Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 219 - My Coffee Date With Gelson...And Other Updates

OK all, here we go!

First, as I was getting ready to go, I grabbed a hammer to put in my purse. Legal Eagle was at her bf's place, so I would be heading home alone with no one around to meet me or make sure I was safe. And since this girl doesn't have pepper spray (should I buy some?), I took a hammer in case Gelson or anyone else was up to anything. And if a guy ever asks why you carry a big bag, just say to carry your hammer!

So, I went to coffee with Gelson yesterday night around 9:00. We were both on time, in fact, I think I arrived just after he did. That saved any weird waiting for either of us. I greeted him with a side, half hug. It was awkward-ish.

Then we ordered our drinks: A chai tea latte for me and for him? Any tea with lots of anti-oxidants. Yes, that's what he ordered. I snickered on the inside.

We did end up sitting in the back room where I also sat with Neighbor. Oh, and there was a couple making out in there. It was the best thing ever!

Here's what I've learned about Gelson:

- He's An Actor! Yes, let it soak in. I finally feel like I've arrived in LA now that I've been on a date with an actor.

- He's originally from Brooklyn, but his family has since moved to Florida.

- He's been out here about 5 years and has had a few recurring roles on some shows.

- He's also a personal trainer. Yes, it really does get more cliche.

- He wears a bit of man jewelry: 2 rings, watch (which is fine) and a necklace.

- He's traveled a lot.

- He loves, and I mean loves, the Lakers.

- Actually, he really likes everything. Anything I mentioned, he would be like, "Oh yeah, I like that..."

- He has a summer birthday. He's a Cancer.

OK, here is one part of the conversation I must share:

He asked me if I could have dinner with 3 people (dead or alive) who would it be? More cliche.

I chose all women which spurred on this:

Gelson: All women? You don't hate men, do you? You're not some sort of feminist, are you?

Me: Uh, well, I'd say I'm a feminist.

G: Yeah, but I mean a man-hating feminist.

Me: Well, feminism, by definition, doesn't have anything to do with hating men; it's just equal rights and fair treatment.

Normally, I'm pretty agreeable on dates/when first meeting people, but the whole feminism thing is just out-of-control. Like what? No, I'm totally not into women's rights and protection? Yeah, that sounds good.

What else?

OK, here's how the date ended. He had been telling me about the new building addition to his building. It was just recently finished. He then, quickly says, "Let's go and I'll show you the new stuff." Before I can spit out a "No thanks," he gets up from his seat and keeps talking.

I walk out with him and we head back toward my street. When we reach it, I stop and tell him I'll be heading home. He says something like, "Oh, no, we can just stop by and I'll show you the new stuff they put in." I say thanks, but that I plan to head home now. He then asks if I'm sure. Well, I'm 25 so I'm pretty sure I can make my own decisions. We then hug and head our own ways.

I felt it was a little pushy to keep asking me to go by. I get a guy is going to try, but stop asking at some point.

Overall, it was an OK date. Was there major chemistry? I'd say more like a no. I don't really have an interest in kissing him...which isn't so good for dating, I'd say. He's a bit too chatty, like hard for me to get a word in. But he asked me stuff and was nice enough.

Oh, but after the date? I skedaddled home to do a search on him now that I knew he was an actor. While it was hard to find a valid age on him, a site did have his correct birthday month and date, so if they had his correct birth year too, then he is 35! He looks young, but it could be the whole actor thing trying to seem young. Oy, 35. I know age differences work for some, but I still act like I'm 5. We'll see what happens next....

In other updates:

Neighbor called me right before I left for my date. I swear, he can smell another man around! He apologized some more and we talked, cleared the air. He's promised me a date to Sweet Love Hangover, most likely Friday or Sunday.

But, he also asked if I wanted to hang out tonight. So, we might watch a movie. He says he has a good one picked out for me. Man, I just can't stop myself from dating!

And one more update:

I got a giant screw put in my mouth yesterday at the dentist. It hurt yesterday, but now I am just sore from some shots they gave me. Yuck.

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