...I guess those are the resolutions. I'll probably forget about them or something right away. But on another note, I am back in an good mood about New Year's. Actually, I am a little under-the-weather (maybe from the temp change from Chicago to LA?), but I am taking tea and medicine and resting. San Diego, see you tomorrow!!!

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