Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 339 - She Seemed Pretty Legit

Today I paid my rent to a five-year-old.

I went to my landlord's door when a child answered. I asked if her mom was home. She went to tell her I was waiting.

After that, the little girl came back to the door to let me know she told her mom.

Little Girl: I told my mom. She'll be at the door in a minute.

Me: Okay.

(Younger little girl stares at me)

LG: She's about three/three-and-a-half that's why she acts like that.

Me: Oh.

LG: How are you?

Me: Good, how are you girls?

LG: Good.

(Little yappy dog escapes from home)

LG: Oh no!

Me: Oh.

(Yapster runs around a little near me)

LG: Oh my, I'm so sorry for that. Come here (dog's name).

Me: It's ok. (Act awkward as dog starts barking)

LG: Mmm...I can take that if it's for my mom. (Looking at my rent envelope). I'll give it to my mom.

Me: Ok, thank you. Bye!

Now, a 27-year-old should know better than to trust a child with a rent check, but, in all honesty, she seemed to be smarter than both her parents. Kid really had it together...especially when I think about how freaking dumb her parents are.

I wish she were my landlord.

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