Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 310 - Friday Night Catch Up

Oy, just finished work for the week. I mean, until tomorrow when I work again because I work every single day. I need to fix that.

So, what have I been up to?

Legal Eagle came up last weekend and we painted my place! I am so in love with it. The colors are fabulous! Next time the Brit is over I will ask him to take a picture and send it to me so I can post it because someone still hasn't worked on getting a new camera. And, as usual, it was fun catching up with LE. Schatzi, her cat, had to get his hair cut like a lion this week. It's adorable.

Valentine's Day was nice. The Brit cooked dinner and we watched a bad movie. We had a chocolate mousse thing for dessert and he even got me a rose. Oh, there was a little bump in the night at the beginning. He had to work on some thing for about 45 minutes at the start of the night. He was upset that I was upset. But I explained that I understood work stuff and was fine that he was doing that because I know he has to, but I didn't feel good about it. We resolved it and all was well.

I started working out again. Well, I went running one day. It's been rainy this week. But, it felt good and my knee had no problems.

Oh, I got my replacement tooth. My dentist was almost going to charge me even though I did nothing wrong! So, that sealed my decision to find a new dentist. Plus, my favorite assistant is gone and the new guy almost crushed my hand.

OK, time for me to do something, like sort my laundry that has been sitting here for way too long.

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