Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 271 - Our First Fight

The Brit and I technically had our first fight.

Here's what went down:

We made plans on Tuesday to go out Thursday. He chose the day.

Thursday morning we talked about going out and he was all excited since he last saw me almost a week ago.

Thursday afternoon we talk some more and he slips in how tired he is (from not getting much sleep the night before and having a big lunch that day) and wants to reschedule.

I do not react nicely to any of this.

I text him back messages like "Let's not bother" in reference to rescheduling and "I'm obviously some sort of inconvenience to you." The conversation ends with that.

Then, I eventually break the ice (per Legal Eagle's advice) some time later after I've cooled off.

We talk, he continues to apologize and explain. I still don't really care for the excuse and whatever, but I think it's something we can get past.

All I need is for him to understand that he can't treat me that way and I think he's getting it. Well, he should since I told him that.

We'll see how things go from here, but he knows I'm not happy.

We're trying to work out getting together sometime, but I'm slammed with work the next two days.

I'll keep you updated.

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