Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 179 - Feeling Like Myself A Bit

It's been a rough week. Seriously. Actually, it's been a rough few months. I haven't felt like myself for a loooooong time.

I don't like to write about sucky stuff, so I'll keep it short, but after talking to everyone I'm close to and having a really helpful talk with Legal Eagle last night, I feel as close to my regular self as I have in quite some time. I finally feel like I have said everything I have wanted to say and that everyone I've talked to really listened to me and I was able to do the same. I feel lighter and I know that's a good sign.

And today was a really good Valentine's Day. Seriously. LE and I went shopping at Target for her gift for Double B and I had so much fun. I know, weird. Maybe it's because she got him a card from the children's section and it had us both dying, like we haven't laughed in a long time.

Then after a ton of cleaning, we went to lunch at the cafe up the hill and had turkey burgers. NOT burgers, but yummy turkey healthy of us! We then watched War of the Roses this afternoon which was good.

Basically, while I don't want to get into the details because it isn't my style on here, I finally feel like LE and I are back on track as friends. We definitely have had some ups and downs lately, but now I feel like we are back on the same page. And I feel like myself again or at least like I am getting back to being myself.

OK, enough of that...I'm only writing this to keep myself reminded of how I feel. More later!

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