Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 276 - That's Life

I am deleting people from Facebook. I keep getting invites and random emailings from people when I don't even know them, talk to them or live in the same state. It's refreshing.

I watched the show Gelson is on. I didn't see him, but I had a hard time paying attention. It was so boring. Not even trashy, dumb good. Just dumb. And I can watch some pretty dumb stuff. It looks like it was shot in the '90s. I don't know if I can watch another episode to look for him again.

On the other hand, Degrassi was great! As usual. I can't wait for next week.

The Brit and I were going to try to hang out this weekend, but he's been swamped with projects, etc. He did ask to see me this afternoon, but Legal Eagle and I are going Halloween shopping and I needed to finish my work before. Plus I'm kind of annoyed with him. He just isn't making much of an effort and just says "I'd love to see you," "Can't wait to see you," etc. instead of actually trying to see me. I don't know how I feel about it, but I do know that not hearing from him in between dates is no longer acceptable. He said he'll text me early this next week to make plans, so we'll see. I didn't respond.

However, not hanging out with the Brit has been great for my productivity. I am ahead on work, able to blog and did some cleaning.

I can't wait to go shopping for my Halloween costume. No idea what I will be, but who cares!

That's all in my life.

Oh! Wait, I ran into Neighbor this week. Haven't seen him since sometime in August. He is still "with" the 19-year-old, although now she is 20. He wrote her a song for her birthday. He told me I should meet her because he thinks I'd really like her. Sorry, I don't hang out with 20-year-olds.

Now, that's all in my life.

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