Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 154 - I'm Too Lazy For All That Work

"He's a tough cookie I think, but we will break him."

^Legal Eagle's thoughts on RJ

LE has been working hard for me while I've been in NY (more on that later). She's convinced RJ is somewhat shy/softspoken and we just need to crack him like we did John (a bartender in Cedar Rapids who we eventually won over about 7 months after we met him). I'm too impatient to wait 7 months, so LE has some plans brewing.

So...while we wait, here is some more I have learned about him:

- He has 3 younger sisters. A guy with sisters is very cute.

- One sister lives in NY. Double B mentioned RJ is visiting her soon after I mentioned my trip.

- The other two are 14-year-old twins!!! I'd be so great with teenage girls...or I'd be a horrible influence.

- He has a season pass to Disneyland. I don't want to talk about it, but here is how I responded:

"I shouldn't have to work for a guy who has a season pass to Disneyland."

- He doesn't just bring random girls home and is apparently a good guy, according to Double B.

- Isn't gay, in case you were wondering, because of the Disneyland thing.

- Plays softball, baseball, whatever.

- Sings in the shower. Did I mention we heard him last Saturday night when we were heading to LE's office Christmas party? He was singing, "Light My Fire." Good choice.

Now, if only RJ and I can hang out for more than 5 minutes, we might actually have fun and get to know each other.

Side note: I am now FB friends with Casey, Cappie and Double B who are friends with Mr. Kiss Me and he's written on their walls and I now have proof that I am way more adorable than his gf. Not that I care, but you know it's an ego boost. And not that looks are the only thing that matter, but I have no way of knowing if she is smart, funny, sweet, talented or anything, so I'm judging her on a picture.

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