Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 161 - I Need To Add These!

I think sometimes the best time to make New Year's resolutions is right after the new year because then you realize what you really want to be doing, so I am adding a few:

1. Take better care of my skin - I probably already have more products than I need, but now I want to right products. I needed new face lotion anyway, so I got one with SPF 45! Yes, my face will get no sun. Maybe it's because I'm aging (ew!) or I'm smarter now, but I feel like I can little signs of damage and I need to protect my face (plus I'm not so lame anymore and don't feel the need to look tan -- despite living in LA). Next up, a body lotion with SPF, but also with a nice scent. I think there is a baby powder one at Target!

2. Use caps - I used to write all friendly emails, texts, etc. in lowercase. I'm over this and am going back to proper English and grammer and punctuation. Even in texting I am using commas, caps and spelling most words out.

3. Get a haircut - Frick frack, it sure has been a long time since I got my hair cut...but I found the perfect place in LA. Great reviews, covered on Daily Candy and affordable! When I get paid next, I am making an appointment! Done!

4. Try out liquid eyeliner - I've done the all-over eyeliner thing and I don't think it works for my eyes (or maybe I just don't know how to do it), but I have been trying out just liquid eyeliner on my top lids. I definitely need some practice and maybe a higher quality bottle, but so far it is a nice change to my makeup routine. Must read some articles online about applying it now, great.

5. Start a book...writing one - Last year I wanted to start writing a Bride Brain book (about that awful wedding I was in), but I had soooo much trouble with it. My mom has mentioned an interning book (not sure how this idea ever came around, but I've always liked it). I prefer writing personal experience stuff instead of creative fiction. I think I really want to start actually writing it, not like a serious book, but funnier yet still informative and personal. I can't say much, you might steal my idea. Maybe I should start with an outline or just jot ideas down? Something to feel like I'm working on it at least? :)

6. Work on screenplay - Oldest sister needs to kick my butt. I am going to add our notes to our main notes this weekend. It's a good idea and I like working with her.

Sooo...that's mostly it I think. In other news, I broke and added my dad as my Facebook friend since he has chosen not to reach out and add me! He's too cool or something I'm sure.

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